STORY! A farmer was at work in the afternoon on Thursday when he heard a baby crying. He followed the sound to discover a baby girl, who seemed to have been buried alive. She had managed to push her head above the ground.
The farmer, who is from Madhya Pradesh's Bodna village in India, rushed the child to a local hospital. Doctors believe she was 48 hours old before she was rescued.
She is now recovering well.
Minister for Education Archana Chitnis has visited the child and ordered the hospital to monitor the baby carefully. The police is trying to locate her parents. But the baby is unlikely to be returned to them.
Madhya Pradesh had the highest number of recorded cases of both female feticide and infanticide in 2009.
Posted: at 7-10-2011 11:44 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
GullahGeeche at 7-10-2011 01:34 PM (13 years ago) (f)
If these countries ESPECIALLY IN ASIA keep killing all of their female children they will soon turn into a nation of segxwally friustrated sodomites! NONSENSE!
If you kill and abort all of your female children who will your sons marry?How will you reproduce?
So called intelligent society! Sounds to me like too much learning has made them mad! Evil Nonsense!
Posted: at 7-10-2011 01:34 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
You guys have not seen something about Asians, they so wicked..killing is kind of most comon crim in asia, for example if you go to india prison here in Delhi about 60 to 70 percent of their crimes is muder and rape cases...may God bless and protect the child..Amen. Anothther thing that locked their hearts is lack of christ in their lives, i dols in every conner of the street, tell me what you expect from a country that have over 1.7 million gods know they worship, don't you know that they can do undo ?
Posted: at 7-10-2011 11:23 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
If these countries ESPECIALLY IN ASIA keep killing all of their female children they will soon turn into a nation of segxwally friustrated sodomites! NONSENSE!
If you kill and abort all of your female children who will your sons marry?How will you reproduce?
So called intelligent society! Sounds to me like too much learning has made them mad! Evil Nonsense!
u don vex ooooo
Posted: at 8-10-2011 01:00 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
escapedprince at 8-10-2011 04:20 AM (13 years ago) (m)
vampiires, zombies,murderous poltergeists, abominations of nature, etc,none are real, all are,projections, metaphors,an externalization of the crude evil that lies within us, the only monsters in this world are those who pass for human.
Posted: at 8-10-2011 04:20 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac