Is NAIJAPALS promoting National Disunity? (Page 6)

Date: 13-03-2012 12:01 pm (12 years ago) | Author: C.S
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- FinlandGuy at 14-03-2012 12:03 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: idoncome on 13-03-2012 01:38 PM
Thank you poster for bringing about this issue, Ive tried several times to post here but have not been able to do so.
I have some issues to clear here:
 Muslims are not terrorists, all that is happening are the west's hypocrites, I'm not here to defend any militant group, in fact i feel sad whenever BH carry out their bloody attacks in 9ja for 2 reasons, 1- for killing innocent souls. 2- for tarnishing the image of my holy religion. But why did I say the west started it? Let's take the case of Iraq for instance, what was their crime b4 USA bombarded them and killed millions of Iraqi Muslims? those people fighting and bombing in Iraq are doing so bcos of fraustration, imagine a man opening his eyes while all his family members were wiped out by US bomb, what has the ICC done about it since then? the nuclear weapon they claim they have, did they find it? So also Palestine, what is Israel doing to them on their land? A german Muslim writes this:
"Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Muslims? Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ?? Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?? Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Muslims?? Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in South America? Muslims?? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?? No, they weren't Muslims!!! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something is crime. But if a Muslim does the same...He is terrorist...If a Jew leaves his bears, he simply is practicing his religion, but if a Muslim leaves his bears, he is a terrorist. If a Nun wears her scarf and covers herself up she is modest, but if a Muslim woman wears her hijab she simply is deprived and so on and on and on. So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!...........Who killed more than 20 million Congolese? Muslims? No they were killed by the greedy Aristocrats of Belgium/Europe. Who are the ones plotting to topple legitimate governments and replace them with puppets to loot and plunder, Muslims? No they are USA, Britain and France deploying state terrorism as foreign policies."

We need to live in harmony in Nigeria and to join hands together in stoping all the killings but NAIJAPALS is not helping with lack of administrative screening of posts and comments b4 getting them posted.

Me and you will live in harmony? what are we harmonizing with bombs all over you? With daga and jack knife around you? With guys all over you? With koran by ur side as you director? With killing and fighting people who does not believe in your faith.

God Forbid,until muslims are completed eradicated in the World it will never be in peaceful place to live in.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 12:03 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- FinlandGuy at 14-03-2012 12:08 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: missattitude on 13-03-2012 09:25 PM
[color=purple]Poster 10x alot,may God bless u nd continue 2 enrich u.we re looking 4 more ppl lyk u.av tried so many tyms to post a topic here but i dunno aw 2 go abt it.there is an adage dat says"TOGEDA WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL".we can only make Nigeria a great nation if only we come togeda nd live in peace.dnt let all this happening around us nw,make us regret 4eva.sorrows may last for the nite but everlasting joy will come in the morning.lets just be patient nd remain steadfast.[/color]

Since 51yrs now we are staying together,yet we no fit stand and we keep falling every day by day,so lets try division and Divide,maybe will go stand if we Divide.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 12:08 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Lucas10 at 14-03-2012 12:41 AM (12 years ago)
Laugh want kill me ohhhhhhhhhhhhh...this your comment make me laugh and laugh
Posted: at 14-03-2012 12:41 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- missattitude at 14-03-2012 12:53 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: FinlandGuy on 14-03-2012 12:08 AM
Since 51yrs now we are staying together,yet we no fit stand and we keep falling every day by day,so lets try division and Divide,maybe will go stand if we Divide.
[size=14pt]Patience is a virtue my dear,its nt aw long but aw well.i blv Nigeria can be a greater nation if we all come 2geda as 1blood nd live in harmony.try 2 think abt d story of king Solomon nd d two prostitutes in d bible nd try 2 view it wit wat we re talking abt.NIGERIA cant be a beta nation if we divide.we can all cum 2geda and make nigeria a great nation.[/size]
Posted: at 14-03-2012 12:53 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- TheMainMan at 14-03-2012 01:12 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: FinlandGuy on 14-03-2012 12:03 AM
Me and you will live in harmony? what are we harmonizing with bombs all over you? With daga and jack knife around you? With guys all over you? With koran by ur side as you director? With killing and fighting people who does not believe in your faith.

God Forbid,until muslims are completed eradicated in the World it will never be in peaceful place to live in.

hey u mr finland or watever u call ur name. Enough with your abuses. We ar working wit oneanoda to promoting peace and unity yet u are raining curses and hatred about another person's tribe and religion thereby inciting violence.

Is dat wat your Bible teaches, u are just busy damaging d image of ur religion. Change ur ways before it is too late.

Action speaks beta dan voice. if really u are a good religious person as u claim, u wont dare promote mischief and disharmony as your slogan 
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:12 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Ominiscience at 14-03-2012 01:16 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: missattitude on 14-03-2012 12:53 AM
[size=14pt]Patience is a virtue my dear,its nt aw long but aw well.i blv Nigeria can be a greater nation if we all come 2geda as 1blood nd live in harmony.try 2 think abt d story of king Solomon nd d two prostitutes in d bible nd try 2 view it wit wat we re talking abt.NIGERIA cant be a beta nation if we divide.we can all cum 2geda and make nigeria a great nation.[/size]

How are we not together now? see bombs falling every day like manner from heaven
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:16 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Senegal at 14-03-2012 01:16 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: idoncome on 13-03-2012 01:38 PM
Thank you poster for bringing about this issue, Ive tried several times to post here but have not been able to do so.
I have some issues to clear here:
 Muslims are not terrorists, all that is happening are the west's hypocrites, I'm not here to defend any militant group, in fact i feel sad whenever BH carry out their bloody attacks in 9ja for 2 reasons, 1- for killing innocent souls. 2- for tarnishing the image of my holy religion. But why did I say the west started it? Let's take the case of Iraq for instance, what was their crime b4 USA bombarded them and killed millions of Iraqi Muslims? those people fighting and bombing in Iraq are doing so bcos of fraustration, imagine a man opening his eyes while all his family members were wiped out by US bomb, what has the ICC done about it since then? the nuclear weapon they claim they have, did they find it? So also Palestine, what is Israel doing to them on their land? A german Muslim writes this:
"Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Muslims? Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ?? Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?? Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Muslims?? Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in South America? Muslims?? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?? No, they weren't Muslims!!! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something is crime. But if a Muslim does the same...He is terrorist...If a Jew leaves his bears, he simply is practicing his religion, but if a Muslim leaves his bears, he is a terrorist. If a Nun wears her scarf and covers herself up she is modest, but if a Muslim woman wears her hijab she simply is deprived and so on and on and on. So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!...........Who killed more than 20 million Congolese? Muslims? No they were killed by the greedy Aristocrats of Belgium/Europe. Who are the ones plotting to topple legitimate governments and replace them with puppets to loot and plunder, Muslims? No they are USA, Britain and France deploying state terrorism as foreign policies."

We need to live in harmony in Nigeria and to join hands together in stoping all the killings but NAIJAPALS is not helping with lack of administrative screening of posts and comments b4 getting them posted.

Shut your stinking mouth. Terrorist
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:16 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- Senegal at 14-03-2012 01:20 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: TheMainMan on 13-03-2012 02:53 PM
Y do u derive pleasure abusing d muslims. Y do u enjoin provocating people and causing pain and distress. Y do u love propagating enmity and damaging d reputation and teachings of ur religion. U are beta dan dis. GOD is All-Forgiving, u can change b4 it is too late. Dat was how u were talking bad abt Holy Prophet Muhammed (SAW). Av u ever seen a Muslim abusing Jesus and the Bible. Islam promotes peace and respect to other people's religion. More and more muslims av died from bloody BokoHaram devil group, yet some people think it is an Islamic entity.
The US are the King of Terrorists. They kill innocent children, adults and steal valuable resources in the name of religion. They support countries (Isreal) in killing innocent children and adults in Palestine with d intent of stealing dere valuable oil and land under d cover of religion. They claim dat d Bible order dem to do so. D Bible will neva order murder and theft. We all know it is bcos of material gain.
Just recently, d US strategically burn copies of the Holy Quran in Afghanistan with d intent of causing unrest and killing innocent children and people in having d opportunity of stealing dere valuable resources and subside any reprisal attacks.
 Just Yesterday, de killed 16 people of which 9 were children in the midnite because of the family amass wealth and power in Afghanistan. (source:   
 video inside)
 After if someone in dere family now revenge and bomb a place in America, d media we label dem "terrorist''.
I can see America strategising to amass Nigeria's oil wealth by killing innocent citizens both Muslim and Christians and causing hatred btw ourselves. Dis will make dem having excuse to come to Nigeria and stealing our wealth. De av even planned dat we will disintegrate in 2015 and they are working towards it.
In fact, most of the bad things and lies u hear about Islam in the media are just strategy to damage the reputation of Islam to bring a bad image.
However, because of God's promise, all the efforts by those evil media and falsehood propagandas are in vain because Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world (source from wikipedia and Guiness book of records. ) .

Shut your stinking mouth. You terrorist, whom are you trying to deceive?  You Son of the devil
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:20 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- missattitude at 14-03-2012 01:25 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Ominiscience on 14-03-2012 01:16 AM
How are we not together now? see bombs falling every day like manner from heaven
We just av 2 be patient.God is nt asleep.God's tym is d best.every1 is talking abt dividing Nigeria,dat wont help but worsen d situation.lets just blv everytyn dat is happening has a reason 4 happening.everyday is 4 d thief but 1day is 4 d owner of d aws.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:25 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Lucas10 at 14-03-2012 01:35 AM (12 years ago)
Even a mad man wants peace and does not want to be disturbed when sleeping. We all preach peace every day, yet we do the worst in reality. I would love to embrace peace, but not when i am forced to abandon my religion for fear of been killed. I would love to embrace peace, but not when my PLACE OF WORSHIP has turned to a battle field. I would love to embrace peace, but not my brothers and sisters die serving Nigeria(NYSC STUDENT).I would love to embrace peace but not when Our business are been destroyed for no just cause. I would love to embrace peace, but not when Mothers, fathers and children are been killed while sleeping. I would love to embrace peace but not when my freedom is been defined by a particular religion. I would love to embrace peace, but not when there is no love and tolerance in the hearts of many. How can we all claim to be loving and caring, but in reality we are going through hell? Naijapals is definitely not the problem of Nigeria. As a matter of fact, it's the only place we can express our feelings without been killed (even though I’ve received loads of death threat). The truth of the matter is this; WE ARE GOING THROUGH HELL. It has come to a point where families have made decisions not to go to church again. They would rather pray at home than go to church. Who says the war in Nigeria is a political war? Here is a question for you: how many politicians have been killed since the issue of boko haram started? Compare that to the daily slaughtering of Christians everywhere even in pubs, restaurants and churches. The only way peace can coexist among us to establish BASIC FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and that include freedom of speech. The voices of the people need to be heard, and something MUST be done about it. Our corrupt leaders MUST to serve our country in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. RELIGION should be individual choice and not imposed on anyone. We cannot fold our arms and watch our people been killed while we advocate peace. The word "peace" means
1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: .
4. Public security and order:
5. Inner contentment; serenity
Is that what we experience in our Nigeria today? Naijapals does not total the number of Nigeria population. If we want to PRACTISE peace, let us make it a reality and not mere word used to fool people. Our politicians talk about peace on daily basis, yet nothing is ever done. Religious leaders talk about peace, yet some of them secretly sponsor boko haram. If you think coming to naijapals to talk about peace would change reality, I urge you to think again. If you are against something, come out and condemn it instead of making excuses. Protest against it so that everyone can know your stand. Ever heard of the saying "practise what you preach"? It’s time to end the talking and do the working.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:35 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- TheMainMan at 14-03-2012 01:48 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: missattitude on 14-03-2012 01:25 AM
We just av 2 be patient.God is nt asleep.God's tym is d best.every1 is talking abt dividing Nigeria,dat wont help but worsen d situation.lets just blv everytyn dat is happening has a reason 4 happening.everyday is 4 d thief but 1day is 4 d owner of d aws.

nice one miss attitude.Thanks for promoting peace. Wishin u d very best in life in all ur endeavours. May God accept ur prayers. Gud nite dear
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:48 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Lucas10 at 14-03-2012 01:49 AM (12 years ago)
Even a mad wants peace and does not want to be disturbed when sleeping. We all preach peace every day, yet we do the worst in reality. I would love to embrace peace, but not when i am forced to abandon my religion for fear of been killed. I would love to embrace peace, but not when my PLACE OF WORSHIP has turned to a battle field. I would love to embrace peace, but not my brothers and sisters die serving Nigeria(NYSC STUDENT).I would love to embrace peace but not when Our business are been destroyed for no just cause. I would love to embrace peace, but not when Mothers, fathers and children are been killed while sleeping. I would love to embrace peace but not when my freedom is been defined by a particular religion. I would love to embrace peace, but not when there is no love and tolerance in the hearts of many. How can we all claim to be loving and caring, but in reality we are going through hell? Naijapals is definitely not the problem of Nigeria. As a matter of fact, it's the only place we can express our feelings without been killed (even though I’ve received loads of death threat). The truth of the matter is this; WE ARE GOING THROUGH HELL. It has come to a point where families have made decisions not to go to church again. They would rather pray at home than go to church. Who says the war in Nigeria is a political war? Here is a question for you: how many politicians have been killed since the issue of boko haram started? Compare that to the daily slaughtering of Christians everywhere even in pubs, restaurants and churches. The only way peace can coexist among us to establish BASIC FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and that include freedom of speech. The voices of the people need to be heard, and something MUST be done about it. Our corrupt leaders MUST to serve our country in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. RELIGION should be individual choice and not imposed on anyone. We cannot fold our arms and watch our people been killed while we advocate peace. The word "peace" means
1. The absence of war or other hostilities.
2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities.
3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: .
4. Public security and order:
5. Inner contentment; serenity
Is that what we experience in our Nigeria today? Naijapals does not total the number of Nigeria population. If we want to PRACTISE peace, let us make it a reality and not mere word used to fool people. Our politicians talk about peace on daily basis, yet nothing is ever done. Religious leaders talk about peace, yet some of them secretly sponsor boko haram. If you think coming to naijapals to talk about peace would change reality, I urge you to think again. If you are against something, come out and condemn it instead of making excuses. Protest against it so that everyone can know your stand. Ever heard of the saying "practise what you preach"? It’s time to end the talking and do the working.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:49 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- TheMainMan at 14-03-2012 01:58 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Senegal on 14-03-2012 01:20 AM
Shut your stinking mouth. You terrorist, whom are you trying to deceive?  You Son of the devil

I wont abuse u bcos my religion preaches peace and abhors evil.

It seems u are from Senegal trying to cause mischief and war in Nigeria just like your country. U cant compare Lagos to your country talkless of a whole Nigeria.

If u are a Nigerian, Enough with your abuses. We ar working wit oneanoda to promoting peace and unity yet u are raining curses and hatred about another person's tribe and religion thereby inciting violence.

Is dat wat your Bible teaches, u are just busy damaging d image of ur religion. Change ur ways before it is too late.

Action speaks beta dan voice. if really u are a good person as u claim, u wont dare pursue mischief, unrest and disharmony as your aim and goal in this world.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 01:58 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- TheMainMan at 14-03-2012 02:00 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: missattitude on 14-03-2012 01:25 AM
We just av 2 be patient.God is nt asleep.God's tym is d best.every1 is talking abt dividing Nigeria,dat wont help but worsen d situation.lets just blv everytyn dat is happening has a reason 4 happening.everyday is 4 d thief but 1day is 4 d owner of d aws.

nice one miss attitude. Thanks for promoting peace. Wishin u d very best in all ur endeavours. May God accept ur prayers. Gud nite dear
Posted: at 14-03-2012 02:00 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- dejiroony at 14-03-2012 02:06 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: xter on 13-03-2012 12:46 PM
Its not naijapals, in up there in our brains.......hatred!
so true
Posted: at 14-03-2012 02:06 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- TheMainMan at 14-03-2012 02:25 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: missattitude on 14-03-2012 01:50 AM
10x swit.AMEN nd u 2.gudnyt 2 u 2.swit dreamz
Smiley Smiley Swit dreamz dearie. A friend is sweet wen it is new. And it is sweeter when it is new. But u know wat? It is sweetest when it is u.

Happy to av met a lovely, kind-hearted female like u. Wishing u joy, tranquility and success in whatever u do, as u enjoin good and forbid evil. May God's protection be upon u and your household.

 Sleep tite dear.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 02:25 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- missattitude at 14-03-2012 03:06 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: TheMainMan on 14-03-2012 02:25 AM
Smiley Smiley Swit dreamz dearie. A friend is sweet wen it is new. And it is sweeter when it is new. But u know wat? It is sweetest when it is u.

Happy to av met a lovely, kind-hearted female like u. Wishing u joy, tranquility and success in whatever u do, as u enjoin good and forbid evil. May God's protection be upon u and your household.

 Sleep tite dear.
hmmmm 10x swit*blushing*.I say a big AMEN to dat ns i wish u d same dear
Posted: at 14-03-2012 03:06 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- dinoiyke at 14-03-2012 03:19 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: idoncome on 13-03-2012 01:38 PM
Thank you poster for bringing about this issue, Ive tried several times to post here but have not been able to do so.
I have some issues to clear here:
 Muslims are not terrorists, all that is happening are the west's hypocrites, I'm not here to defend any militant group, in fact i feel sad whenever BH carry out their bloody attacks in 9ja for 2 reasons, 1- for killing innocent souls. 2- for tarnishing the image of my holy religion. But why did I say the west started it? Let's take the case of Iraq for instance, what was their crime b4 USA bombarded them and killed millions of Iraqi Muslims? those people fighting and bombing in Iraq are doing so bcos of fraustration, imagine a man opening his eyes while all his family members were wiped out by US bomb, what has the ICC done about it since then? the nuclear weapon they claim they have, did they find it? So also Palestine, what is Israel doing to them on their land? A german Muslim writes this:
"Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Muslims? Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ?? Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?? Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Muslims?? Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in South America? Muslims?? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?? No, they weren't Muslims!!! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something is crime. But if a Muslim does the same...He is terrorist...If a Jew leaves his bears, he simply is practicing his religion, but if a Muslim leaves his bears, he is a terrorist. If a Nun wears her scarf and covers herself up she is modest, but if a Muslim woman wears her hijab she simply is deprived and so on and on and on. So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!...........Who killed more than 20 million Congolese? Muslims? No they were killed by the greedy Aristocrats of Belgium/Europe. Who are the ones plotting to topple legitimate governments and replace them with puppets to loot and plunder, Muslims? No they are USA, Britain and France deploying state terrorism as foreign policies."

We need to live in harmony in Nigeria and to join hands together in stoping all the killings but NAIJAPALS is not helping with lack of administrative screening of posts and comments b4 getting them posted.

Brother im a christian but i support you on the issue of those western vultures the have no good intention for any african or arab country
Posted: at 14-03-2012 03:19 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- elshadai at 14-03-2012 03:54 AM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 14-03-2012 03:54 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- nametalkam at 14-03-2012 04:05 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: idoncome on 13-03-2012 01:38 PM
Thank you poster for bringing about this issue, Ive tried several times to post here but have not been able to do so.
I have some issues to clear here:
 Muslims are not terrorists, all that is happening are the west's hypocrites, I'm not here to defend any militant group, in fact i feel sad whenever BH carry out their bloody attacks in 9ja for 2 reasons, 1- for killing innocent souls. 2- for tarnishing the image of my holy religion. But why did I say the west started it? Let's take the case of Iraq for instance, what was their crime b4 USA bombarded them and killed millions of Iraqi Muslims? those people fighting and bombing in Iraq are doing so bcos of fraustration, imagine a man opening his eyes while all his family members were wiped out by US bomb, what has the ICC done about it since then? the nuclear weapon they claim they have, did they find it? So also Palestine, what is Israel doing to them on their land? A german Muslim writes this:
"Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Muslims? Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ?? Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?? Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Muslims?? Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in South America? Muslims?? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?? No, they weren't Muslims!!! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something is crime. But if a Muslim does the same...He is terrorist...If a Jew leaves his bears, he simply is practicing his religion, but if a Muslim leaves his bears, he is a terrorist. If a Nun wears her scarf and covers herself up she is modest, but if a Muslim woman wears her hijab she simply is deprived and so on and on and on. So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!...........Who killed more than 20 million Congolese? Muslims? No they were killed by the greedy Aristocrats of Belgium/Europe. Who are the ones plotting to topple legitimate governments and replace them with puppets to loot and plunder, Muslims? No they are USA, Britain and France deploying state terrorism as foreign policies."

We need to live in harmony in Nigeria and to join hands together in stoping all the killings but NAIJAPALS is not helping with lack of administrative screening of posts and comments b4 getting them posted.

Well, you have a point, I believe Naijapals allows freedom of speech, thats why your opinion was allowed. But seriously you make some valid points.

Posted: at 14-03-2012 04:05 AM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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