"Allow Every Nigerian To Carry A Gun" - CAN (Page 8)

Date: 13-09-2011 1:10 am (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- jcmaiah at 14-09-2011 10:04 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:35 AM
Quote from: moniconyez on 13-09-2011 08:17 AM

WE KNOW IT WAS LEGALISED IN YOUR SIDE SINCE 1967 TILL TODAY....FOREVER! That is not going to happen in the north. North is ours and inyamiri land is yours. Stay there with your legally possessed guns, gods, ritualism, etc. HAPPY SHOOTINGS MONEYMAKER.
see who is talking. Cattle headed humans like you dont have anything good to offer. You guys should keep worshipping Gowon for introducing NYSC else the northern part of nigeria especially your own state would perhaps produce just one literate person. Maybe you.  
Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:04 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:05 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: tmaxdon on 13-09-2011 11:01 PM
Quote from: ajanni on 13-09-2011 10:36 PM
Quote from: chisparlis on 13-09-2011 09:45 PM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:32 AM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN.

Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.

You suckers lemme ask you idiots if the Igbo's are among the suckers that suck your brother's useless  unhealthy blood... why kill the igbo's because they are Christians, leave the igbo's out of this because they have their own land and they come there they pay tax and you kill them....you stupid people are all over other states  have you ever hear them killing over there.....the fcuking leadership was with you people for over 40 years and nothing was good to tell about you boko harams. do you think Igbo's are fools watching and keeping silence......look enough is enough and don't fcuking touch the igbo's when you kill and suck your blood... you vampire's suckerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

comming back to you later on, big goat

To start with,I would like to tell you that I didn't want to give any reply to your comments but this not the first time I've been seeing your comments condemning Christianity and even the Bible ...I am not sure you're a Yoruba man and if you are,you are nothing but a Stupid fanatics cos I have muslims relatives my Grandparents were good and very rich muslims and they never said anything about my parents being Christians we live together in love,we celebrate Ramadan,ileya,christmas and Easter together...I am sure you must be a kid so I will just stop my comments here...you can go through my comments to your fellow Hausa partner I didn't say anything against Quran or Islam but against Hausa muslims bcos no religion crises have been heard of in yoruba nad Igbo parts..and that is the way a normal person should talk....Is there no Hausas in Cameroon and Ghana? is there no Muslims in Ghana and Cameroon? Think b4 you write your comments..
nice one Cool Cool

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:05 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:09 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on 13-09-2011 10:25 PM
Quote from: shebanyan on 13-09-2011 08:35 PM
Quote from: kebella on 13-09-2011 11:38 AM
ajanni wil be my first target if gun is legalize Grin Tongue
I am even ready 4 him hw u see am may be na 2 attack him tonight idiottt Ajanni
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
i am feeling sorry already for the big e-goat that born you, my victim no 1 , kebella , followed by you that idiot , then i will wiped all other bastards out at once
loud mouth shut up jare hiding man Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:09 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:11 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on 13-09-2011 10:34 PM
Quote from: xPRINCEx on 13-09-2011 08:47 PM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN.

Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.
since i have been reading comments here, i ve not read a stupid comment as compared to the this comment made by this idiot that i post above mine.if the muslims re tired of being nigerian, why dont they go and join their cow in nigel republic. bastard and leave the christians alone.

you don,t worry , let it be so , theres no cause for alarm , i swear with the GOD who created the heaven and hearth , it will take no time to teach them all a very hard lessons the history will live to remember
ajanni yu sure sey yu read d comment b4 commenting...........ur cursing urself so Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:11 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:12 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: jcmaiah on 14-09-2011 10:04 AM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:35 AM
Quote from: moniconyez on 13-09-2011 08:17 AM

WE KNOW IT WAS LEGALISED IN YOUR SIDE SINCE 1967 TILL TODAY....FOREVER! That is not going to happen in the north. North is ours and inyamiri land is yours. Stay there with your legally possessed guns, gods, ritualism, etc. HAPPY SHOOTINGS MONEYMAKER.
see who is talking. Cattle headed humans like you dont have anything good to offer. You guys should keep worshipping Gowon for introducing NYSC else the northern part of nigeria especially your own state would perhaps produce just one literate person. Maybe you.  
Grin Grin Grin Grin Shocked Shocked

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:12 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:15 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: tmaxdon on 13-09-2011 10:49 PM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:32 AM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN
Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.

