P.M.NEWS gathered that the little girl, who should be about a year and some months old, was found in the canal around 3 p.m. yesterday, struggling to come out of a sack in which she was stuffed with refuse. Sympathisers who rescued the toddler said one of them noticed strange movement in the sack, which was likely thrown into the canal from its bank, and decided to check what was inside. Says one of the sympathisers, who simply identified herself as Dolapo: “We noticed that there was movement in the sack, which attracted everybody to the scene. At first we saw that it was refuse, only to discover the poor girl was underneath it. “Only God knows who dumped the baby and when the wicked act was perpetrated, but we were happy to see that she was alive. We quickly bathed her, clothed her and fed her to keep her alive.” P.M.NEWS learnt that the baby girl was immediately taken to the Baale of Abule-Oki’s palace in the Mosan-Okunola Local Council Development Area after she had been taken care of, and later taken to Idimu Police Division where the case was reported. At the time of filing this report this morning, plans were being made to take the girl to a motherless babies home for further care. Meanwhile, while some sympathisers at the scene cursed whoever carried out the dastardly act, some believed the mother could have dumped her because she was unable to cater for her any longer.
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 23-07-2010 02:19 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
uprising at 23-07-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago) (m)
wickedness of the highest order
Posted: at 23-07-2010 02:38 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
*some people wey never get dey steal baby,some dey go to mallami and babalawo and do many rituals/juju make dem get.... *people wey get the priviledge to have the baby dey trowey their own for dust-bin....this world na wa ooo
*no wonder my bible tell me say the heart of man is full of evil and wickedness.Even God,regreted ever creating human.
**Abeg...even if the owner no want am,is it not better to take this child directly to the motherless babies home instead of throwing him,her in the dust been?...THIS IS PURE WICKEDNESS and God must surely pay the doer back..
Posted: at 23-07-2010 03:05 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
The woman should have known that she cant take of the baby before giving birth to her. Time shall come when she will look for that child, but I tell you, it might be too late. Useless mother, only God knows if she's not one of those stupid prostitutes around. To her life goes on. Nemesis will catch up with her some day. She will definately worship that rejected stone some day, when she has become the Chief corner stone. Mcheeeew!
Posted: at 23-07-2010 03:06 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
P.M.NEWS gathered that the little girl, who should be about a year and some months old, was found in the canal around 3 p.m. yesterday, struggling to come out of a sack in which she was stuffed with refuse. Sympathisers who rescued the toddler said one of them noticed strange movement in the sack, which was likely thrown into the canal from its bank, and decided to check what was inside. Says one of the sympathisers, who simply identified herself as Dolapo: “We noticed that there was movement in the sack, which attracted everybody to the scene. At first we saw that it was refuse, only to discover the poor girl was underneath it. “Only God knows who dumped the baby and when the wicked act was perpetrated, but we were happy to see that she was alive. We quickly bathed her, clothed her and fed her to keep her alive.” P.M.NEWS learnt that the baby girl was immediately taken to the Baale of Abule-Oki’s palace in the Mosan-Okunola Local Council Development Area after she had been taken care of, and later taken to Idimu Police Division where the case was reported. At the time of filing this report this morning, plans were being made to take the girl to a motherless babies home for further care. Meanwhile, while some sympathisers at the scene cursed whoever carried out the dastardly act, some believed the mother could have dumped her because she was unable to cater for her any longer.
God have mercy!!!!
Posted: at 23-07-2010 03:26 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Bettychy at 23-07-2010 03:38 PM (14 years ago) (f)
The believe in the supernatural source of evil was never necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. Could this still be called wickedness? Isn`t it more than that? Even the devil moves around in human bodies & we all are men.
But hei, we all boil at different degrees depending on how hot the fire is! And like they say, " A confused man borrows an ear from the Devil" Should we blame this "evil woman/man" alone forgetting that many were turned evil in our beloved society by the evil we call government? God `ll save us!
Posted: at 23-07-2010 03:38 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Boswilly at 23-07-2010 04:41 PM (14 years ago) (f)
Wickedness to d core! that person if found is not fit to live cos its attempted murder to an innocent soul. No matter d circumstances even if u can't take care of d baby, it could hv been better u take her to a motherless baby home.
Posted: at 23-07-2010 04:41 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
9icekenn at 23-07-2010 05:00 PM (14 years ago) (m)
May God in His infinite mercy have mercy on the people or person who has done this kind of evil............. I am still wondering why will someone who has been able to bear the shame or whatever think in thier heart to have this innocent child and bring to this world............. I just want to say sorry to this child for coming through her wicked mother, that if the mother is involved in this mess............ I just pray God should help her through God fearing peeps to see her succeed this wicked and evil world Bay Girl so sorry for the hell you might have pass through
Posted: at 23-07-2010 05:00 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
@bettychi,pls try and slow down the pace of this ur grammer,its giving me headiche,hihihi,i always enjoy ur comments but they are too mean may God have mercy on that man/woman that dump that child,though she is heartless,its easy to take the baby to the ophanage and explain to them why you are doing that than to try to kill her, uhmmmmmmm,but which kind heart go carry him/her own blood and flesh,sack her and dump her like a dog,this world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: at 23-07-2010 05:46 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
Regenesis at 23-07-2010 05:57 PM (14 years ago) (f)
This's just cruelty. Some people should not be having babies. I understand not being able to take care of her. Actually, i don't. Some people shouldn't be bringing children into the world if they know they can't take care of them. I don't care what kind of unforeseen problems come your way after the child is born. You gave birth to her, you take care of her. And if you can't, fine. But there're other ways to go about giving her up rather than treating her like garbage and dumping her in a sack WITH REFUSE...IN A CANAL. Haba. She was trying to kill that child. What more can i even say? Some people have no heart.
Be yourself.
Posted: at 23-07-2010 05:57 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming