@Poster abeg help me confirm from pastor Adeboye if him go follow jesus like a thief go heaven so that i go secure one of him jet......me i never won go heaven now may next time. hahahahaha.............ole, thief who be thief here? poster, prophet, pastor Adeboye. please explain well. my hand is clean. and if you mean Jesus, i no follow oo I dont owe you any explanation..........understand?
A LITTLE HELP HERE; A LITTLE HELP THERE, MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! Posted: at 21-05-2011 01:17 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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lol........hilarious please i take God beg you. stop hovering over God and Jesus relationship or do you think you will be free if they quarell. your attention is not yet needed please; so relax and face your business. don't worry yourself. in due time we will call you Posted: at 21-05-2011 01:22 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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trolling at 21-05-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago) (m) From what I read this day will come like a thief in the night so how would anybody know. Posted: at 21-05-2011 01:37 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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maryclaret at 21-05-2011 02:09 PM (13 years ago) (f) Ok, Family Radio has done it again. They came with the same story back in 1994 saying that the world would end then. The man behind this, Harold Camping, said he had miscalculated in 1994 but that he is sure it will happen today by6pm Eastern Time. All I can do is laugh. The Bible says that no one knows when that time will be, not even the son, Jesus Christ. So how in this God-forsaken world would a mere mortal know?!! Make una carry una deception dey go MSCHEWWWWW And the saddest part is that this guy has so many people believing this nonsense. This is really a bad look on Christians and I believe it will somehow make people to see Christians as a joke because come the end of today, nothing happens, nonbelievers will just be laughing and mocking Christians. They really need to stop..SMH
Ada Mbaise Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:09 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Innoutt at 21-05-2011 02:11 PM (13 years ago) (m) From what I read this day will come like a thief in the night so how would anybody know.
you are just right by me , no need stress and distraction. Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:11 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Innoutt at 21-05-2011 02:29 PM (13 years ago) (m) Ok, Family Radio has done it again. They came with the same story back in 1994 saying that the world would end then. The man behind this, Harold Camping, said he had miscalculated in 1994 but that he is sure it will happen today by6pm Eastern Time. All I can do is laugh. The Bible says that no one knows when that time will be, not even the son, Jesus Christ. So how in this God-forsaken world would a mere mortal know?!! Make una carry una deception dey go MSCHEWWWWW And the saddest part is that this guy has so many people believing this nonsense. This is really a bad look on Christians and I believe it will somehow make people to see Christians as a joke because come the end of today, nothing happens, nonbelievers will just be laughing and mocking Christians. They really need to stop..SMH
just this 'MSCHEWWWWW' is enough. some people must be ready, others must be late, prophets must be prophesying, liars as well, some people must be deceived, nothing will change the truth even the look. anybody that get tired have the right to retire. Gods day belong to God, Gods word belong to Him. only God knows this ONE. every prophet should rest. they can retire to telling people that their mother is a witch. my mother will never be a witch and i will never kill her in Jesus name. AMEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:29 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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trolling at 21-05-2011 02:31 PM (13 years ago) (m) But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And KNEW NOT until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:31 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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This is ignorance and foolishness to set date for the coming of the Lord. We should mind our own business and leave the Father's business alone. Let us preach the gospel. We are not doing this rather we are busy about things He did not command. Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:33 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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toibeli at 21-05-2011 02:55 PM (13 years ago) (m) Complete nonsense. These are bunch of religious fanatics seeking attention. Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:55 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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KINGJHOE at 21-05-2011 02:58 PM (13 years ago) (m) 10PM IN ASIA +8GMT...NOTHING DEY HAPPEN... Posted: at 21-05-2011 02:58 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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toibeli at 21-05-2011 03:00 PM (13 years ago) (m) This same religious sect predicted doomsday in 1994, but we are still here Posted: at 21-05-2011 03:00 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Time keeper
A LITTLE HELP HERE; A LITTLE HELP THERE, MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND! Posted: at 21-05-2011 03:02 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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MBLUE at 21-05-2011 04:18 PM (13 years ago) (f) The Bible says He will come like a thief in the night
He better not, atleast not in Nigeria. Else, those vigilantes might mistake him for one and he might end up dying again. This time however, it will not be on the cross. It would be through burning tyres. Abeg you Jesu, no try to come like a thief to Naija. Naija people wicked pass Jews and Romans people o. my dear be serious, dnt joke about dis tins. it might be true Posted: at 21-05-2011 04:18 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Its false alarm that world end in 2011 read Ezekiel 33: 1-9 John 8:32 Matthew 24:36-45 in Bible. Dial (+234) 08187370514 or send I need information to [email protected] for clearance. Ezekiel 33:7 So thou, O son of man (Evangelist, Eludoyin-Awofe .S.O ), I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel (Whole world wide) Posted: at 21-05-2011 04:26 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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kbaba0007 at 21-05-2011 05:52 PM (13 years ago) (m) send me confirmation day,sinc na u be olofofo wey dey cary ijebu news....................... Posted: at 21-05-2011 05:52 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Wu dey post dz rubbish Posted: at 21-05-2011 06:08 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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kahyordey at 21-05-2011 06:37 PM (13 years ago) (m) i pray dat rumour does not throw all the world into anxiety Posted: at 21-05-2011 06:37 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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interpo77 at 21-05-2011 07:20 PM (13 years ago) (m) for me the simple truth one has to derive from this is, just amend ur ways do according to our lord,s word,it is only jehovah God knows when he is coming again be carefull n dont be decieved Posted: at 21-05-2011 07:20 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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cadanre at 21-05-2011 07:24 PM (13 years ago) (f) This doomsayer is wrong again, just like in the 1994 doomslie.
IN ZAKA FADI, FADI GASKIYA, KOMAI TA JA MA A YI MAKA Posted: at 21-05-2011 07:24 PM (13 years ago) | Hero | |
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Av got a big exam on Monday i was hoping i wudnt have to do it... Posted: at 21-05-2011 07:44 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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