You think you've spoken well, isn't? I must tell you that I was able to see that Religion fanatic in your statement...all Hausa Muslims from Nigeria are just as stupid as anything else and I think that is bcos  Islam was giving to you people by force(only if you know the story) and that's why you're not practicing it with love....The bible says Love your neighbour  as you love yourself; which the Christians are doing bcos it's a civilised religion...one truth I would like you to realise is that I have a lot Arab friends and I know what they do here,they gave you the Religion but you're crazy about it though they have fanatics too...The Nigerian Hausas haven't brought honour to the name our country in all ways the only thing they can do is kill their fellow human beings..."you Malu"...I am not condemning Islam bcos I have relatives and good friends that are Yoruba Muslims some of them even go to church with me, but you Hausas are just Idiots without brains.....I met an Hausa man from Ghana; immediately I told him I'm a Nigerian and Yoruba to be precised he began to say a lot of negative things about Nigerian Hausas but he said I love Nigerians except our Hausas.....Candere or whatever your name is...I am sorry to tell you that Nigerian Hausa Muslims are loads of disgrace to the Nation ..take a look at the problem of Boko Haram and the case Murtalab....If the government can't protect us let's look for another means to protect ourselves.....OLODO;MALU::
God bless yu my dear for saying the truth.........ur words re as straight as cigarret Cool Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Kiss

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:15 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:23 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: chisparlis on 13-09-2011 09:45 PM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:32 AM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN.

Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.

You suckers lemme ask you idiots if the Igbo's are among the suckers that suck your brother's useless  unhealthy blood... why kill the igbo's because they are Christians, leave the igbo's out of this because they have their own land and they come there they pay tax and you kill them....you stupid people are all over other states  have you ever hear them killing over there.....the fcuking leadership was with you people for over 40 years and nothing was good to tell about you boko harams. do you think Igbo's are fools watching and keeping silence......look enough is enough and don't fcuking touch the igbo's when you kill and suck your blood... you vampire's suckerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

true talk Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:23 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- eskor9 at 14-09-2011 10:23 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:23 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- kebella at 14-09-2011 10:26 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: otagermo on 13-09-2011 08:42 PM
dis is somehow funny.....just tell some hungry dudu sharrrap...he will reply you with his gun.....even some will be using gun to salute each other......it will turn into funny scene.....my first target will be anini abi na ajanni....atlist,newspapers will make more money with their headlines.....i no fit laf Grin Grin Grin Grin
we re all targetting the same person Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin i wonder what wil happen when NAMETALKEM go make abt post abt the dead of our beloved madman ajanni Grin Grin Grin Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked wallahi i go sock myself in whisky Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:26 AM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- DJcollins at 14-09-2011 10:39 AM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:39 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- tmaxdon at 14-09-2011 10:43 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: kebella on 14-09-2011 10:15 AM
Quote from: tmaxdon on 13-09-2011 10:49 PM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:32 AM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN
Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.

You think you've spoken well, isn't? I must tell you that I was able to see that Religion fanatic in your statement...all Hausa Muslims from Nigeria are just as stupid as anything else and I think that is bcos  Islam was giving to you people by force(only if you know the story) and that's why you're not practicing it with love....The bible says Love your neighbour  as you love yourself; which the Christians are doing bcos it's a civilised religion...one truth I would like you to realise is that I have a lot Arab friends and I know what they do here,they gave you the Religion but you're crazy about it though they have fanatics too...The Nigerian Hausas haven't brought honour to the name our country in all ways the only thing they can do is kill their fellow human beings..."you Malu"...I am not condemning Islam bcos I have relatives and good friends that are Yoruba Muslims some of them even go to church with me, but you Hausas are just Idiots without brains.....I met an Hausa man from Ghana; immediately I told him I'm a Nigerian and Yoruba to be precised he began to say a lot of negative things about Nigerian Hausas but he said I love Nigerians except our Hausas.....Candere or whatever your name is...I am sorry to tell you that Nigerian Hausa Muslims are loads of disgrace to the Nation ..take a look at the problem of Boko Haram and the case Murtalab....If the government can't protect us let's look for another means to protect ourselves.....OLODO;MALU::
God bless yu my dear for saying the truth.........ur words re as straight as cigarret Cool Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Kiss

Posted: at 14-09-2011 10:43 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Andybest1 at 14-09-2011 11:18 AM (13 years ago)
dis idea wil cause more harm dan gud caz 9ja sabi miss use tinz
Posted: at 14-09-2011 11:18 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Estheraremu at 14-09-2011 11:51 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: thom on 13-09-2011 05:55 AM
Quote from: godwindave on 13-09-2011 05:35 AM
Does Nigeria have a president at all?
Nooooooooo maybe they will assign you as the president, olodo
no bi small olodo, OLODO RABATA,
 Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Angry Sad Shocked Cool Huh? Roll Eyes Tongue Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided Kiss :'(
Posted: at 14-09-2011 11:51 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:20 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: yetundebuky on 13-09-2011 12:23 PM
Catanre. I dont know you but I love you as a person. I am a chrstian and i believe that we all should be one. One thing you dont realise is that, you are your brothers keeper. Catanre, If i meet you today i will never want to you to die. If we can all believe and love eachother then things will get better. Lets protect each other. Lets start now. Love everyone you and lets forget about religion.

Let me tell you the truth my brother. I had never wished a single christian dead, talk less of being happy when christian (s) is/are killed. But one thing we should always consider is, Jos crisis is not only one side killing the other but both sides committing atrocities against each the other. It seems that on this site only Muslims kills Christians. Whenever christians killed Muslims, nobody talk. Everyone will keep his mouth shut, some may even say kudos assailants. But when it turns the other way round, you will see how people will be crying, insulting and condemning. Does it mean that christians has right to kill Muslims but Muslims does not have right to fight back? On this, I will never shut up until I clearly see justice. If christians killed Muslims in the process of performing their religious rights, Muslims has every right to fight back. But whenever they decided to stay calm, then any Muslim who attempted to kill a christian should bear the burden, he should face the wrath of the law and also the wrath of God. What is FOREVER IMPOSSIBLE is for Muslims (of all domains) to fold their arms and watch themselves being killed by some criminals who called themselves christians just like that.

Let it be that whoever commit the atrocity be brought to the law. Let the government show good example by punishing the offenders. But till today, the master-minders of Yelwa Shendam genocide where more than 600 Muslims were slaughtered are free. The bomb detonators of christmas eve in jos north are nowhere to be found. But the state government is busy banning women wearing skirts from entering government offices. That is what the government cared about.

You may remember that this wave of the crises started when tens of Muslims were slaughtered and roasted like chickens at Eid ground in Jos north local government. Do you expect Muslims to fold their arms until they are all killed? NO! That can never be possible most especially the case in jos where Muslims are being considered settlers and must be cleansed. That can never be possible. The dream of AFRICAN VATICAN or VATICAN OF AFRICA can never be possible in Jos. It can only be achieved when all Muslims and all the signs of Islam are eliminated from Jos. Do you think they can do that? Let them give it a try... let them keep trying. Sooner or later, justice will prevail.

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:20 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:23 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: cata-gina on 13-09-2011 01:11 PM
those fulanis responsible for carrying out the dastadly act should be tried and convicted,the association of fulanis herdsmen should apprehended for all these.PFN /CAN rise and defend the ones you lead.act as pressure group on the presidency and on the goverment of those affected states.pproliferation of arm is not the answer to these situations at hand

And what do you suggest to be done on those who killed and roasted like chicken the innocent Muslims performing their Eid prayers in Jos north during the recent Eid-al-Fitr? They should go free abi?

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:23 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:25 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Bantino on 13-09-2011 03:49 PM
Carrying guns is the not the solution to the problem in Jos or any other part of Nigeria. The Federal Government should declare a state of emergency in Plateau State.

