CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church (Page 21)

Date: 05-01-2011 6:31 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Alfred
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- falanaoludare at 8-01-2011 03:21 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: colenzo on  6-01-2011 12:21 AM
those who seek richness ,this man is a prosperity pastor he dosn't preach repentance am sorry but is true
that is not true,  have listen to one of his songs which talked about salvation. . . I find it very difficult to believe when i heared it....
Posted: at 8-01-2011 03:21 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- toneph at 8-01-2011 04:23 PM (14 years ago)

It's really absurd and appalling how fanatical some Christians could be. Instead of verifying the authenticity of a story, people rather indulge in throwing tantrums on the writer of the story. Pastor Chris is first and foremost a human being, flesh and blood with proclivity to exhibit every human traits and conducts, after all man in his carnal form by Biblical implication is desperately wicked in nature. It will take the absolute presence of the holy spirit in him to place him above board. With a call by God to serve, he has in no small way propagate the gospel of Jesus within the length and breadth of Nigeria and beyond. We have witnessed great preachers fall to one sin or the order. Materialism on its own is a sin "a lover of the world is an enemy of God". We may recall the Sheraton Hotel, Lagos financial saga, where a member of his church, who was an employee of the hotel siphoned the hotel money in tens of millions into the church purse in the name of offerings, endorsed with acknowledgment by Pastor Chris, though he claimed to be oblivious of the source of the money. I've personally attended church services and programs in Christ Embassy, and have never witnessed any form of toll collection. And in my personal opinion which I am entitled to, I adjudge Pastor Chris as one of the greatest servants of God in the world, with sound, impeccable and meticulous way of delivering the word of God. Let us as Christians always know that no human situation can change the word of God.   
Posted: at 8-01-2011 04:23 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Lasba at 8-01-2011 04:31 PM (14 years ago)
I can't judge anyone, if he thinks & believes he's doing d right thing(s), then, let him carry on. All i know is that everybody must be ready 2 A/C 4 their deeds. Be it pastor, imam & what av U ?   
Posted: at 8-01-2011 04:31 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- joyjumper at 8-01-2011 05:37 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ecology on  8-01-2011 01:24 PM
The story is as real as day break.i asked my sister this morning and she confirmed it she is a member of that church.
Thanks for the personal eye witness confirmation.  A few of the members also attended from this forum confirmed that the story is true.  Those that claim it is not true have failed to provide evidence to contradict the news article.

I am not sure if the Christ Embassy had to pay for the rental of the space they used for the New Years Eve.  I am not sure what additional expenses they incurred for that event.  It could be the reason for charging.  If they wanted crowd control and to ensure that other pastors had a seat, there are many ways to handle that than charging.

To each his own.  They are not the only prosperity and motivational pastors that charge gate fee.  Some in North America do this and they are met with the same complaints from the public.

I think somebody else also commented that Christ Embassy did the same thing in London, UK some time ago.  This is a growing trend.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 05:37 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- kuye10 at 8-01-2011 05:44 PM (14 years ago)
dose peple na 4evamumu
Posted: at 8-01-2011 05:44 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- QuinnMaeback at 8-01-2011 05:52 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: kuye10 on  8-01-2011 05:44 PM
dose peple na 4evamumu
Cheesy Cheesy
Posted: at 8-01-2011 05:52 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 06:12 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ceejay58 on  8-01-2011 06:02 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 12:29 AM
Quote from: ceejay58 on  6-01-2011 05:46 AM
the story is true.... i was there live on the cross over night...

A friend invited me.. and i was equally taken aback when he gave me the ticket. 
u know, i was like " hey what do i need the gate pass for?

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy LIAR

why re u just seeking attention from me young woman?
can't believe u re this dumb even when u ve seen the evidence in the past pages.... and u have the gut to call me a liar?
pls this is a new yr and me don't wanna exchange hot words with anybody... cos i don't feel comfortable with that.
iwat stupid and fake evidence dumb old man,pls kip quiet and giving fake testimony
Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:12 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 06:15 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:05 AM
Quote from: paulbenson on  7-01-2011 11:58 PM
what is wrong with gate fees to enter christ embassy on 31st night? That amount wasn't that much. 5dollars for 31st night church service. next year should be 3000- 15dollars, what do you think he is doing? how can he buy those expensive suits, shoes and those cars if there is no gate fees... you guys are just stupid to say he shouldn't collect money for gate fees.

He also collected offerings during service as well.   Cheesy Cheesy
so re u tryin to say offering is wrong Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:15 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- diapearlz at 8-01-2011 06:18 PM (14 years ago)
it is really absurd and most embarrassing that most of us claim to be christians ,but we still  do not know the difference between being religious and knowing the truth,the difference between being mislead and being exposed to the living TRUTH which is clearly written in the SCRIPTURES tru the good book we call the HOLY BIBLE ,which is the POWER behind our existance, the POWER that we are, the POWER behind all creations...THE WISDOM OF GOD IS SOMETHING WE CANNOT COMPREHEND but rather do ourselves favour by trying as much as possible to abide and live by..The almighty GOD is hollow and at the same time fills every space at every particular point in time.OMNI-PRESENT  .. we are all human and thus imperfect including the pastors and reverends and all that we may know that are flesh..FAITH works wether we like it or not but the problem is that there are two types of faith ,the positive and the negative, the latter is destructive ,it encompasses fear and therefore belief in what the scripyures said and will always leave us in conflict with the WORD..and anyone that has the negative will always have problems with reasoning and meditating on the word.. many has rained all kinds of abusive words on the gentleman that read a news and decided to post it on this forum, the word of God can not be twisted and if anybody including myself has any doubt about the post we should just try and confirm the authenticity of the post.instead of showing how shallow minded we are by our abusive responses..siding a pastor behind all reasonable doubts whom has derailed knowingly or unknowingly, in the name of '' touch not my anointed'' is like denying what our MASTER,our RABBI stood for which was one of the reasons he was bruttally killed by people that felt they were more religious than him,,LIGHT will always in all conditions conquer darkness..
Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:18 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- vantheo at 8-01-2011 06:23 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 12:34 AM
Quote from: vantheo on  6-01-2011 09:00 AM
I've never liked this pastor from d first day i saw him.
he does not even know u EXIST
did i beg him to know dat i exist? Mrs christ embassy follower. Shey him don give you ur own share of d money? Go use d money perm ur hair like his own. Stupid idiotic homo sapien

Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:23 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- ksurrina at 8-01-2011 06:43 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 05:25 AM
Quote from: logten on  8-01-2011 03:52 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 03:11 AM
Quote from: nametalkam on  7-01-2011 11:32 PM
Here is a proof

you againnnnnn abi

calling me a fool? well all your commentz just show you're not a believer in christ... but dat of chris.

can you prove that he did not sell tickets? i guess not
Yes,oh so u re the beliver,ofcousrse he did nt sell tickets.

 Grin Grin Grin Spirit of Satan please to read.  I am not a believer in Christ but I AM THAT OF CHRIST.  John 3:16 Says that we should believe on Him to start our relationship with Him. Then Gal 2:20 says that I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

It is because you are still a BELIEVER why PASTORS like this ROBBER AND LIAR can come and bring you to HELL PIT that he is going into. When I come to Nigeria I will come and pray so that the Holy Ghost will CLEANSE both you and him. I want none of my master sheep to go into the hands of the devil. Look out for MY coming to Nigeria to help save your soul.


Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:43 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- QuinnMaeback at 8-01-2011 06:52 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 06:15 PM
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:05 AM
Quote from: paulbenson on  7-01-2011 11:58 PM
what is wrong with gate fees to enter christ embassy on 31st night? That amount wasn't that much. 5dollars for 31st night church service. next year should be 3000- 15dollars, what do you think he is doing? how can he buy those expensive suits, shoes and those cars if there is no gate fees... you guys are just stupid to say he shouldn't collect money for gate fees.

He also collected offerings during service as well.   Cheesy Cheesy
so re u tryin to say offering is wrong Huh? Huh? Huh?
There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings.  An example of an offering that should never be allowed is that of Judas Iscariot after betraying Christ Jesus came back to return the money.  Even the betrayers with him knew enough that blood money cannot enter the alter of God. 

There were 25,000 people that came for the New Years Eve Service for Christ Embassy.  One thousand niara was collected from each participant.  You have zero idea what their spiritual positions are and you collected that money.  You also collected offering without ensuring that the contributors were worthy to put money towards God's work.

There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:52 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ksurrina at 8-01-2011 06:53 PM (14 years ago)
@Funyik THE TEN COMMANDMENTS WERE NAILED TO THE CROSS. A covenant cannot fulfilled another covenant. How can a MARRIAGE FULFILLED ANOTHER MARRIAGE. THAT IS ADULTERY. lol lol Matt 5: 17  “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Jesus let us that HE is the fulfilment of what spoken in the Old Testament. Gal 3 Paul let us to know that the 10 commandments and the Statutes/JUDGMENTS of God  were there to show us our SINFUL NATURE. Jesus Christ came to give us LIFE THROUGH FAITH. John 13:34 let us to know that our Covenant is LOVE. John 15:10 let us to know WHO WE SHOULD WE BE OBEDIENT TO JESUS CHRIST.


Now stop coming on this board and go learn ABOUT THE CHRIST that you should be teaching about. Christians like you let me stay far away from associating with this name. You are a shame and disgrace to the Body of Christ.

Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:53 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- e-love at 8-01-2011 06:54 PM (14 years ago)
na wa oooooooooooo human beings
Posted: at 8-01-2011 06:54 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- joyjumper at 8-01-2011 07:10 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: QuinnMaeback on  8-01-2011 06:52 PM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 06:15 PM
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:05 AM
Quote from: paulbenson on  7-01-2011 11:58 PM
what is wrong with gate fees to enter christ embassy on 31st night? That amount wasn't that much. 5dollars for 31st night church service. next year should be 3000- 15dollars, what do you think he is doing? how can he buy those expensive suits, shoes and those cars if there is no gate fees... you guys are just stupid to say he shouldn't collect money for gate fees.

He also collected offerings during service as well.   Cheesy Cheesy
so re u tryin to say offering is wrong Huh? Huh? Huh?
There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings.  An example of an offering that should never be allowed is that of Judas Iscariot after betraying Christ Jesus came back to return the money.  Even the betrayers with him knew enough that blood money cannot enter the alter of God. 

There were 25,000 people that came for the New Years Eve Service for Christ Embassy.  One thousand niara was collected from each participant.  You have zero idea what their spiritual positions are and you collected that money.  You also collected offering without ensuring that the contributors were worthy to put money towards God's work.

There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings.

This is joyjumper.  I am one of the volunteers for Quinn Maybach.  I responded to this without logging back into my own account.  Sorry.  I am the one that responded to the comments above and not Miss Maybach.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 07:10 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 07:40 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ksurrina on  8-01-2011 06:43 PM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 05:25 AM
Quote from: logten on  8-01-2011 03:52 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 03:11 AM
Quote from: nametalkam on  7-01-2011 11:32 PM
Here is a proof

you againnnnnn abi

calling me a fool? well all your commentz just show you're not a believer in christ... but dat of chris.

can you prove that he did not sell tickets? i guess not
Yes,oh so u re the beliver,ofcousrse he did nt sell tickets.

 Grin Grin Grin Spirit of Satan please to read.  I am not a believer in Christ but I AM THAT OF CHRIST.  John 3:16 Says that we should believe on Him to start our relationship with Him. Then Gal 2:20 says that I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

It is because you are still a BELIEVER why PASTORS like this ROBBER AND LIAR can come and bring you to HELL PIT that he is going into. When I come to Nigeria I will come and pray so that the Holy Ghost will CLEANSE both you and him. I want none of my master sheep to go into the hands of the devil. Look out for MY coming to Nigeria to help save your soul.

sorry bt i don't live in Nigeria,and pastor Chris is not a robber,and also i remember telling u to stop reading ur bible upside down instead of changing or to start learning hw to read ur Bible ur here saying ribbish, now matt 5 vs 17 says think not thath iam come to to destroy the law or the prophets i am come not  to destroy but to fufill,18 for verily i say unto u til heaven and earth shall pass,one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fufilled and 19 is for u,whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments And shall teach men so,he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven,but whoisoever shall teach them,the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven,and u nid to read all the verses of this chapter.NOW WILL U COMMON LEAVE THIS FORUM AND GO STUDY UR BIBLE THE RIGHT WAY,NONSENSE.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 07:40 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 07:45 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:33 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 02:25 AM
Quote from: joyjumper on  6-01-2011 05:41 PM
Quote from: princeforlife on  6-01-2011 12:38 PM
You should have also posted the said TICKET for us to see. Give us a photo of this ticket. i didn't attend the service to see how it  looks like This news no complete you know.
Below is the ticket:

is dat d one u bought or d one u and ur antichrist group printed

Anti-Christ group printed?  Why do you not show us the ticket that was used on New Years Eve since you dispute the report.  You cannot proof the newspaper nor the poster wrong so you have resorted to calling true children of God anti-Christ groupies?  You are stupid as well as funny. Cheesy Cheesy

is pm a news paper or is the poster a journalist?why is d news not on newspapers,i mean sun,vangaurd and others,ofcourse u know wat i min by news papers
Posted: at 8-01-2011 07:45 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 07:49 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:42 AM
Quote from: ksurrina on  8-01-2011 04:29 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 01:13 AM
Quote from: amakapat on  6-01-2011 11:16 AM
my fellow christains......we got to shine our eyes....all dis pastors are nt real, they demons childeen..they out to destroy us....hv u ever tink why muslims neva pay kobo to enter there mosque....their mallams neva ask dem to pay tith unless they wish beginning to tink twice about my many question i wnt ansa confuse....i wnt ansers b4 i convert to............i believ all pastors are thieves....i hv once been duped by a pastor in nigeria b4 i travelled to canada....who are this pastors? Are tthey actually preaching d world of they actually know d true religion! Why are they all d same....those that mean we r into falsely religion...some one help me....
did i hear u call urself a christian,dat a lie cos if u re then u will know the chapter that talks about payin ur tithes(malachai 3vs6-11)if u ve a Bible den study,u say all pastors re fake u still haven`t read the scriptures that talks about judgement(matt 7 vs 1-5)pastors are men of God,they re our shepherds on earth.

You have been writing nothing but stupidity on this FORUM. Do you know your BIBLE if you had then you know that the Kingdom of Heaven which paying of Tithes fall under is no longer in existence. It was hanged on the Tree when my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified. Gal 3 and Matt 10:11-12 will give you everything you lack. Under the Covenant of the Holy Spirit (Heavenly Father) which was only for the Children of Israel TITHING WAS FOR EVERY THREE YEARS and not every Saturday or every time one meet.

Now under the COVENANT of the HOLY GHOST (Jesus Christ) we pay Cheerful 2 Corinthians 9:7. Your Pastor that are stealing from Jesus Christ Sheep need CLEANSING. You better stop being a Christian and start building your one and one relationship with Christ before it is too late. Born Again is what Christ told us to be which involve OBEDIENCE and SANCTIFICATION John 3 and the Book of Romans go and read.
You did well ksurrina.  The funnyiyk character is really showing the fruits of pastor chris.
I may recommend to her Tapping God's Resources for Life and Ministery by Gbile Akanni.
 Wink Wink
wat's d meaning of dat ?
Posted: at 8-01-2011 07:49 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- funyik at 8-01-2011 07:52 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: joyjumper on  8-01-2011 06:45 AM
Quote from: ceejay58 on  8-01-2011 06:02 AM
Quote from: funyik on  8-01-2011 12:29 AM
Quote from: ceejay58 on  6-01-2011 05:46 AM
the story is true.... i was there live on the cross over night...

A friend invited me.. and i was equally taken aback when he gave me the ticket. 
u know, i was like " hey what do i need the gate pass for?

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy LIAR

why re u just seeking attention from me young woman?
can't believe u re this dumb even when u ve seen the evidence in the past pages.... and u have the gut to call me a liar?
pls this is a new yr and me don't wanna exchange hot words with anybody... cos i don't feel comfortable with that.

Pray.  May God give you the wisdom, patience and understanding to withstand this fool that is just going about claiming to represent Christ Embassy and pastor Chris.  If this is the way they are, I want nothing to do with them. 

Thank God.

ur the biggest fool for not knowing that christianity does not mean foolishnes.
Posted: at 8-01-2011 07:52 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- SENTIMAL at 8-01-2011 08:02 PM (14 years ago)
'THOU SHALL NOT TURN MY HOUSE TO A MARKET PLACE'. Though, I think the church needs more money, not for salvation but, for the wages of the servants of God!
Posted: at 8-01-2011 08:02 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
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