there is a new game l would us to play it is called making a story.l start a story and u continue it and it goes on and on and on .remember anyline or lines u add has to go in line with the story to make it interesting be creative who knows u could be a novel writer and u never know till this moment so come on LET'S BE l am starting a story u continue
in a small village called ahiamata,there lived a an elderly man,by name Ezedike but mostly called by people in his village "the wise one "cos of his age.every evening he calls on all the children in the town and tells them a story............
Posted: at 2-03-2009 04:03 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
cute_kimley at 2-03-2009 12:11 PM (15 years ago) (f)
it was a misery that was yet to unfold.meanwhile one day mr parrot was on his way to the village sqauare to have a meeting with the council of elders in the village when he met tortoise and they .......
Posted: at 2-03-2009 12:11 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
they both sipped oranges and cracked jokes as they match down to the market square, sharing ideas and letting out thier secrets to each other not knowing...
...everywhere i go they keep saying i'm Unique, well that's because my swag defines me.
Posted: at 2-03-2009 12:35 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
chrissiebee at 2-03-2009 02:38 PM (15 years ago) (f)
shouldnt this be in the games section?
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">[/url]STILL A CERTIFIED V-SQUADER!! Take it or leave it! A wise man told me don't argue with fools,Cause people from a distance, can't see who is who
Posted: at 2-03-2009 02:38 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
arcadianlife at 3-03-2009 06:37 PM (15 years ago) (m)
unfortunately, mr parrot due to his talkie nature revealed the whole discussion to tortoise who is not one of the elders and should not have an idea of the meeting.....
Posted: at 3-03-2009 06:37 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
arcadianlife at 3-03-2009 06:44 PM (15 years ago) (m)
unfortunately, mr parrot due to his talkie nature revealed the whole discussion to tortoise who is not one of the elders and should not have an idea of the meeting.....
Posted: at 3-03-2009 06:44 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
so immediatly mr tortise heard of the meeting, he thought he is beeing discriminated for not beeing invited to the meeting just because he is not an elder.............
Posted: at 4-03-2009 08:58 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
cute_kimley at 6-03-2009 01:11 AM (15 years ago) (f)
meanwhile the intended meeting of the elders was on tortoise himself.when parrot had told him the reason of their supposed meeting ,being cunning as usual the tortoise pretend not to be angry meanwhile he was angry and jokingly told the parrot...............
Posted: at 6-03-2009 01:11 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
chrissiebee at 6-03-2009 01:20 AM (15 years ago) (f)
then th eparrot laffed and told the tortoise that he will def. let him knw what the decision of the meeting is abt...
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">[/url]STILL A CERTIFIED V-SQUADER!! Take it or leave it! A wise man told me don't argue with fools,Cause people from a distance, can't see who is who
Posted: at 6-03-2009 01:20 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
cute_kimley at 6-03-2009 01:36 AM (15 years ago) (f)
so the tortoise told mr parrot that he had to be going back home.on this way,tortoise was just wondering why a meeting should be called on his behalf and he wasnt invited,he was so lost in thought that he didnt know when he hit .......
Posted: at 6-03-2009 01:36 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie