Poster how can you ask such a question when you have already known the differences, but just in case you have forgotten let me remind you. Christians believe that if they do good works on earth and live a righteous life they will inherit Paradise while Muslims believe that if they commit havoc like suicide mission by killing thousands of innocent lives they will be giving 7wives in heaven (after death). You must agree with me that it's not all Muslims that are suicide bombers but all suicide bombers are Muslims Another difference is that when a Muslim man becomes more spiritual he becomes Boko Haram and the meaning is hatred of western education, but when a Christian becomes more spiritual, he becomes meek and want to do more righteous things perhaps some of you guys should look up some video in youtube about boko haram
I am a Christian and the only righteous work I know how to do is to labour to enter into rest of my Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has finished all works already. Posted: at 29-01-2011 02:29 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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christianity is founded and basablished on ONENESS of GOD the mightyed on three in one like a stereo , while ISLAM is firm est
 :Dnot true at all. Posted: at 29-01-2011 02:32 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Christianity and Islam are both offshoots of Judaism so yes, they are both similar. If you study their religious scrolls (bible and koran), they have a lot of similar stories and they both strongly believe in converting people with violence. The bloody jihad of Mohammed is no different from the numerous gory tales of mass genocide and ethnic cleansing that is succinctly depicted in the old testament where the jewish god supposedly instructed "his people" to go into other nations and kill all their men,women and children and on top of that, plunder their livestock and burn their cities to the ground. It is no different from the murderous crusaders of the roman catholic church and knight templars who put hundreds of thousands to the sword in the "name of the lord almighty".
Nuff said!
Christians have stopped the conversion by force. It is time Moslems do the same. Posted: at 29-01-2011 02:42 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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I will want every1 reading dis post to pay attention very carefully. Islam is derived from an arabic word which means PEACE, though there are some bad element who are tarnishing the religion due to ignorance. On the other hand, christianity is the religion of the followers of jesus christ. Thus, a muslim is a person who submit him/herself to the will of almighty Allah(GOD) and also follows the teaching and suna of the holy prophet muhammed (S.A.W) while a christian is a follower of jesus christ. In Islam, a muslim should believe in Allah (GOD) and all his prophets without making exception. A muslim bliv in all prophets including isa(jesus christ) but christians only bliv fully in jesus christ, many christians don't really bliv in moses thats why they make exception of old testament. Christians don't bliv in prophet muhammed at all. The main reason was that prophet muhammed was the only prophet from arab, this was the reason y the christians refuse him, now ask urself "is God message meant for the jews alone or the whole world" so must God bring out his prophet 4rm jew alone. I will continue shortly plz
Christians believe in God the Father and whom He sent, my Lord Jesus Christ. Christ Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God. Posted: at 29-01-2011 02:46 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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pls check your dictionary, no use naija pals bring problem weh you no fit solve!... because anything we say here can be used against our Xtian brothers and sister in the north.... abeg i dey sch for north o!
na only for not you see school go this kind people self Posted: at 29-01-2011 03:20 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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popo2009 at 29-01-2011 03:55 PM (14 years ago) (m) Plz lets not start such topic here, This is how Religious crisis starts. Posted: at 29-01-2011 03:55 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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When there is fire on the mountain, what do u do, stay or run ? Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:11 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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Me i am running Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:12 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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harold634 at 29-01-2011 04:25 PM (14 years ago) (m) Christianity is not a religion as many people claimed. christianity is the GOD kind of life impacted into human spirit. you can only have this kind of life the day you become born again. christianity is not what you can practise but is the way of life. religion is what someone can practise and try to abide by it and it doesn't work well. christianity is a free gift from GOD. what so ever is not from the living GOD who created heaven and earth which his messages are based upon love, peace, be your brothers keeper and love one another as he has loved us which is the greatest commandment. anything other one's are from the devil and that is why they always have crisis. the thief commet to steal and destroy and the JESUS has come to give us life that we might have it abudantly. ISLAM is from the devil. on the day of reckoning they shall weep and languish in hell. Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:25 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Christianity is not a religion as many people claimed. christianity is the GOD kind of life impacted into human spirit. you can only have this kind of life the day you become born again. christianity is not what you can practise but is the way of life. religion is what someone can practise and try to abide by it and it doesn't work well. christianity is a free gift from GOD. what so ever is not from the living GOD who created heaven and earth which his messages are based upon love, peace, be your brothers keeper and love one another as he has loved us which is the greatest commandment. anything other one's are from the devil and that is why they always have crisis. the thief commet to steal and destroy and the JESUS has come to give us life that we might have it abudantly. ISLAM is from the devil. on the day of reckoning they shall weep and languish in hell.
i luv all d red! Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:43 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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lanudja at 29-01-2011 04:46 PM (14 years ago) (f) Hmmmmm Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:46 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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But how com ppl judge sombody by their religion?? i no undastand ooo Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:51 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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mofoluwaso at 29-01-2011 04:54 PM (14 years ago) (m) u r foolish! wat stupid question is dis? Posted: at 29-01-2011 04:54 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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u r foolish! wat stupid question is dis?
r u talkin to me or d poster? Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:09 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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interpo77 at 29-01-2011 05:11 PM (14 years ago) (m) Poster how can you ask such a question when you have already known the differences, but just in case you have forgotten let me remind you. Christians believe that if they do good works on earth and live a righteous life they will inherit Paradise while Muslims believe that if they commit havoc like suicide mission by killing thousands of innocent lives they will be giving 7wives in heaven (after death). You must agree with me that it's not all Muslims that are suicide bombers but all suicide bombers are Muslims Another difference is that when a Muslim man becomes more spiritual he becomes Boko Haram and the meaning is hatred of western education, but when a Christian becomes more spiritual, he becomes meek and want to do more righteous things perhaps some of you guys should look up some video in youtube about boko haram
this is exactly what i told the poster nd one nonsence guy here was messing up all thses husa muslim wouldnt welcome the realities of their religion. they claim being gud but killes pple like hunger,hold nations with out passion, matchete, bomb guns etc .there re the religious weapon of muslem while xtian has only bible as their weapon. Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:11 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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interpo77 at 29-01-2011 05:13 PM (14 years ago) (m) But how com ppl judge sombody by their religion?? i no undastand ooo
wapa como estas. how u doing? Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:13 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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u r foolish! wat stupid question is dis?
r u talkin to me or d poster? lol i dont think that was meant 4 u fly Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:14 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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Dikason32 at 29-01-2011 05:19 PM (14 years ago) (m) The difference is that christians are wicked to their fellow christians while muslims are wicked to non christians! Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:19 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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But how com ppl judge sombody by their religion?? i no undastand ooo
wapa como estas. how u doing? am fine dear and u ?? Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:27 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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u r foolish! wat stupid question is dis?
r u talkin to me or d poster? lol i dont think that was meant 4 u fly i hope not.... how u dey ?? Posted: at 29-01-2011 05:27 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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