Expired kai-kai has start taking effect be dat.
Na ur life don expire. Bia, this one wey u dey now na life? If you no rape aisha today, you must rape she-camel tomorrow. Everyday you must commit one evil. You be real ABORMINATION. Musa Yusuf(cadanre) you no dey tire for your life? Wetin dey worry you for yansh? your stupidity no get expiring date? Why you dey reason with ur belle u dis fool? wetin do ur aboki brain? Devil don purnish you finish walahi. The native doctor wey give ur mama pikin don die so now ur case no get cure. Sorry ooooooooo
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 14-03-2012 05:38 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Abeg i wan ask three question.
1. why is stupidity so cheap?
2. Why aboki foolishness no get expiring date?
3. What is Nafdac doing about it?
day dey break, aboki dey mad dey go. Make una hold cadanre, usman, fateewase, ajanni, e.t.c before dem enter yaba market oooo
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 14-03-2012 05:42 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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@Bachelorette, wat is the locus btw the topic and meaning of Islam.think well b4 u post. sorry young corp member, weting monkey sabi chop naim they kill am. Posted: at 14-03-2012 05:48 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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The true meaning of ISLAM:
I - Isreal is our no.1 enemy (Being the Birth home of JESUS CHRIST) S - Suicide Bombing is the only meal ticket to Paradise L - Live according to Mohammed's will ( Rape, Polygamy, War, etc) if you must enjoy 72 virgins A - All other Religion are treat to Islam (As such they must be wiped out through Terrorism) M - Most especially Christianity and Its doctrines[/co u ar very mad guy mumu dey hav not talk about islam but u r abusing islam shege Posted: at 14-03-2012 05:55 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Bantino at 14-03-2012 05:58 PM (12 years ago) (m) What a pity!!!!!!!!!! Posted: at 14-03-2012 05:58 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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The true meaning of ISLAM:
I - Isreal is our no.1 enemy (Being the Birth home of JESUS CHRIST) S - Suicide Bombing is the only meal ticket to Paradise L - Live according to Mohammed's will ( Rape, Polygamy, War, etc) if you must enjoy 72 virgins A - All other Religion are treat to Islam (As such they must be wiped out through Terrorism) M - Most especially Christianity and Its doctrines[/co u ar very mad guy mumu dey hav not talk about islam but u r abusing islam shege
Abeg, mek una see grammar. wetin I wan reply dis kinda person wen e go understand? Warri man go say NAMANAMA (Cow)
I've always lived by 3 principles:
1. Honour ur God, 2. Love ur Family and 3. Defend your Country Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:01 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Tomnwakor at 14-03-2012 06:02 PM (12 years ago) (m) na really bad market. Sorry babe Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:02 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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zoe61 at 14-03-2012 06:04 PM (12 years ago) (f) as the first gift sweet her na so the second gift bitter sorry is a bad day Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:04 PM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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Tyahaya at 14-03-2012 06:04 PM (12 years ago) (m) ehhhya Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:04 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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usman212s at 14-03-2012 06:07 PM (12 years ago) (m) well,the biblical jesus wasn't a creator, merely a magician who was drunk all the time who liked to party with the harlots, and rape women who weren't willing to DO him. he was a sick insane person whom you(christians) actually believed he was sent from some of your believed dude named god or dog or something like that. obviously everyone is ignoring the truth. accept it, and take it, just like all the victims of jesus did. and yes, i am talking about that guy jesus christ who is mentioned in some make believe book called the bible.
Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:07 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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fateewase at 14-03-2012 06:16 PM (12 years ago) (f) Devil don purnish aboki people. Their generation don tire for their business: shoemaker, suya, abokilized manicure and pedicure, sugarcane, carrot, gworo, pursuing of nama, digging of burial ground and the most important of them all Magani burantashi. Now cadanre (musa yusuf) and his sister Fateewase (fatima ngueshima wase) has finally decided to go into drugs Cadanre why did you send ur mother to collect that parcel? have you got no respect for your bloody mother? I pray she'll be hanged to death just as your fcuking religion has been killing people by hanging. Hopeless son of a Donkey father. A donkey raped your mum to produce a nut case like you and your sister fateewase. ANIMALS! You see last night that you told me u had 1peter 5:8 on ur mind,I told u I needed it more cos am a sheep in the midst of lions. I guess my thoughts were right..now back to this crap u wrote,you are just a two-faced fool who is sick and has stopped responding to treatment. I sincerely thought u were a human being that one could relate to in a humanly manner,I just knew u are a complete hypocrite. I haven't even made any comment on this post and you have started callin my name and insulting me. Why are r so inhumane,u are so heartless that even ur fellow christian means nothing to u. Anyways I don't blame u,u seem to miss ur neuroleptics most times. U can never recover from the madness in u. I know some bastards that likes decievn u will quote this,I dnt care if they do,shegia,yariska,hakuya,kai kama na alede. Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:16 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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usman212s at 14-03-2012 06:18 PM (12 years ago) (m) let me help you out!!! The biblical Jesus's name has an origin of the devil! When they pray to J-Esus, they are really praying to the Devil by his name Esus. Esus is the satanic name of pagan god's
Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:18 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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fateewase at 14-03-2012 06:27 PM (12 years ago) (f) shut up dia who tell u that wat christianity teaches.. y generalisin y nt face d guy that made the comment? u say ur religion dnt teach u to insult then tell me wat u mean by idiot... if u knw u cant stand is comment then ignore it... must u people always fight over nonsense talk lik this? if u knw u cant ignore him then insult eachother but d both of u shuld stp hidin under d umbrella of religion to shw ur ignorance here....... barchellotte b warned..
This is not an insult and I wud like u to treat it d same manner I am going to write it. You need not take side for anybody if u are trying to advocate peace or call for order..the bachelorette wrote his comment which shows his opinion about islam ,the other guy wrote his own comment to show his opinion about christianity. There is freedom of expression. Why is it that if a christian write their opinions about islam,u all keep quiet but whenever a muslim write something to express his opinion about christianity,u all start to panic and shout in writing? Are u that biased? If u must be a judge,then be a fair one. Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:27 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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fateewase at 14-03-2012 06:34 PM (12 years ago) (f) If the inyamiri's name is mentioned,the whole secret will be leaked...hope u can keep secret o,na open_reality elder sister..she just lied tht she wants to deliver it to a friend its a lie,they are all into d business together,from prostitution to drug pushing Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:34 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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This is not an insult and I wud like u to treat it d same manner I am going to write it. You need not take side for anybody if u are trying to advocate peace or call for order..the bachelorette wrote his comment which shows his opinion about islam ,the other guy wrote his own comment to show his opinion about christianity. There is freedom of expression. Why is it that if a christian write their opinions about islam,u all keep quiet but whenever a muslim write something to express his opinion about christianity,u all start to panic and shout in writing? Are u that biased? If u must be a judge,then be a fair one.
U're a two-timing bitch ass. I neva told u I was a Christian, did I? Becos I hate ISLAM doesn't make me a Christian. Christians practice the real peace Jesus talked about hence I don't insult them, but MUSLIMS preach Peace but Practice Violence. So, who is decieving who?
I've always lived by 3 principles:
1. Honour ur God, 2. Love ur Family and 3. Defend your Country Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:34 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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You see last night that you told me u had 1peter 5:8 on ur mind,I told u I needed it more cos am a sheep in the midst of lions. I guess my thoughts were right..now back to this crap u wrote,you are just a two-faced fool who is sick and has stopped responding to treatment. I sincerely thought u were a human being that one could relate to in a humanly manner,I just knew u are a complete hypocrite. I haven't even made any comment on this post and you have started callin my name and insulting me. Why are r so inhumane,u are so heartless that even ur fellow christian means nothing to u. Anyways I don't blame u,u seem to miss ur neuroleptics most times. U can never recover from the madness in u. I know some bastards that likes decievn u will quote this,I dnt care if they do,shegia,yariska,hakuya,kai kama na alede.
I have told you clearly....it's not over until it's over. I call the shot and you do my wish. You are a stupid fool to think i want to be friends with you. Shegia. Ewu cotonu
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:37 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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zuby4life at 14-03-2012 06:37 PM (12 years ago) (m)
Esus is d name of d cow u are phyuking everyday [attachment deleted by admin] Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:37 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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fateewase at 14-03-2012 06:41 PM (12 years ago) (f) U're a two-timing bitch ass. I neva told u I was a Christian, did I? Becos I hate ISLAM doesn't make me a Christian. Christians practice the real peace Jesus talked about hence I don't insult them, but MUSLIMS preach Peace but Practice Violence. So, who is decieving who?
You are just a disgrace to ur life and ur family,if not u won't write this rubbish u just wrote,I just realized u are such an illitrate,I already told u how little ur brain is,firstly d response wasn't directed at u and secondly,it say no insult..if u so much hate islam,who give a phyuk,have u ever seen me quoting u to question u since u started writing all d craps NO cos that is ur gaddem business and not mine. Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:41 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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You are just a disgrace to ur life and ur family,if not u won't write this rubbish u just wrote,I just realized u are such an illitrate,I already told u how little ur brain is,firstly d response wasn't directed at u and secondly,it say no insult..if u so much hate islam,who give a fcuk,have u ever seen me quoting u to question u since u started writing all d craps NO cos that is ur gaddem business and not mine.
Just shut the hell up you bloody islamic slave. Since when have you got an opinion?  Run now to muhammed fast and perform your duty before he cuts off your head.  karuwa muhammed. Banza
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:43 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Esus is d name of d cow u are fcuking everyday
 yusuf musa's handwork
KINDLY IGNORE ANY TYPING ERROR, IT'S CALLED SLIP OF FINGER.  R.I.P HATERS.  Posted: at 14-03-2012 06:45 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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