HSBC Closes RCCG Bank Account In USA; Dont Want To Deal With Nigerians (Page 5)

Date: 12-07-2011 5:19 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- estilizo at 14-07-2011 04:23 AM (13 years ago)
hnmmmmmm,whatever for,now they made their point clear,no deals with nigerians,so nigerians build your tent else where,to hell with the bank

Posted: at 14-07-2011 04:23 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- KINGJHOE at 14-07-2011 04:55 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 14-07-2011 04:55 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- whitedove255 at 14-07-2011 09:49 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: donuche on 14-07-2011 12:43 AM
Quote from: Enviberry on 13-07-2011 11:41 PM
what do you expect, when there is too much frauds and stuff in Nigeria. So i wont blame them. Grin Grin Grin

so american do not have a lot of fraudsters or wat are u trying to tell me here?.i do not condone fraudulent activities but they should also stop making it look like say na them holly pass.

i wonder oooo
Posted: at 14-07-2011 09:49 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- succee at 14-07-2011 10:08 AM (13 years ago)
just passing
Posted: at 14-07-2011 10:08 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- laydeelaracraft at 14-07-2011 11:02 AM (13 years ago)
Ppl r too quick to judge. As a rule, banks cant comment on individual cases due to data protection laws. It is not like they didnt realise that rccg is nigerian wen they started doing business with them.
Posted: at 14-07-2011 11:02 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- olalekansuleman at 14-07-2011 11:27 AM (13 years ago)
let them goooooooo , HSBC what is that mein .don't want to Deal With Nigerians why goooooooooooooooo and fukkkkkkkkkk you too with your poor bank you have........phyuk youuuuuuuuuuu with your bank , why you Nigeria us to give this people to make you like you are noting , and there are making there money from Nigeria so phyuk you and phyuk you and phyuk you HSBC Bank In USA........
Posted: at 14-07-2011 11:27 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- MilleniumMan at 14-07-2011 11:29 AM (13 years ago)
That's stupid and racism on the part of the bank.
Posted: at 14-07-2011 11:29 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- olalekansuleman at 14-07-2011 11:31 AM (13 years ago)
let them goooooooo , HSBC what is that mein .don't want to Deal With Nigerians why goooooooooooooooo and fukkkkkkkkkk you too with your poor bank you have........phyuk youuuuuuuuuuu with your bank , why you Nigeria us to give this people to make you like you are noting , and there are making there money from Nigeria so phyuk you and phyuk you and phyuk you HSBC Bank In USA........
Posted: at 14-07-2011 11:31 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Sir_Finest at 14-07-2011 12:11 PM (13 years ago)
What is all the noise about now!!!! Lets be real Nigeria is not reliable now so why acting surprise
Posted: at 14-07-2011 12:11 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- vantheo at 14-07-2011 01:26 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: olalekansuleman on 14-07-2011 11:31 AM
let them goooooooo , HSBC what is that mein .don't want to Deal With Nigerians why goooooooooooooooo and fukkkkkkkkkk you too with your poor bank you have........fcuk youuuuuuuuuuu with your bank , why you Nigeria us to give this people to make you like you are noting , and there are making there money from Nigeria so fcuk you and fcuk you and fcuk you HSBC Bank In USA........
abeg pass me dat tin wey you dey smoke

Posted: at 14-07-2011 01:26 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- fixmitman at 14-07-2011 01:30 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 14-07-2011 01:30 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- eskor9 at 14-07-2011 04:22 PM (13 years ago)
ok i have heard.
Posted: at 14-07-2011 04:22 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- mikemc at 14-07-2011 10:19 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: maryclaret on 12-07-2011 06:27 PM
What are they trying to say? It's quite clear what they're trying to say: They do not want to do business with Nigerians. Hmm...wonder why (NOT REALLY). This is what bad eggs abroad are doing to good Nigerians with good intentions. Forget the saying, "One rotten egg spoils the bunch." This is more like: many rotten eggs spoils the few cause it's just too much.

mary, are you trying to make us to understand that the crime Nigerians does is more than the crime Americans does?

HSBC must accept the fact that this is pure racist if the story happen to be true
Posted: at 14-07-2011 10:19 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- jcmaiah at 15-07-2011 04:53 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Ask_For_Email on 13-07-2011 12:37 AM
Quote from: deboalabi262 on 13-07-2011 12:24 AM
For every action, there would be a reaction. Let's wait and see....

Stop bluffing. Like your going to call up the bank and withdraw your money. Trust me they don't need you, or RCCG. Truth is you don't have economic leverage/power to make them think twice about it.

<p>And If you wanted to withdraw whatever money you had with the bank, not only would I have em give you your money, I'll advice them to hire goons to beat your black ass on your way out.  Just shut up, continue drinking your garri and don't speak on what you can't back up.
you talk like a kid. Is there any sense in what you just said? Why are you eating yourself up? Someone said action gives a reaction and you are killing yourself. Sorry dude, We are use to people like on this site. You are just a broiler. Anù òfia 
Posted: at 15-07-2011 04:53 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Lekan22 at 16-07-2011 08:38 AM (13 years ago)
Their loss.
Posted: at 16-07-2011 08:38 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- francissonnypiu at 18-07-2011 01:23 PM (13 years ago)
thank very much my brother.threre must be a reason that? 
Posted: at 18-07-2011 01:23 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- saintdav76 at 29-10-2011 09:58 AM (13 years ago)
Can any body tell what dis guy wrote?
Posted: at 29-10-2011 09:58 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mallorca at 30-10-2011 02:53 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: vantheo on 14-07-2011 01:26 PM
Quote from: olalekansuleman on 14-07-2011 11:31 AM
let them goooooooo , HSBC what is that mein .don't want to Deal With Nigerians why goooooooooooooooo and fukkkkkkkkkk you too with your poor bank you have........fcuk youuuuuuuuuuu with your bank , why you Nigeria us to give this people to make you like you are noting , and there are making there money from Nigeria so fcuk you and fcuk you and fcuk you HSBC Bank In USA........
abeg pass me dat tin wey you dey smoke
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 30-10-2011 02:53 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 30-10-2011 05:11 PM (13 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 30-10-2011 05:11 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Babiel at 4-01-2013 07:18 AM (12 years ago)
Why is it that some banks are still not afraid to do illegal banking transactions despite the banking laws? It is sad to hear that three areas in the Atlanta, Ga., area have submitted a lawsuit against the British bank HSBC over accusations that the financial institution aggressively pushed minority groups into signing on for sub prime mortgage loans that were likely to fail. Court documents state that the Atlanta-area areas of Fulton, DeKalb and Cobb misplaced hundreds of millions of dollars in additional expenditures and tax base damage, reports The Huffington Post. (500 money loan with easy payment plans)
Posted: at 4-01-2013 07:18 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
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