Why do I keep hearing about May 21? Family Radio, a group of Christian radio stations, has sponsored the big push for this year's Judgment Day, when it says Jesus will come down to destroy Earth and save his true believers (according to Family Radio, approximately three percent of the current world population). Apparently there's some money behind the campaign, too, because it's bought out advertising everywhere from New York City subways to highways across the Deep South. "I've had people asking me what these billboards are all about," says James P. Byrd, an associate dean at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville. "I can't recall any kind of date setting that's gotten so much attention in recent years."
The billboards dot roadsides worldwide and a fleet of buses spent months crisscrossing the United States -- all to announce that Judgment Day will occur this Saturday, May 21, with the end of the world following on Oct. 21.
The proposed dates are courtesy of Harold Camping, the eccentric 89-year-old author, radio personality and president of California-based Family Radio. He says the rapture will take place Saturday.
Camping says he derives the May 21 date by starting with God's promise to Noah in Genesis 7:4 to send a flood in seven days. He claims he also calculated the exact day of the biblical flood. He then paired that information with 2 Peter 3:8, which states "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years." Thus, Camping says, the seven days in Genesis 7:4 really signifies 7,000 years, and starting from the first day of the flood, 7,000 years adds up to May 21, 2011.
And as farfetched as those calculations seem, many have bought into Camping's prediction. They do this despite Camping's already poor record for predictions. He previously claimed Judgment Day would occur in September of 1994. When that date passed without incident, he recalculated and eventually settled on the current date. He may do the same after May 21.
My Advice Please stay close to your loved ones today, possibly Indoors, for those unmarried, Please avoid your male/female friends. Say no Evil Do No Evil Today In case the world Ends! No man knows the Hour or Time.
Posted: at 20-05-2011 02:24 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
japhethjeff at 20-05-2011 02:24 PM (13 years ago) (m)
no be me talk am na only copy and paste............
Posted: at 20-05-2011 02:24 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
dear country people no body knows when the Lord is coming back again, all u have to do is to get prepared and amend your ways because he will come like a thief in the night it may be any time BUT no body knows
Posted: at 20-05-2011 02:28 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
The Bible says He will come like a thief in the night
He better not, atleast not in Nigeria. Else, those vigilantes might mistake him for one and he might end up dying again. This time however, it will not be on the cross. It would be through burning tyres. Abeg you Jesu, no try to come like a thief to Naija. Naija people wicked pass Jews and Romans people o.
Posted: at 21-05-2011 06:38 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
My fellosis and congosis, rapture has started rapturing. The seas are giving their dead already. I hear say bin laden self is readying to be raptured. Rapture ko, vulture ni.
Posted: at 21-05-2011 06:43 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
shaoyang at 21-05-2011 07:40 AM (13 years ago) (m)
I am still waiting... they sais ita gonn be by 6:pm today right?. I don ea belle full, iron my cloths, pack my bag... in readiness for the journey ahead...... Halleluyah!
Posted: at 21-05-2011 07:40 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
No human knows the world's manufacturing date So One knows its expiry date either, Crazy Oyinbo pple..... I beg mak i call my babe make we flex jwOoooo.
i'm not here 2exchange words. Check the next door!!!
Posted: at 21-05-2011 08:20 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac