she want to kill herself (Page 6)

Date: 01-11-2010 3:01 am (14 years ago) | Author: Chuks Daniel
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- solojaro at 2-11-2010 09:14 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Treasure2 on  2-11-2010 08:58 AM
Quote from: mezkaz18 on  2-11-2010 01:49 AM
Quote from: Treasure2 on  1-11-2010 03:41 PM
Christian mother in the Mary league in our church, I can’t stand the insult of him marring a girl from so called Pentecostal church

Na really wa for this woman. Pentecostal is now so called. hmmmm.  She worship church and not God.

She is interested in making a name bc she is CWO rather than living in peace with her children.  Gone are the days when parent decide for their children on this issue.

Poster, what is the say of the Dad? or the mum is the Amen and Amen in the house.

Ur friend should ask his mother if she has promise some one in her CWO that her son will marry her daughter and can not stand the shame of not living up to her promise.

He should never think of running away bc of his mother's threat.  He should stay here and complete what he has started.  (HE SHOULD TAKE EXAMPLE FROM OJUKWU AND BINCA)
The worst that will happen is that the mum will disown him and as for the acid, she will never drink it.

Children are free gift from God and no forces can stop God's blessing.

To hell with her.  Hisssssssss

The dad is late ,sine when this boy was in primary school , it was the mum who brought them up [/u][/size][/color]

Tell him to keep his ears up like a rabbit and go ahead with his marriage and ignore the so called christain mother.  He should not make mistake of going to the parish whatever bc he will be digging his grave.

Now she want to destroy his happiness.
Posted: at 2-11-2010 09:14 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- d_wealthy at 2-11-2010 10:14 AM (14 years ago)
@Poster: i presume she's a Catholic!
You see, Christianity is not all about your spouse being of the same church/religion with you. Different religions do get married; So what are we talking about? To me, what matter is your happiness and not that of your mother. If she cares about your happiness, then she should learn to accept what you love and cherish. After all, the lady will change when you both get married. So what! Honestly, if my mother should tell that, hmm! i don't need to say what i will do because she knows me too well. If i may ask was her great grand father or family (I mean your mother) born in that church? Even at that, dose it matter?
My Advice, dear Pal! If you marry who she wants in other to make her happy, without putting first in consideration your future happiness, you are making a grievous mistake and i wouldn't want to say,  you may not be happy all through it, because, "Love" grows day by day. Am very sorry to say, if she's no more, (Ur Mother) who will be there for you? The one you love? or the one she loves that you married? well, if you love her so much like that, you can go ahead and marry from her church, with time you will love her (the new girl). But have you thought about your spouse feelings, the years you've both spend together, the love shared, the though and nice moments? Think and think wisely, what is worth doing at all so they worth doing well!
Posted: at 2-11-2010 10:14 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- lizzyonitemi at 2-11-2010 10:17 AM (14 years ago)
Imagine dat, jst becos ur son want 2 marry a pentecostal member, u said u want to kill urself. Infact i dont no wat is always wrong with some mother nowadays, instead of u to pray along with him dat who so ever he choose to be his wife,shd be like a mother for him. U are nw saying if she marry her u will kill urself. Infact am sorry, may be u are ready 2 die before shal.
Posted: at 2-11-2010 10:17 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 2-11-2010 10:38 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Priceless-jewel on  2-11-2010 06:49 AM
good mama

Posted: at 2-11-2010 10:38 AM (14 years ago) | Grande Master
- kayfem at 2-11-2010 11:10 AM (14 years ago)
Catholic with there wahala dey don come again well i cant say much bro but i think God is the next thing for you to do or go to
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:10 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 2-11-2010 11:15 AM (14 years ago)
let her kill her self now , what will be so new about that ?
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:15 AM (14 years ago) | Grande Master
- Treasure2 at 2-11-2010 11:18 AM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:18 AM (14 years ago) | Hero
- esoo at 2-11-2010 11:31 AM (14 years ago)
marry her so that she will die or pray for her to die so that you can marry her
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:31 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- Priceless-jewel at 2-11-2010 11:38 AM (14 years ago)
na advice b dis?
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:38 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- uzjosh at 2-11-2010 11:42 AM (14 years ago)
my guy...... no mind ur mama, thier time dome pass so now na ur own time......... do watin u like
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:42 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- bafyguy at 2-11-2010 11:45 AM (14 years ago)
Let her go ahead & kill herself
Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:45 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ILOVEIT at 2-11-2010 11:52 AM (14 years ago)
some guys have to learn how to advice someone,it ain't funny.that woman is someone mother,her stands doesn't mean we should insult her ok.

Posted: at 2-11-2010 11:52 AM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Bannkole at 2-11-2010 12:28 PM (14 years ago)
Guy, go ahead and marry the lady your heart desires. Was she compelled by anybody during her own period or was there any issue of church denomination being discussed by Christ? If she refuses to changing her mind, then being a motherhood in the church does not connote being a born again Christian. No one will stand for anybody on the day of judgment neither will their be anyone that would be responsible for another person's misfortune.
Posted: at 2-11-2010 12:28 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- cynthia4st at 2-11-2010 01:52 PM (14 years ago)
Please Mama, respect your son’s emotion and feelings. You carried him in your womb for 9months does not mean his destiny is in your hands. Allow God to finish his work because you did not even know when that child enter you womb. Remember a day is coming when your family members and relatives will gather and say to you. Who can separate man from death? Its footsteps, what can trace? Its inheritability is sure but day, time and place human wisdom cannot define. When it comes to a loved one, pains, sorrows and tears fill the soul. Oh! Like a candle light in the face of a severe blowing wind, our dear Sister, Wife, Mother, and Grandmother is gone to the great beyond. On that day, God will not ask you which church did you belong to when you were here on earth. I am a Christian mother in the Mary league in our church can not even save you. You are lucky is not a Muslim or Islamic he is going to marry. Please don’t frustrate his life because of your egocentric craving. Will you prefer you son to marry from catholic and no peace in the house or to marry a Pentecostal and enjoy his life? Remember, it is union of life. He is no long a kid, his destiny is in the hand of God. The only thing you own him now is your prayer. The God that created you gives you the freedom to serve him in whichever way you want. He is the one bringing in; perceptibly the lady will join his church. Had it been that your daughter was the one going marry a Pentecostal, what are you going to do?
 Please seat down and think twice, you will realize that you have more than 100 reasons why you should allow him to marry whosoever he wishes to marry, Please Mum! If you choose for your son, “after I do” are you going to be the one living in  the house with the woman, or else if you wishes your son untimely death.

Mama, please don’t say over your dead body again. Don’t even think of putting asunder or to poison yourself if truly, you are a Christian. Moreover, for your son to marry from Pentecostal church is not an insult, please see it as a blessing. Don’t use your hand to spoil a beautify thing God gave you. We are talking about your son’s happiness here. We all are serving one God. Time is coming when all the whole churches will come together and worship under one Umbrella. I am a Catholic as well. Pentecostal, Catholic, Anglican, Muslim or Islamic, we all are serving one God. The only different there is doctrine. Holy Bible or Korea, none of them ever tells us to do bad, Holy Bible or Korea always tells us to do good, God is real.
And to that wants to marry a Pentecostal, don’t allow you mother to pull down your dreams before you will be seen it as a nightmare. It’s time for you to stand as a man that God had made you to be. Make her to see reasons why should marry the person you wants to marry or else you did not truly love her. You mother will not manage your home for you when the time comes to avoid had I know or if you wants to die young.
Please Mum! Come and reason with you son together. I rest my case. Thanks

Posted: at 2-11-2010 01:52 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- mezkaz18 at 2-11-2010 02:36 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: juleshotluv on  2-11-2010 06:17 AM
Quote from: pnwagod on  2-11-2010 04:04 AM

 Whoever posted this disjointed story,the akiko or story has some illogical disconnections. Let  me be factual by stating that this story is categorically fallacious. Mr. Poster, while your story has attracted so many honest and emotional reactions from people, it is also important to point out that the so called mother in your story "can not be a Christian mother and a Mary League member at the same time. In Catholicism, Mary League is for young and unmarried girls, while Christian mother is for married women. Since the "mother" in your story can not be members of both, it entails that you story is unfounded, illogical and does not hold water.
Remember, it is not my intention to offend you mr. poster. I just want people to be creative and logical when they formulate stories. Don't contradict yourself by giving prepositions that will be empirically, scientifically, and logically suicidal. Naija mmamanu! Ekelenu! mmamanu!! ,Ekelenu!!

Ok, Whats going on here;are we been fooled?
you are not fooled  my sister, I am not a catholic and I dont know much about catholicism, it might be the only sister who supported her brother that belongs to Mary league, and their mum was angry for her supporting the guy (my friend) I remember my friend said some thing about Mary league ( it was a phone talk) , but I am sure of the mum as a Christian mother
Posted: at 2-11-2010 02:36 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- kinkino at 2-11-2010 03:07 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 2-11-2010 03:07 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- goingwithyou at 2-11-2010 03:35 PM (14 years ago)
Plx let her die if she wanna die oo .. Is nt a crime to be in love ...
Posted: at 2-11-2010 03:35 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- macgreat at 2-11-2010 03:47 PM (14 years ago)
Ha ha ha.. .. ..

Let him go ahead and marry that girl JOOR. . .

Na religion dey destroy so many people life for this country. . . Shocked

EveryOne have his or her life to live. . . if she says she's going to kill herself because you wanna marry a girl you love. . .

Leave let her kill herself. . . she has live her life. . . You live yours and be happy. . . there's no need for you to worry yourself.

She's Old. . . she will probably die any time soon.

Posted: at 2-11-2010 03:47 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Eucharia at 2-11-2010 04:38 PM (14 years ago)
please go ahead and marry her if you love her forget about what ur mother said, u have to marry ur choice not ur mother's choice ok. she is not going to kill her self if she is truly a christian becos she knows that sucide is a sin, but if  she realy mean  to kill her self becos of ur marraige to her then let her go ahead. i dont know why some parents can not allow their children to make their choice in terms of marriage. did anybody choose ur father to her dont let ur mother mislead u  so that u will not regret it in future, all becos she is ur mother and u have to respect her wishes , NO.
Posted: at 2-11-2010 04:38 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- do4sure at 2-11-2010 04:51 PM (14 years ago)
Show her an advanced obituary announcement of her death and go ahead and marry your wife.
Posted: at 2-11-2010 04:51 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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