Home Is Where The Heart Is: Freed Inmate Refuses To Leave Prison (Page 3)

Date: 20-07-2013 12:00 am (11 years ago) | Author: Olusola Agbaje
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- flipoo at 21-07-2013 08:09 AM (11 years ago)
no bi outside police dey? no outside army dey? no outside corruption dey? crazy world
Posted: at 21-07-2013 08:09 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- otagermo at 21-07-2013 09:47 AM (11 years ago)
eyaaa! ihe na eme.....fela say na inside world
Posted: at 21-07-2013 09:47 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Nicksam at 21-07-2013 10:16 AM (11 years ago)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 21-07-2013 10:16 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Senegal at 21-07-2013 10:44 AM (11 years ago)
Don't blame the man
Posted: at 21-07-2013 10:44 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- josiaho at 21-07-2013 11:00 AM (11 years ago)
too bad, 9ja, una no get rehab? abeg ooooo
Posted: at 21-07-2013 11:00 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- winace at 21-07-2013 01:23 PM (11 years ago)
I understand wit d guy.
Posted: at 21-07-2013 01:23 PM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- webrose at 21-07-2013 02:20 PM (11 years ago)
what do you expect. he is not paying house rent in prison, no food wahala, no recharged card, no nepa bill, na family, wife, children school fees trouble. and the worst of all the govt did not put any thing in place for such person to start life with, may be no parent or friends to back him up.  what make you think that person will not commit another crime so that he can return to him preferable home according to him?

na wao this country wahala come even make prison a nice place place for some person.

God help this country before it's too late.
Posted: at 21-07-2013 02:20 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- rotadeen at 21-07-2013 04:15 PM (11 years ago)
The government should seriously look into the issue of rehabilitation of ex convicts.
That freed inmate will go into the society to become more hardened. He has said it all.
Posted: at 21-07-2013 04:15 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- warribimboye at 21-07-2013 05:59 PM (11 years ago)
That's show prison is better than outside naija,everybody take note,we need change
Posted: at 21-07-2013 05:59 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- ngeneuchenna at 23-07-2013 10:22 AM (11 years ago)
wetin carry u go prison @ first
Posted: at 23-07-2013 10:22 AM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- BlueIxora at 24-07-2013 07:23 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 24-07-2013 07:23 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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