Na wao, been a man of God this days is not easy, you have to compete with their dangote to seat in a private jet, compete with 50cent to rock gold piece and so on. This is the president of CAN pastor Ayo Oritsejafor rocking a rather expensive golden chain, is this really necessary? or just vanity? my people let us talk! because I am starting to consider a career change, people swear for me too much for writing my stuff
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 18-11-2012 11:35 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Jesus was made poor that we might become reach. 40yrs in ministry no b joke ooo. Wat he has gone tru in life, many of us can't stand if we go tru it. We always talk and condemn wen people are reapin d fruit of deir labour bt b4 den, we never cared how far dey'v come. If u wan change ministry, make u do am sharp sharp cos u go crash soonest
Posted: at 19-11-2012 02:22 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
Jesus was made poor that we might become rich doest mean we should live a flamboyant lifestyle, and ignore the hungry ones. remember in the bible when jesus had two fishes and 5 loafs of bread. he wasnt stingy with it he shared it round amongst everyone. Thats an example of leadership. Dafurk is he doing with private jet when the cost of maintenance can put smile in some homeless children's faces
Quote from: destino on 19-11-2012 02:22 AM
Jesus was made poor that we might become reach. 40yrs in ministry no b joke ooo. Wat he has gone tru in life, many of us can't stand if we go tru it. We always talk and condemn wen people are reapin d fruit of deir labour bt b4 den, we never cared how far dey'v come. If u wan change ministry, make u do am sharp sharp cos u go crash soonest
If you curse me, I curse you back. If you threaten me, I come for you. NFNF
Posted: at 19-11-2012 02:39 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
torrejon_men at 19-11-2012 04:11 AM (12 years ago) (m)
If any one feals that any true man of God should not enjoy,its just a waste of time because masterJesus will countine to supply their needs according to his riches in golory, if u are with me say amen
Posted: at 19-11-2012 04:11 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac