chimax33 at 1-04-2012 07:16 PM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
Elochus at 1-04-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago) (m) Humm it's only the rich Muslims asked for sharia law, they should thank God for this freedom they're enjoying through Christianity. In some of these northan states where they're implementing that sharia law, what would've be the fate of these mens who committed such kind of madness. Regarding sharia law they would've loose their penis?? Posted: at 1-04-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Abudon at 1-04-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago) (m) I hope dis not rape,cos d so called minors collect change 4 their services(minor Ashawo),they were suppose 2 report d incidence 2 d school authority if they were not enjoying it.Nd 4 d Abokis justice should take it's cause,final.......... Posted: at 1-04-2012 07:21 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Abudon at 1-04-2012 07:38 PM (12 years ago) (m) I hope dis not rape,cos d so called minors collect change 4 their services(minor Ashawo),they were suppose 2 report d incidence 2 d school authority if they were not enjoying it.Nd 4 d Abokis justice should take it's cause,final.......... Posted: at 1-04-2012 07:38 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Abudon at 1-04-2012 07:48 PM (12 years ago) (m) I hope dis not rape,cos d so called minors collect change 4 their services(minor Ashawo),they were suppose 2 report d incidence 2 d school authority if they were not enjoying it.Nd 4 d Abokis justice should take it's cause,final.......... Posted: at 1-04-2012 07:48 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Abudon at 1-04-2012 07:48 PM (12 years ago) (m) I hope dis not rape,cos d so called minors collect change 4 their services(minor Ashawo),they were suppose 2 report d incidence 2 d school authority if they were not enjoying it.Nd 4 d Abokis justice should take it's cause,final.......... Posted: at 1-04-2012 07:48 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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MrZack at 1-04-2012 09:27 PM (12 years ago) (m) this is the height of degradation of the society. how in God's name would this old fools carry out such act? they need to cover their faces in shame...Make God just dey punish devil.... Posted: at 1-04-2012 09:27 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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sweetlilly at 1-04-2012 10:44 PM (12 years ago) (f) I am in no way in support of wat d Aboki's did but d soi called minor's should be blamed too,am sure dey too enjoyed it cos it was done 3 times and d idiots even invited their friends so wat stopped d minors from reporting d first time?
Hands on your heart, do u honestly believe that a child of 12/13 MUST know the difference between right and wrong, and what to do at all times?? why are they called children and not adults if they are that smart and reasonable? some comments will never cease to amaze me. Posted: at 1-04-2012 10:44 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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sweetlilly at 1-04-2012 10:53 PM (12 years ago) (f) stupidity has been the order of the day.where is our pride, dignity and morality? all drained up by dis immorality of fornication of the highest order.its no longer with adult but with under age babies. am tired of hearing this kind of insane actions committed by fearless human beings.dont they have daughters? what will they do or how will they feel if there own children is molested like this? they should not forget that the evil men do live after them.
Bless your heart. Posted: at 1-04-2012 10:53 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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sweetlilly at 1-04-2012 10:56 PM (12 years ago) (f) Hmmmmmmm, what a cr*zy act, but didnt d parents notice somthg unusual about their kids d first time, well unless d men are not their first. And really, am beginning to wonder if there's anythg like small pickin now. Its just so cr*zy
Parents/Guardiand should pay more attention to their wards, lots of babaric men are on d loose this days
Why are you laying emphasis on the children? For heaven sake, those girls are children irrespective of their physical appearance. Let's learn to deal with reality instead of assumptions. You should be worried over those wicked men that committed such crime. Posted: at 1-04-2012 10:56 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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sweetlilly at 1-04-2012 10:59 PM (12 years ago) (f) Reply |
Parma at 1-04-2012 11:34 PM (12 years ago) (m) u try grand pa
Say no evil, do no evil, hear no evil. Live your life like it's the last day. Today is yours; tomorrow might never come. Posted: at 1-04-2012 11:34 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Parma at 1-04-2012 11:55 PM (12 years ago) (m) u try grand pa
Tank u, grandson
Say no evil, do no evil, hear no evil. Live your life like it's the last day. Today is yours; tomorrow might never come. Posted: at 1-04-2012 11:55 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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smartiyke at 2-04-2012 12:10 AM (12 years ago) (m) ok who rape 9 yrs old gurl? is it not prophet mohammed or whatever who are the muslims or abokis following? its it not prophet mohammed who rape 9 yrs old gurl so what are u insinuating Man get the phyuk out of here and leave the youngin' alone. Keep stepping nigger Posted: at 2-04-2012 12:10 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Niceone1 at 2-04-2012 12:58 AM (12 years ago) (m) I am in no way in support of wat d Aboki's did but d soi called minor's should be blamed too,am sure dey too enjoyed it cos it was done 3 times and d idiots even invited their friends so wat stopped d minors from reporting d first time?
REMEMBER YOU WERE ONCE A CHILD AND YOU HAVE OR MAY WANT TO HAVE CHILDREN Posted: at 2-04-2012 12:58 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Niceone1 at 2-04-2012 01:01 AM (12 years ago) (m) Minor bt dem sabi do sotay d idiots invite their friends make dem come follow do....Na wa...What stop frm talking? They padlock their mouth? Nonsense.... Those Men re idiots, they shld suffer in cell.
Please excuse their level of understanding as children - they do not have full or proper implications of the segxwal act. Posted: at 2-04-2012 01:01 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Niceone1 at 2-04-2012 01:04 AM (12 years ago) (m) there re nothing guud to write home about huasa ppe, 99.99% of crimes and atrocities going on in nigeria re being committed by one huasa useless idiot or the other,and after we would not hear any strong and maximum penalty to those fools, WE DID IT AND EVEN CALDED OUR FRIENDS TO JOIN US,fools, i hate huasas hohaaaaaaaaaaaa
What has tribe got to do with this heinous act of the paedophile. You can't because of five people stereotype the entire Hausa tribe.
Detribalise your mentality, please!!!!!!!! Posted: at 2-04-2012 01:04 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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dunky at 2-04-2012 01:09 AM (12 years ago) (m) This is a damn shame and disgrace to all black men around the world and in the eyes of other nations. I asked in good faith that the justice system put those guys away for the rest of their life and send the messaged to the rest of sick bastard in society. Posted: at 2-04-2012 01:09 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Niceone1 at 2-04-2012 01:21 AM (12 years ago) (m) This is a damn shame and disgrace to all black men around the world and in the eyes of other nations. I asked in good faith that the justice system put those guys away for the rest of their life and send the messaged to the rest of sick bastard in society.
Hi Dunky, you are quite right that its a shame but don't bring racism into this as paedophiles are every where and must be totally condemn by everyone irrespective of race, sex or religion.
Over here in UK the five men will be tried and will certainly go to jail as the children are minors who are deemed not capable to give consent to segxwal advancement from adults. The five men are known as paedophiles who will serve jail terms depending on their sentencing. They will be registered in sex offenders register for life or for some stated years and may be forbidden to work with children totally or with supervision. Posted: at 2-04-2012 01:21 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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These evil men should be punished accordingly.....
Who Jah Blessed, No Man Cursed...... Posted: at 2-04-2012 02:04 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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