Shame! Nigerian Idol Judge, Yinka Davies Bares Her Bosom In Public (Page 6)

Date: 19-12-2011 6:04 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- Sean-Dada at 20-12-2011 02:20 PM (13 years ago)
Must she sample her booby 4 public 4 all and sundry 2 see?? Arrant Nonsense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: at 20-12-2011 02:20 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- wado at 20-12-2011 02:43 PM (13 years ago)
cant see any Bosom ....lo
Posted: at 20-12-2011 02:43 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ILOVEMYBABY at 20-12-2011 02:56 PM (13 years ago)
 Angry why can't you guys find something more important to do other than taking snapshots of a lady's Bosom ? please, leave the woman be.
Posted: at 20-12-2011 02:56 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- segxykay at 20-12-2011 03:30 PM (13 years ago)
@Poster u are a real correct and advanced amebo.............u better go CNN
Posted: at 20-12-2011 03:30 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- akpodhero at 20-12-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago)
Please do something nice for the public.
Posted: at 20-12-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- zicowonder at 20-12-2011 04:46 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 20-12-2011 04:46 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- BSIDEBOi at 20-12-2011 04:57 PM (13 years ago)
The writer must be sleeping on a bicycle...I was expectin something more hmm hmm.
Posted: at 20-12-2011 04:57 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- babebose at 20-12-2011 05:24 PM (13 years ago)
i see nothing wrong with her Bosom s, other than that she should not have bared them to that extent
Posted: at 20-12-2011 05:24 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- cocoeni at 20-12-2011 05:31 PM (13 years ago)
 Lips Sealed Lips Sealed
Posted: at 20-12-2011 05:31 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
- Femmy76 at 20-12-2011 05:34 PM (13 years ago)
Beside Moral living we African over copied the western World, where is our Culture ? today you cant differential between married and single ladies..Nigerian let go back to our Culture is the best in the World wide...
Posted: at 20-12-2011 05:34 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Criagparker at 20-12-2011 05:45 PM (13 years ago)
oboy this Bosom  is equivalent to those grandma at 90's
this is not our culture pls try and change
may God help uooooooooooooooojavascript:void(0);
Posted: at 20-12-2011 05:45 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Japushy at 20-12-2011 06:27 PM (13 years ago)
as 4 me i like big booby bt dnt wry i wl mnge it like dat
Posted: at 20-12-2011 06:27 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- MegaOneplusone at 20-12-2011 07:08 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 20-12-2011 07:08 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Grinblud at 20-12-2011 07:26 PM (13 years ago)
this one na dunlop slippers ...
Posted: at 20-12-2011 07:26 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- easyjay at 20-12-2011 07:48 PM (13 years ago)
see bobbie
Posted: at 20-12-2011 07:48 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 20-12-2011 08:15 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: wado on 20-12-2011 02:43 PM
cant see any Bosom ....lo

wear glass now, where you put your glass self?
Posted: at 20-12-2011 08:15 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- ajanni at 20-12-2011 08:16 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Grinblud on 20-12-2011 07:26 PM
this one na dunlop slippers ...
Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Posted: at 20-12-2011 08:16 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- brownsuga007 at 20-12-2011 08:53 PM (13 years ago)
Wey d Bosom  nah?
Posted: at 20-12-2011 08:53 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 20-12-2011 09:25 PM (13 years ago)
can,t you see well?
Posted: at 20-12-2011 09:25 PM (13 years ago) | Grande Master
- kebella at 20-12-2011 09:27 PM (13 years ago)
i saw nuffin!

Posted: at 20-12-2011 09:27 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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