1. blowout on: Nigerian Couple In UK Celebrates Birth Of AA Ge..
    25% is not 0% so why the hullabaloo? (25 minutes ago)
  2. blowout on: "People May Not Like Us But Things Are Cha..
    Nigeria is changing quite alright,  but not for better. Country is going downhill. (31 minutes ago)
  3. ficull on: Heated Argument Breaks Out Between Two Choriste..
    You can trust the African Americans to bring the drama (40 minutes ago)
  4. ficull on: Nigerian Couple In UK Celebrates Birth Of AA Ge..
    Omg. The ignorance is astounding. It was meant to happen damn it. 25%. (43 minutes ago)
  5. OmoNobaUku on: French football icon, Marcel Desailly Faces Cou..
    Evil that men do, lives long after them comes to mind. Stand up to your responsibilities, man. You.. (47 minutes ago)