Treasure2 at 4-06-2012 08:31 AM (12 years ago) (f) You have said it all my dear. The failed state called Nigeria is the only place where foreigners are treated more nicely and kindly than the citizens. Imagine indians exploiting us in our own back yard. fcuk nigeria! fcuk every nigerian leader both present and past!! fcuk everything about nigerian governmental system. Posted: at 4-06-2012 08:31 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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Treasure2 at 4-06-2012 08:34 AM (12 years ago) (f) this is too bad . let the woman request for her compensation from the killer croup of people and i seriously advice those that might have passed through this same death spot to pls kindly co-operate with the investigation team, GOD will continues to protects our citizen andwill healed their wounds
Nice. Posted: at 4-06-2012 08:34 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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Thnks for d info... Posted: at 4-06-2012 08:52 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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pakapa at 4-06-2012 08:59 AM (12 years ago) (m) indians are fools i no blame them na mumu leaders way we get so anoying Posted: at 4-06-2012 08:59 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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steveoneal at 4-06-2012 09:30 AM (12 years ago) (m) SUE THEIR MOTHERphyukING ARSE ;;;;; ITS THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THAT IS HIRING HIRED KILLER NOW TO COME AND BE KILLING NIGERIANS;;; SO PATHETIC;; Posted: at 4-06-2012 09:30 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Treasure2 at 4-06-2012 09:32 AM (12 years ago) (f) indians are fools i no blame them na mumu leaders way we get so anoying
 . Everything goes here. Posted: at 4-06-2012 09:32 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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danny6 at 4-06-2012 09:49 AM (12 years ago) (m) it is only in animal kingdom like nigeria that foreigners and not even a decent foreigner for that matter but indians would be allowed to manage national health facility of that magnitude. why are our government so inferior to themselves like slaves?, indians are one of the most con men in the world but yet our short sighted leaders prefer them to our qualified and decent nigerian professionals. i think it is high time we give nigerians abroad a chance to lead this country because our home groomed politicians are outdated and full of inferiority complex. nigerian professionals are more respected and welcomed in all the civilized world than the indians. i am very sure of what i am saying because i am a professional too in my field.most of this so called indian professionals are not even indians but the bangladeshes,sirilankas and pakistanis that are using fake indian documents so as to enable them a little easier means of getting visas.what a shame nigeria the african dead giant?.
A piece of fact. Posted: at 4-06-2012 09:49 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Bettygirls at 4-06-2012 09:52 AM (12 years ago) (f) life itself is a misery Posted: at 4-06-2012 09:52 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Idbabe at 4-06-2012 09:53 AM (12 years ago) (f) i will be back
i dey follow u Posted: at 4-06-2012 09:53 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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sunped200 at 4-06-2012 10:18 AM (12 years ago) (m) You said and I quote "The hospital was built by FCT as Karu General hospital but all of a sudden it was leased to this killer Indians to operate as specialist hospital. Charges in this hospital is exploitative, only registration alone in N25,000.00." End of guote. Then whose fault? You should know that your people put them their to make money for them, and they are also there for bussines. I thank God for your sister that she still have her life. Other people searching for expertriate will learn their lesson. Posted: at 4-06-2012 10:18 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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moriztuos at 4-06-2012 10:34 AM (12 years ago) (m) Reply |
Neglito at 4-06-2012 10:43 AM (12 years ago) (m) Cannot comment till I hear from both sides. Posted: at 4-06-2012 10:43 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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lanudja at 4-06-2012 10:43 AM (12 years ago) (f) The doctors shld be well investigated Posted: at 4-06-2012 10:43 AM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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Must Indian doctors are with fake certificates, many had been discovered in Britain and jailed. All foreign doctors should be investigated by the NMC. Posted: at 4-06-2012 01:35 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Most Indian doctors are with fake certificates, many had been discovered in Britain and jailed. All foreign doctors should be investigated by the NMC. Posted: at 4-06-2012 01:37 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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goziedona at 4-06-2012 01:53 PM (12 years ago) (m) who knows how many they have killed Posted: at 4-06-2012 01:53 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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dizhadah at 4-06-2012 03:14 PM (12 years ago) (f) Posted: at 4-06-2012 03:14 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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fubuo4life at 4-06-2012 04:23 PM (12 years ago) (m) Point of correction, A quack indian doctor not doctors. Posted: at 4-06-2012 04:23 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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yvonneobas at 4-06-2012 04:37 PM (12 years ago) (f) it is only in animal kingdom like nigeria that foreigners and not even a decent foreigner for that matter but indians would be allowed to manage national health facility of that magnitude. why are our government so inferior to themselves like slaves?, indians are one of the most con men in the world but yet our short sighted leaders prefer them to our qualified and decent nigerian professionals. i think it is high time we give nigerians abroad a chance to lead this country because our home groomed politicians are outdated and full of inferiority complex. nigerian professionals are more respected and welcomed in all the civilized world than the indians. i am very sure of what i am saying because i am a professional too in my field.most of this so called indian professionals are not even indians but the bangladeshes,sirilankas and pakistanis that are using fake indian documents so as to enable them a little easier means of getting visas.what a shame nigeria the african dead giant?.
Imagine d nosense, common indian. EFCC no c dat one na own,fear go let dem try dat one 4 urop? na only lawless country lik 9ja dis type of tin d hapin na Posted: at 4-06-2012 04:37 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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