If the survey had portrayed Nigeria in a good light, would Dr Reuben Abati be complaining?
I don't think so.
But then of course when nasty things are said about you or your friends or one's country one is expected to stand up and defend them even when we see some truth however small in such findings. No one likes to look bad to the rest of the world!!!!
However our leaders should sit down and try to determine what led to the results portraying Nigeria as such. They should seek and ask the opinions of ordinary Nigerians and determine how they see the findings.
Sometimes surveys (however "unpatriotic" we may find them) can in a way open our eyes to things that have been overlooked and need improvement.
So Dr R Abati do not throw away (or file in your out tray) their findings just yet, take a breather, be honest and determine wheteher we can learn anything from it.
A survey found the The London Metropolitan Police institutionally racist. Though there is still a lot of work to be done, if they had dismissed the findings and not worked in improving relations and understanding of ethnic minorities, racial stereotyping would continue unabated.
Have a nice day.
Posted: at 2-07-2012 01:38 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac |