A Day After Seeking Dialogue, Boko Haram kills Army General , Five Soldiers (Page 6)

Date: 03-11-2012 10:05 am (12 years ago) | Author: Charles colins
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- ajanni at 4-11-2012 07:28 PM (12 years ago)
when your papa never quench yet?
Quote from: 2bify on  4-11-2012 03:46 PM
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:28 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- ajanni at 4-11-2012 07:29 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: 2bify on  4-11-2012 03:47 PM

Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:29 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- FinlandGuy at 4-11-2012 07:35 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: bigjim on  4-11-2012 10:52 AM
u wil make sense only wen u deviate frm propaganda. Stupid sh*t.
In the sight of islam and muslims the truth will always be a propaganda. You claimed that boko haram has nothing to do with islam,why is that they chose a muslim buhari to be the head of their peace talk? Why would they chose saudi arabia to be the locate for the peace talk? You kill people,destroy home,government structures,school,cars in Nigeria and you want to go to saudi arabia to settle the issue. You no see una brain,See muslim brain as i bend like cray fish. When i say f.u.c.k islamc,f.u.c.k  mohammed,f.u.c.k  your stupid allah,f.u.c.k  your mosque,some useless mohammedends here will open their gowro teeth mouth and start vomiting millipede.
I have told you muslims,there is nothing dialogue in this issue,make una continue killing people in your region,lets see who will lose at last.Shame to buhari islamic/muslim presidential faulire candidate,una go fail again,this time na woefully
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:35 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- FinlandGuy at 4-11-2012 07:37 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on  4-11-2012 07:29 PM
Let the killing continue so long as na for North and muslims No problem,i love this news  very soon na only ram,cattle and goat go remain in the North that time ajanni will be their Governor ruling animals Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:37 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- FinlandGuy at 4-11-2012 07:38 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on  4-11-2012 07:28 PM
when your papa never quench yet?
this killing in the North will never stop,Nigerian Army don kill 40 yesterday for maduguri,boko haram kill 5 today,hahahahahhahaha,i said it will never stop, shey na una start am,na una moblize the group,una go hear am. this is just 5.30 am, time still day  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:38 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 4-11-2012 07:54 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: FinlandGuy on  4-11-2012 07:37 PM
Let the killing continue so long as na for North and muslims No problem,i love this news  very soon na only ram,cattle and goat go remain in the North that time ajanni will be their Governor ruling animals Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:54 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- ajanni at 4-11-2012 07:55 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: FinlandGuy on  4-11-2012 07:38 PM
this killing in the North will never stop,Nigerian Army don kill 40 yesterday for maduguri,boko haram kill 5 today,hahahahahhahaha,i said it will never stop, shey na una start am,na una moblize the group,una go hear am. this is just 5.30 am, time still day  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

son of wh*re
Posted: at 4-11-2012 07:55 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- alyes94 at 4-11-2012 08:20 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: FinlandGuy on  3-11-2012 10:31 AM
muslism has peace written on their forehead but inside ther heart is violence,crime and wickedness.........................
  @finlandguy  you will never know peace in your life from here on. We have gathered enough intelligence about you and your whereabouts. Live everyday, tremble in fear and obscurity for we will track you and hunt you down Insha Allah.....You are not safe!
Posted: at 4-11-2012 08:20 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 4-11-2012 08:45 PM (12 years ago)
thats even long over due sef
Posted: at 4-11-2012 08:45 PM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- denmal at 4-11-2012 10:05 PM (12 years ago)
kill them all
Posted: at 4-11-2012 10:05 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chicco77 at 4-11-2012 10:11 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 4-11-2012 10:11 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- barrell05 at 4-11-2012 11:25 PM (12 years ago)
i dont know if finland guy is a computer or a paid hooligan..u say finland guy..technically means ur exposed to the west, but i wonder...how does one who's exposed gets to post barbaric comments like this? are u well educated and exposed? cause if u are ud notice that most muslims are not as bad as the media proclaim them to be..three years back no none muslim wudve come out and insulted the religion or its prophet..i used to remember when in the south u wouldnt have a problem givin a muslim ur money to hold or guard your store, on the contrary u feel more secured..now this boko haram saga came out of nowhere and just cause the insurgents are in the north and claim to be doin work of God..u decide to say all muslims are evil and what not..haba mr man..face reality and stop being the donkey that follows the carrot...i myself im not in the country and im living a very comfortable life and would do normal without ever coming back..but as a patriot and as one who wants to see his people and country andvance and develop disregarding any type of ethnicity whatsoever..it pains me to c nigerians fighting each other blindling...remembere our national anthem and the pledge..im sorry if u'll feel angry but i have to say whts on my mind...ive been viewing topics and comments on nija pals since otedola was selling fuel on the road side and before faruk lawan could say chambers and like the country deteriorating..open up your mind and think responsibly..the country will never go forward if we keep the same cave man mentality
Posted: at 4-11-2012 11:25 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- dlimelite at 5-11-2012 03:30 AM (12 years ago)
 Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
Posted: at 5-11-2012 03:30 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- papadip at 5-11-2012 03:54 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: alyes94 on  4-11-2012 08:20 PM
  @finlandguy  you will never know peace in your life from here on. We have gathered enough intelligence about you and your whereabouts. Live everyday, tremble in fear and obscurity for we will track you and hunt you down Insha Allah.....You are not safe!
Broda take it easy... there is no need to utter these words... bear in mind he is just venting that does not mean that I agreed with his opinions…this is a proof that we have a lot of problems in our country..
Posted: at 5-11-2012 03:54 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- deboalabi262 at 5-11-2012 04:06 AM (12 years ago)

Posted: at 5-11-2012 04:06 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- Keffejude at 5-11-2012 12:01 PM (12 years ago)
...this assassination was politically motivated
Posted: at 5-11-2012 12:01 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- rowlandlove at 5-11-2012 12:10 PM (12 years ago)
what a pitty na waooooooo may his soul rest in peace.
Posted: at 5-11-2012 12:10 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- FinlandGuy at 5-11-2012 12:22 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: alyes94 on  4-11-2012 08:20 PM
  @finlandguy  you will never know peace in your life from here on. We have gathered enough intelligence about you and your whereabouts. Live everyday, tremble in fear and obscurity for we will track you and hunt you down Insha Allah.....You are not safe!

Loot at this tozo meat called alyes94 with corrugated stone brain,ur womanizer mohammed don f.u.c.k your mama very well idiot.My username tells my where about.You think say i dey muslims? I no fear your play boi mohammed na you i go come fear. You are just Ofe Nkupu for my side you hear.A loser will always be a loser and will remain a loser forever.I dey wait for you,i dey wait for all muslims in nigeria,you guys na proper disgrace to your stupid religion and mohammed. May the devil use you and your family to prepara barbecue this week inshalla allah stupid idiot.

muslims has peace writen on their forehead,they carry it about but inside their heart is full of Voilence and wickedness,if you are not a desert fool quote me wrong !!!
Posted: at 5-11-2012 12:22 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- FinlandGuy at 5-11-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: papadip on  5-11-2012 03:54 AM
Broda take it easy... there is no need to utter these words... bear in mind he is just venting that does not mean that I agreed with his opinions…this is a proof that we have a lot of problems in our country..
Papadip this one wey you dey talk,you dey beg am or what? Leave the baggar for me,the world already knows that muslims and their criminal mohammed are fools and wicked set,Who no know?
Posted: at 5-11-2012 12:24 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- FinlandGuy at 5-11-2012 12:25 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: alyes94 on  4-11-2012 08:20 PM
  @finlandguy  you will never know peace in your life from here on. We have gathered enough intelligence about you and your whereabouts. Live everyday, tremble in fear and obscurity for we will track you and hunt you down Insha Allah.....You are not safe!
Na una start this Boko haram thing and na una go hear am
Posted: at 5-11-2012 12:25 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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