Sorry for calling you Dan Banza the last time. Now I am proposing to u, if you agree to marry me, you imagine how it will positively transform naijapals and the country at large
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Quote from: cadanre on 13-03-2012 01:05 PM This is one of the erring members. As someone is trying to stitch the torn apart members together you are busing throwing your blame against others. YOU better go and sleep. Sorry for calling you Dan Banza the last time. Now I am proposing to u, if you agree to marry me, you imagine how it will positively transform naijapals and the country at large
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Quote from: chidi24 on 13-03-2012 12:01 PM I feel so sad when i read so many comments here on Naijapals, I see hatered for one tribe or the other, ethnic bigotry and irrelevant abuses on one person, tribe or religion. I am asking, Where is the Unity we pray for all the time? This earth belongs to no one except God. It does not matter how large your village is because it is only a spot in the universe. LET US PRACTICE LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER, TOLERATE ONE ANOTHER AND FIGHT TO MAKE OUR COUNTRY GREAT. THE FAME OF NIGERIA IS DEPRECIATION DAY AFTER DAY. OUTSIDE NIGERIA, YOU ARE CALLED A NIGERIAN AND NOT HAUSA, IBO OR YORUBA. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. GOD bless you too , newbie
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ISLAM is EVIL (Darkeness) and Christianity and Judaism is light. Does light and darkness stay 2geda? ReplyI've always lived by 3 principles: 1. Honour ur God, 2. Love ur Family and 3. Defend your Country
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All these good Samaritans and preachers should stay clear cos my masquerade does not look at faces Reply
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Thiz iz called END OF DIZCUSION! Thankz bro Reply
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Quote from: Bachelorette on 13-03-2012 09:51 PM ISLAM is EVIL (Darkeness) and Christianity and Judaism is light. Does light and darkness stay 2geda? U see I dont even know your cause and goal in dis world. it seems u are tired of dis life. U dont even have any direction. Who told you Christianity and Judaism are d same. I think u are an atheist. Jews hate and will forever hate u guys eversince d birth of Jesus. No wonder why Hitler, a Christian German, killed and destroyed 6 Million Jews. They are d most evil people on earth and dat is Y the west rejected dem before Palestine accepted them. Ar present, bcos of America (Majorly Christians) has world power, de fear and cannot wage war on u christians. Thank God more and more naijapals av started embracing peace and has stopped spreading evil and bad rumours about other people's religion. @open_reality, u made a nice remark. Thank God we are now on d same view of stopping violence, tribalism, religious bigotry and promoting peace. Sorry if I offended u in any way. @biancaflexy, dont allow demonic and wicked people to tempt u in wrongfully doing atrocities. Instead, use it against them and spread the teachings of the bible which promote peace and forbid evil. U shouldnt support evil people like him but condemn him bcos he is an infidel abusing ur fellow christian "chidi" who loves peace. Chidi was d one dat started dis thread promoting peace with each other yet dis demonic scallywag imbecile came and started abusing and curse him. Please let us all change for d beta just like aw open_reality has done. PEACE must reign. All evil doers like this Bokoharammer supporter should go and book a ticket in Hell. Peace will always prevail.
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Quote from: open_reality on 13-03-2012 03:44 PM Even a mad wants peace and does not want to be disturbed when sleeping. We all preach peace every day, yet we do the worst in reality. I would love to embrace peace, but not when i am forced to abandon my religion for fear of been killed. I would love to embrace peace, but not when my PLACE OF WORSHIP has turned to a battle field. I would love to embrace peace, but not my brothers and sisters die serving Nigeria(NYSC STUDENT).I would love to embrace peace but not when Our business are been destroyed for no just cause. I would love to embrace peace, but not when Mothers, fathers and children are been killed while sleeping. I would love to embrace peace but not when my freedom is been defined by a particular religion. I would love to embrace peace, but not when there is no love and tolerance in the hearts of many. How can we all claim to be loving and caring, but in reality we are going through hell? Naijapals is definitely not the problem of Nigeria. As a matter of fact, it's the only place we can express our feelings without been killed (even though I’ve received loads of death threat). The truth of the matter is this; WE ARE GOING THROUGH HELL. It has come to a point where families have made decisions not to go to church again. They would rather pray at home than go to church. Who says the war in Nigeria is a political war? Here is a question for you: how many politicians have been killed since the issue of boko haram started? Compare that to the daily slaughtering of Christians everywhere even in pubs, restaurants and churches. The only way peace can coexist among us to establish BASIC FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and that include freedom of speech. The voices of the people need to be heard, and something MUST be done about it. Our corrupt leaders MUST to serve our country in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. RELIGION should be individual choice and not imposed on anyone. We cannot fold our arms and watch our people been killed while we advocate peace. The word "peace" means 1. The absence of war or other hostilities. 2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities. 3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: . 4. Public security and order: 5. Inner contentment; serenity Is that what we experience in our Nigeria today? Naijapals does not total the number of Nigeria population. If we want to PRACTISE peace, let us make it a reality and not mere word used to fool people. Our politicians talk about peace on daily basis, yet nothing is ever done. Religious leaders talk about peace, yet some of them secretly sponsor boko haram. If you think coming to naijapals to talk about peace would change reality, I urge you to think again. If you are against something, come out and condemn it instead of making excuses. Protest against it so that everyone can know your stand. Ever heard of the saying "practise what you preach"? It’s time to end the talking and do the working. WELL SAID SISTER REALITY, YOU'RE BLESSED. HE WHO HAS YOU HAVE MORE THAT ONE MILLION ABOKI'S PUT TOGETHER.......
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Quote from: TheMainMan on 13-03-2012 10:38 PM U see I dont even know your cause and goal in dis world. it seems u are tired of dis life. U dont even have any direction. Who told you Christianity and Judaism are d same. I think u are an atheist. Jews hate and will forever hate u guys eversince d birth of Jesus. No wonder why Hitler, a Christian German, killed and destroyed 6 Million Jews. They are d most evil people on earth and dat is Y the west rejected dem before Palestine accepted them. Ar present, bcos of America (Majorly Christians) has world power, de fear and cannot wage war on u christians. Thank God more and more naijapals av started embracing peace and has stopped spreading evil and bad rumours about other people's religion. @open_reality, u made a nice remark. Thank God we are now on d same view of stopping violence, tribalism, religious bigotry and promoting peace. Sorry if I offended u in any way. @biancaflexy, dont allow demonic and wicked people to tempt u in wrongfully doing atrocities. Instead, use it against them and spread the teachings of the bible which promote peace and forbid evil. U shouldnt support evil people like him but condemn him bcos he is an infidel abusing ur fellow christian "chidi" who loves peace. Chidi was d one dat started dis thread promoting peace with each other yet dis demonic scallywag imbecile came and started abusing and curse him.Please let us all change for d beta just like aw open_reality has done. PEACE must reign. All evil doers like this Bokoharammer supporter should go and book a ticket in Hell. Peace will always prevail. hey mr man are you truly promoting peace? read you post again ok? you were insulting someone, yet you are preaching peace right ![]() ![]() KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER. ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: arsenal123 on 13-03-2012 10:41 PM WELL SAID SISTER REALITY, YOU'RE BLESSED. HE WHO HAS YOU HAVE MORE THAT ONE MILLION ABOKI'S PUT TOGETHER....... Thank you ooo my brother. God bless you too KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER. ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: Bachelorette on 13-03-2012 09:51 PM ISLAM is EVIL (Darkeness) and Christianity and Judaism is light. Does light and darkness stay 2geda? no! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER. ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: open_reality on 13-03-2012 10:48 PM hey mr man are you truly promoting peace? read you post again ok? you were insulting someone, yet you are preaching peace right ![]() ![]() They are hypocrites, follow what i preach and don't follow what i do. NDI IRU ABUA!
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@openreality. Nice one. really, i should not av abused him but he deserves it. mr Arsenal, dont come hear and start blabbing bcos u dont know wat we are talking about. go and enjoy ur football as u av won Newscastle. ReplyGood nite and sleep tite.
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Quote from: TheMainMan on 13-03-2012 11:17 PM @openreality. Nice one. really, i should not av abused him but he deserves it. mr Arsenal, dont come hear and start blabbing bcos u dont know wat we are talking about. go and enjoy ur football as u av won Newscastle. Good nite and sleep tite. ![]() ![]() ![]() KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER. ![]() ![]()
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A real blackman knows that Africa has a history, for those who care and those who w'ld fight for a just course. ReplyAfrica from North to South as a whole, was a one black nation, dark skinned. You remember when we were Kings?? If anyone is talking about love, then it should not be about religion. Somebody should ask the Hausa, Fulani Where were you? when the Arabs were taking over north Africa, Tunisa, Algeria,Morocco, Libya Egypt, Thanks to Sudan who stopped them. They brought Islam with them while taking over African from the north, the dutch and Co. came through the sea to take over Africa from the south Africa should be something deeper than religion, people of a kind with grand blood ties.... What ever happened? If you are talking about heroism, then you northern Muslims have a question to answer. Until north African lands are retrieved and those Arabs sent back to the middle east where they come from, you cannot command my respect. Your actions in this respect is tantamount to sabotage and betrayal of trust to our father land Africa. THINK ABOUT IT!
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Quote from: idoncome on 13-03-2012 01:38 PM Thank you poster for bringing about this issue, Ive tried several times to post here but have not been able to do so. I have some issues to clear here: Muslims are not terrorists, all that is happening are the west's hypocrites, I'm not here to defend any militant group, in fact i feel sad whenever BH carry out their bloody attacks in 9ja for 2 reasons, 1- for killing innocent souls. 2- for tarnishing the image of my holy religion. But why did I say the west started it? Let's take the case of Iraq for instance, what was their crime b4 USA bombarded them and killed millions of Iraqi Muslims? those people fighting and bombing in Iraq are doing so bcos of fraustration, imagine a man opening his eyes while all his family members were wiped out by US bomb, what has the ICC done about it since then? the nuclear weapon they claim they have, did they find it? So also Palestine, what is Israel doing to them on their land? A german Muslim writes this: "Who started the First World War? Muslims? Who started the Second World War? Muslims? Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims ?? Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?? Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Muslims?? Who killed more than 50 millions of Indians in South America? Muslims?? Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?? No, they weren't Muslims!!! First of all, you have to define terrorism properly... If a non-Muslim does something is crime. But if a Muslim does the same...He is terrorist...If a Jew leaves his bears, he simply is practicing his religion, but if a Muslim leaves his bears, he is a terrorist. If a Nun wears her scarf and covers herself up she is modest, but if a Muslim woman wears her hijab she simply is deprived and so on and on and on. So first remove this double standard...then come to the point!!!...........Who killed more than 20 million Congolese? Muslims? No they were killed by the greedy Aristocrats of Belgium/Europe. Who are the ones plotting to topple legitimate governments and replace them with puppets to loot and plunder, Muslims? No they are USA, Britain and France deploying state terrorism as foreign policies.". We need to live in harmony in Nigeria and to join hands together in stoping all the killings but NAIJAPALS is not helping with lack of administrative screening of posts and comments b4 getting them posted. All these shit ur talking here is to your own decrubency.What do you have to say about this Link?
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Quote from: TheMainMan on 13-03-2012 01:18 PM It pains me when I hear the killing of innocent christians in the north. Dat is not what Islam teaches because de are just tarnishing the image of Islam. Dose people are bad muslims just like we have bad christians who killed countless number of people during Eid Prayer in Jos. What we just have to work togeda on how to curb all this menace. I think the media dont want all to know the the truth about Islam. The US are the biggest terrorists of all. For them to support Isrealis in killing innocent children and adults in Palestine and the Arab world with the aim of stealing their resources, oil and land. They claim it was d Bible dat ordered dem to do it. D Bible I know cannot order such a thing in stealing a person's land and oil. How pathetic is dat. May God save us all from religious extremism. To know d truth abt islam, go to: It is a pure lie because ISLAM DOES NOT HAVE TWO LEADERS BUT ONE. THE TRUE MUSLIMS,DOING WHAT THEY WERE INSTRUCTED BY THE FOUNDER OF THEIR RELIGION TO STEAL,KILL AND DESTROY IN THE NAME OF ALLAH. THANK GOD BECAUSE JESUS SAID HE HAS COME TO GIVE LIFE TO THE FULL.every killing by the muslims has its foundation from their evil koran,they have their support from koran and mohammed,what do you have to say about this link
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Wow,fatee has brought a new form of comment on np...she praises herself and now others are following..oma gosh fatee is such a star. Reply
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Quote from: open_reality on 13-03-2012 03:44 PM Even a mad wants peace and does not want to be disturbed when sleeping. We all preach peace every day, yet we do the worst in reality. I would love to embrace peace, but not when i am forced to abandon my religion for fear of been killed. I would love to embrace peace, but not when my PLACE OF WORSHIP has turned to a battle field. I would love to embrace peace, but not my brothers and sisters die serving Nigeria(NYSC STUDENT).I would love to embrace peace but not when Our business are been destroyed for no just cause. I would love to embrace peace, but not when Mothers, fathers and children are been killed while sleeping. I would love to embrace peace but not when my freedom is been defined by a particular religion. I would love to embrace peace, but not when there is no love and tolerance in the hearts of many. How can we all claim to be loving and caring, but in reality we are going through hell? Naijapals is definitely not the problem of Nigeria. As a matter of fact, it's the only place we can express our feelings without been killed (even though I’ve received loads of death threat). The truth of the matter is this; WE ARE GOING THROUGH HELL. It has come to a point where families have made decisions not to go to church again. They would rather pray at home than go to church. Who says the war in Nigeria is a political war? Here is a question for you: how many politicians have been killed since the issue of boko haram started? Compare that to the daily slaughtering of Christians everywhere even in pubs, restaurants and churches. The only way peace can coexist among us to establish BASIC FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHT and that include freedom of speech. The voices of the people need to be heard, and something MUST be done about it. Our corrupt leaders MUST to serve our country in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. RELIGION should be individual choice and not imposed on anyone. We cannot fold our arms and watch our people been killed while we advocate peace. The word "peace" means 1. The absence of war or other hostilities. 2. An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities. 3. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations: . 4. Public security and order: 5. Inner contentment; serenity Is that what we experience in our Nigeria today? Naijapals does not total the number of Nigeria population. If we want to PRACTISE peace, let us make it a reality and not mere word used to fool people. Our politicians talk about peace on daily basis, yet nothing is ever done. Religious leaders talk about peace, yet some of them secretly sponsor boko haram. If you think coming to naijapals to talk about peace would change reality, I urge you to think again. If you are against something, come out and condemn it instead of making excuses. Protest against it so that everyone can know your stand. Ever heard of the saying "practise what you preach"? It’s time to end the talking and do the working. your on point! is cheap...action they say speak louder than let them keep pretending what they're not. The difference between GENIUS and STUPIDITY is that, genius has it limits..
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