DR TOLUWALASE TRADITIONAL HERBALIST AND NATIVE DOCTOR NO 10 ODENUSI STREET AGO IWOYE OGUN STATE Contact For any problem call this +2349083088107. Dont hide your sickness ` Some want you to be alive,but not all want you happy and successful.You have to find a solution to every spiritual or financial problems in your life by yourself, they wouldnt help you,some will take advantage of this whhile some will just overlook it. There are different ways to be successful,its doesnt just come and meet you in your bed our speciality is as follows... ...Performing sex on dream ...Financial problems ...Spiritual husband ...Job promotion ...Court cases ...Bad luck ...Diabetes ...Business development ...Stroke ...Bring back stolen properties ...Delaying of visa ...protection of properties and business ...Playing lottery ...Be- witched people problem ...Bring back lost lover ...Pregnant problems ...Woman with menstrual problem ...Body and chest pains ...Star reading ...Painful womb ...Infections ...Manpower ...Aliment of penis ...Epilepsy ...Sti and Std ...Low Sperm count...Fibroid ...Hypertension.t.c You don't have to look further,you don't have to wait until you are....informed,seek help form the elders.The use of herbs in supported in every holy book.God has shown us the importance of herbs,Even the bible said"And by the river upon the bank there of on their side grow all trees for meat and the leaf there of for medicine"-Ezekiel47v12 (1)Arobi ( back to sender )(2)Atude ( release from bondage ) (3) Agadagodo (Padlock ) (4) Aseta ( kill enemy ) (5)owo moto ( escape from car accident) (6)Atude Ewon ( release from prison ) (7)Awure Ola ( Good wealth) (8)Ero Asasi (9)Iferan ( love ) (10)isoye ( memory recall ) (11)Atosi ( STD ) (12)Awarida ( menstrual un-stop ) (13)Turari Eyonu (14)Isora ( body secure ) (15)Asiri Bibo (16)Oju didun ( eye pain ) (17)Afunje loju orun (18)warapa ( Epilepsy ) (19)Amubo oko (20)Amubo iyawo (21)Amubo ise (22)ogun abiku (23)Afose to daju (24)ise gbigba ( winning contract job ) (25)Idani lare Ejo (court winning Case) (26)Etutu awom Awon Agba (27)oye jije (wining of post) (28)Ropa rose ( stroke ) (29)Afose to daju (30)agbega lenu ise (post in work) (31)Airi omo bi. It shall be well with you...... contact us today for help and rest assured,free treatment also available....you will never regret your action and you will be glad you did.Location isn't a barrier,we ship and send herbal medication to anyWhere 09083088107
Posted: at 24-03-2018 10:18 AM (6 years ago) | Newbie |