The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor E.A Adeboye, warned his church members not to marry outside the RCCG. Here is a brief excerpts from the sermon:
Romans 8:31: The reason RCCG weds with the bible instead of a ring is because the bible can never change, the word of God stands forever but a ring can be removed at anytime! Don’t marry a Delilah! Don’t marry for beauty . Proverbs 31:30 says beauty is vain.
Don’t ever marry outside the church and you have no reason to marry outside RCCG. The reason is that If you are both from the same church even when trouble comes it is easier for the pastors to handle it!
Don’t marry a girl simply because she can sing! In the choir there are some people that can sing but they are falling angels! Marry a prayer warrior! If a girl cannot pray for 1 hour, don’t marry her. Don’t marry a girl who is lazy! Don’t marry a girl who cannot cook, she needs to know how to do cores and cook because you cannot afford to be eating out all the time.
Don’t marry a girl who is worldly! If you do, you have carried what you’ll worship for the rest of your life!
Many girls will stay unmarried if we guys are to follow his words here. How many girls can pray for 1 hour these days ? So all girls start learning how to pray o.
Posted: at 9-10-2012 07:37 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
Many girls will stay unmarried if we guys are to follow his words here. How many girls can pray for 1 hour these days ? So all girls start learning how to pray o.
Posted: at 9-10-2012 07:37 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
Protocol_4all at 9-10-2012 08:46 AM (12 years ago) (m)
I dislike such crab by Nigerian pastors. What do u mean by when problem comes the pastor can handle it? If Pastor Enoch .A. Adeboye can handle his marital problems and that of millions of his church members why can’t husband and wife fix their problems. Do you think Adebayo´s wife is better than your wife in character??? The answer is NO just that they have decided not to wash their dirty linen in the public. Husband and wife should learn how to communicate in marriage so as to solve their differences without running to (God Barons) called pastors. Today Nigerian pastors have become MARRIAGE REFEREE’S. Anyway let the ladies in the church listen and remain single for life.
Posted: at 9-10-2012 08:46 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
Can't u talk without attacking peoples personality? he advise u only....take it or leave he has said d truth,,my prayers 4 u is not to get to heaven and discover d truth....many marriages are failing today because biblical principles are not applied. be wise dnt b a fool! hear wht d spirit is saying. and pls dnt ever talk to any man of God anyhow, reasons they are annoited specialy...dnt get it wrong.we all are anoited but anoitin pass annoitin..if u dnt blv go read ur bible,story of david and saul. shallom
Posted: at 9-10-2012 09:40 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
ZION7ZION at 9-10-2012 11:05 AM (12 years ago) (m)
when the ladies age is uplifted to 36-37, nobody go tell them say mek deh rush enter cele church go grab one brother, some of these advices sounds discriminating, does it means that there are no good people in other churches, well shaa, i know alot of them are not gonna take this advice
Posted: at 9-10-2012 11:05 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Is the church bringing in peace or confussion in people's lives? Our fathers' & 4 fathers married with Love not the Bible or worshiping in thesame venue, mind u! Love matters in any relationship, weather inside/outside the church. Please hear this who ever compel ur faith as if he/she is contolling ur destiny you have 2 take time. As a member of RCCM in ur daily petitions ur lookin 4 a wife,& the basic qualities u see is possessed by a muslim girl in ur office/neighbour, haven prayed she is the 1. Here, she's not a xtian & can pray for 1hr or even sing well, will u go ahead 2 marry her?,or wil u look 4 a prayer warrior in ur church,bc she knows how 2 pray?Note: Hosea married Gommer a prostitute, pls my brethren ur happiness matters here,a word is enough 4 the ears dt wana hear.
Posted: at 9-10-2012 11:35 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie