Starting your final year projects documentation

Date: 26-05-2021 12:46 pm (3 years ago) | Author: edu projects
- at 26-05-2021 12:46 PM (3 years ago)
Even though it is so easy to start off final year projects documentation, it seems so difficult making a first attempt; why is that so? I can’t tell either because at some point, I found myself doing the same thing without any reason to table. Later however, I discovered undergraduates most of the times need a little push to start off something; like giving a short dead line or a promise to give a test unannounced. But for final year projects, it’s a different ball game all together. The time frame is usually at your disposal making students procrastinate their start-time. Perhaps a motivation is required.

Introducing a project starter kit for project chapter 1
If this is the motivation you need, then you have it – the project chapter one of the easiest thing you can have throughout your research documentation. Where students feel shaken could be about the historical background, so let’s dwell on that a little.

Background study explained in simpler terms
When the say a ‘historical background’ or ‘background of the study’, it simply requires that you give an overview of the situations that has inspired your research generally. This time you don’t have to be specific about it, because if you do, you will be repeating it when writing your projects ‘statement of problem’.

For instance, if your research is about health, poverty elevation or empowerment, it is safe to use the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a background to your study, taking time to recall the specific goals or objective which your research is anchored. Developing this topic, it is also safe to reference previous researches done in this regard. Now that’s a lead.
Background overview nurtures the background objectives of the research which you must expand further, as you progress.

Statement of problem   
The difference between the statement of problem and background overview is that the former is clear-cut, short and more specific. You don’t have to quote anyone. In a short prose, write the main reason you choose that final year project topic.

Research objectives
Next after the problem statement, you draft your research objective. Objectives are what this project is set to achieve. You don’t have to manipulate your objectives because your research finding will be recalled to confirm if your research objectives were truly achieved.
How do you know, because the content of your research objectives constitute your data analysis table.
Other details
The remaining details that may contain in your project chapter will be influenced by your course of study, your project topic and the research type.
You may have to provide details for;

•   Research questions

•   Content categories

•   Unit of analysis

•   Definition of terms

•   Delimitation of the study and the likes.

The information provided her about starting your project from the first chapter is typical with most undergraduate research materials. You simply need to confirm where your department or perhaps your project topic requires a tweak.

Editor's source Final year projects

Posted: at 26-05-2021 12:46 PM (3 years ago) | Newbie

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