Which it doesn't want to. That was where obasanjo is better than goodluck.

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:25 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:30 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: PHINO on 13-09-2011 05:28 PM

Are you talking?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:30 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:47 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: shebanyan on 13-09-2011 08:26 PM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:32 AM

I have never heard a situation where a country legalizes all its citizens to possess guns. Kai! This people are on a deadly mission. All they are looking for is how to wipe out Hausa/Fulani from Plateau state.

Who was responsible for the recent upsurge in Jos crises? Where was this HANKAKA who called himself christian when tens of Muslims were slaughtered few weeks ago on Eid ground in Jos north local government area when they were performing their Eid-al-fitr prayer. You strike first and when you are paid with not up to half of your own coin you cry like a child. We all know that peace was returning in Jos until when those criminal christians break the silence. Who is responsible for it then? You such blood and laugh but whenever your blood is sipped a little you cry and tell the whole world that so so is happening. GROW UP AND BEHAVE LIKE MEN NOT CHILDREN.

Anybody wishing all Nigerians to legally posses guns is MAD, and IRRESPONSIBLE human being WHOEVER he is.
who be dis bastard of a thing are u a fool bastard idiottttt what da fcuk when ppl are dieng and u will stay here talking shiet wallahi za ki chi ubanki yar iska kawai wawia

Poor GAURAKA. Is that all you can do? Pity!

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:47 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:49 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: ajanni on 13-09-2011 07:10 PM
Quote from: nametalkam on 13-09-2011 01:10 AM
following the recent attacks on some villagers by a sect in Jos Plateau State, in which several people died, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has called on President Jonathan to allow every Nigerian to carry arms for self-protection.
The national president of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, made the call through a statement, a copy of which was made available to the Nigerian Tribune on Monday.

He said “we urge the president, as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to stop the orgy of ethnic cleansing or accede to recent calls for all Nigerians to carry arms.”
Stating that the killing of innocent villagers could not assuage electoral disadvantages, Oritsejafor added that if the president could no longer guarantee the safety of life and property of Nigerians, in accordance with the oath he took, then the National Assembly should immediately enact a law that would make every Nigerian to carry arms for their own protection.
“As a nation, we cannot continue like this. There has to be a genuine demonstration of commitment to the collective development of the country, through honesty of purpose. The current orgy of violent ethnic crises has continued unabated for several days, just a few days after the president had identified the people behind the growing spate of terrorism in the country,” the statement said.
Worried by the new dimension the crises had assumed in recent times, which had led to the killing of over 52 persons, including pregnant women and children within 10 days, the CAN president called on President  Jonathan to reassure Nigerians that he had the capacity to guarantee their safety in any part of the nation, by urgently halting what he called the madness taking place in parts of Plateau State.

Giving everybody a gun like they do in the United States, Can that work in Nigeria? Christian Association Of Nigeria thinks that is the best solution to the ongoing crisis in the country

Source: Tribune.

let it be so , who is afraiding of that irresponsible and senseless request? already church is a depot of weapon of mass destructions , ,of recent and not so long ago, a pastor was caught with different type of weapons at bauchi , he uses it for roberry and leases it out to other criminals alike ,let that be , it will be so nice , i will equips every members of my families with a superior weapons , already they were a good shooter

That is the truth my brother.................

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:49 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 14-09-2011 12:51 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: jcmaiah on 14-09-2011 10:04 AM
Quote from: cadanre on 13-09-2011 08:35 AM
Quote from: moniconyez on 13-09-2011 08:17 AM

WE KNOW IT WAS LEGALISED IN YOUR SIDE SINCE 1967 TILL TODAY....FOREVER! That is not going to happen in the north. North is ours and inyamiri land is yours. Stay there with your legally possessed guns, gods, ritualism, etc. HAPPY SHOOTINGS MONEYMAKER.
see who is talking. Cattle headed humans like you dont have anything good to offer. You guys should keep worshipping Gowon for introducing NYSC else the northern part of nigeria especially your own state would perhaps produce just one literate person. Maybe you.  

You are exposing your ignorance and arrogance. What is literacy?

Posted: at 14-09-2011 12:51 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
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