SENTIMAL at 30-04-2011 03:10 PM (13 years ago) (m) While d living testifies, d dead are d evidences. Posted: at 30-04-2011 03:10 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Caditech at 30-04-2011 03:24 PM (13 years ago) (m) Can't we all just get along? Truly, We'Ve Got To Live Together by "My Uncle" - Chinyeaka says it all. A a song that calls on all Nigerians to unite to fight all enemies of disunity. Check it out at Posted: at 30-04-2011 03:24 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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thank GOD for your life girl. Posted: at 30-04-2011 03:31 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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toibeli at 30-04-2011 03:56 PM (13 years ago) (m) Bless your heart! that was quite an ordeal. may the good Lord continue to bless you. Posted: at 30-04-2011 03:56 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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smile4emma at 30-04-2011 03:59 PM (13 years ago) (m) eeeeeeeiiiiiyyyyyyyya sorry about the bush Posted: at 30-04-2011 03:59 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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hyvonne at 30-04-2011 04:03 PM (13 years ago) (f) my GOD! dis world is really wicked and mostly the Hausa,why the killings? well THANK GOD for sparing your life Posted: at 30-04-2011 04:03 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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adah23 at 30-04-2011 04:27 PM (13 years ago) (m) God is going to punished them Posted: at 30-04-2011 04:27 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ajanni at 30-04-2011 05:23 PM (13 years ago) (m) GOD we thank thee Posted: at 30-04-2011 05:23 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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olooworlay at 30-04-2011 05:31 PM (13 years ago) (m) u owe him much more dan u can eva give Posted: at 30-04-2011 05:31 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Well obviously. Muslims are the sons of Satan (also called Allah). Satan's Quran preaches hatred and murder. They don't have two bits of sense. They follow Muhammad's example of terrorism and murder. They're insane. Islam is the greatest evil ever to curse the earth Posted: at 30-04-2011 05:34 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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olooworlay at 30-04-2011 06:01 PM (13 years ago) (m) Well obviously. Muslims are the sons of Satan (also called Allah). Satan's Quran preaches hatred and murder. They don't have two bits of sense. They follow Muhammad's example of terrorism and murder. They're insane. Islam is the greatest evil ever to curse the earth
pls stop sayin dis cos u are about causin dis-unity...all muslims are nt d same, its d ignorant ones dat carry out such inhuman act. Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:01 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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cadanre at 30-04-2011 06:12 PM (13 years ago) (f) Thank God since you escape with your life, many Muslims in Zonkwa and Zangon Kataf could not make it as more than 1,000 Muslims were killed some burnt to ashes by your fellow Christians.
IN ZAKA FADI, FADI GASKIYA, KOMAI TA JA MA A YI MAKA Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:12 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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Thank God since you escape with your life, many Muslims in Zonkwa and Zangon Kataf could not make it as more than 1,000 Muslims were killed some burnt to ashes by your fellow Christians.
Islam truly sucks. This disease of the mind should be stopped before it is too late, otherwise humanity will no longer be as it is today, it will make animals out of people, but even more stupid - animals have more sense than to follow such stupidity such as islam. Mohamed was an unholy pedophile who raped his child wife Aisha when she was only 9 years old. Disgusting so-called religion it makes people become like zombies Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:14 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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toibeli at 30-04-2011 06:19 PM (13 years ago) (m) Well obviously. Muslims are the sons of Satan (also called Allah). Satan's Quran preaches hatred and murder. They don't have two bits of sense. They follow Muhammad's example of terrorism and murder. They're insane. Islam is the greatest evil ever to curse the earth
pls stop sayin dis cos u are about causin dis-unity...all muslims are nt d same, its d ignorant ones dat carry out such inhuman act. I completely agree with you my brother, but it is difficult to separate the good ones from the bad. Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:19 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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JACKyOFFF at 30-04-2011 06:24 PM (13 years ago) (m) Lucky u babes,,,,Aboki for don smoke you by now,,make u go thank God ooo,,,the Virus that spreed all the way from middle east to Hausa ppl,,they are foolish ppl, dont mind them Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:24 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Well obviously. Muslims are the sons of Satan (also called Allah). Satan's Quran preaches hatred and murder. They don't have two bits of sense. They follow Muhammad's example of terrorism and murder. They're insane. Islam is the greatest evil ever to curse the earth
you are ryt! the muslims believed their prophet went to a holy war! can a war be holy?pls stop sayin dis cos u are about causin dis-unity...all muslims are nt d same, its d ignorant ones dat carry out such inhuman act. Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:29 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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GOD we thank thee
from day one Muslim are the problems that we nigeria have up-till now Posted: at 30-04-2011 06:37 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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ajanni at 30-04-2011 07:01 PM (13 years ago) (m) Thank God since you escape with your life, many Muslims in Zonkwa and Zangon Kataf could not make it as more than 1,000 Muslims were killed some burnt to ashes by your fellow Christians.
INNA LILAH WA INNA ILEHI RAJIHUNA Posted: at 30-04-2011 07:01 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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esteille at 30-04-2011 07:14 PM (13 years ago) (f) my dear thank God for ur life & dont foret the Lord that saved you from these evil ones called the northerners Posted: at 30-04-2011 07:14 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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ajanni at 30-04-2011 07:32 PM (13 years ago) (m) GOD we thank thee
from day one Muslim are the problems that we nigeria have up-till now
you are a lier as always , you that badboy Posted: at 30-04-2011 07:32 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master | |
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