It uncovers some shocking revelations on corruption (Something that is never shown in Nigeria) in Nigeria and unavailability of basic social amenities such as good roads or even education to the poor.
The documentary explores the baby selling industry in Abia state in short this is a clip that will make you weep as a Nigeria. Seeing countries like China and Japan growing to become world powers, I was hoping that our government will be learning from such trend setters and also from the mistakes of our past leaders (Obasanjo, Babangida and Buhari), but that is not the case. Political posts has since become a ticket to siphoning the country's funds into personal accounts.
Watch the clip, it is 25 mins long. Enjoy
I specialize in investigative reportage across several subject matter and sectors but mainly focus on metro events and investigation. Do leave your thoughts and opinion on my reports to let me know what you think about them. Thank you
Posted: at 18-08-2011 11:15 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
pascalomo at 18-08-2011 11:27 AM (13 years ago) (m)
when will they change from this act of prostitute
Posted: at 18-08-2011 11:27 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
twinster at 18-08-2011 12:12 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Quote from: deboalabi262 on 18-08-2011 11:39 AM
It is very much disheartening and absurd that majority of Edo girls are Sluts and Prostitutes. A vivid insult/disgrace to womanhood. Just too bad...
is like Edo girl don do u something b4...Edo girls are good and just how the world is tturning to..thank God this oppen to the world to see what is on in this country.
Posted: at 18-08-2011 12:12 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
which is worst, the Nigeria leaders that are stealing our money, telling lies and ruling us in deceit with no shame and who highly petronize this girls than a girl who decided to earn a living with what she has got. There are more local prostitute than the international ones why are we deceiving ourselves
Posted: at 18-08-2011 12:21 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
tundamartin at 18-08-2011 12:36 PM (13 years ago) (m)
What the heck wrong with Edo girls that they always fall prey for these human traffikers? Is it greed or what? Despite this sad story coming from Italy, you wont be surprised to learn that many more girls are willing to go 'abroad' instead of looking for Nigerian Mr Right and settle down.
Posted: at 18-08-2011 12:36 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
ZION7ZION at 18-08-2011 12:40 PM (13 years ago) (m)
i dont know why all these western people derive joy in making documentaries to show negative side of Africa, how can the stupid white lady presenter say that most new houses in Benin are built from the prostitution money, Nigeria is Bad !Nigeria is Bad! leave us alone and go back to your countries they no go gree.yeye foolish english fowls.
Posted: at 18-08-2011 12:40 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac