Who Killed Governor Yakowa; Why Are Muslim Youths Jubilating? (Page 7)

Date: 16-12-2012 2:30 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:20 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ericwilly212 on 16-12-2012 05:05 PM
GEJ have to sack the National Security Adviser - Dasuki. I am sensing danger ahead. Elders of otueke have to advise GEJ cuz he seems very confused. If what happened to Ironsi repeat itself again, South South and South East will be in perpertual danger. Iam very sad today and asking myself questions: do they kill Gen. Azazi for speaking the truth by accusing PDP for all the insecurity problems we have today in Nigeria?? Today!  I urger all christains in Kaduna to be strong and vigilant, let them counter every force with force because the dark horse have let loose.

As he sacked the late Azazi?

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:20 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:21 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Ibinsgirl on 16-12-2012 06:33 PM
See Mentality... So bcus say helicopter crash nw, the meaning cum b say na Muslim youth plan d crash?Huh? Ahh Nigerians.... So if ur neighbour get accident cum die nw, na muslim plan d accident? Na wah oooo. I dnt knw y some pple dnt use their brain.

I hope you are not talking to these fools my dear!

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:21 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:23 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Yworry03 on 16-12-2012 08:01 PM
MR Nautalkam.......Radio witout Ba3.......U dey dr wen dem Muslim Youth dey Jubilate........One tin I kno.......Sometin is Fishy but Y did he ave to die in BaYeLSA of all Ppl..........Our President State.......God SaVe us in dis Country......Everytin is now Happenin Live as if We'Re Watchin MoViez...............But u Ppl Shud Kno dis......All dis Nonsense shud Stop @ North n dey sHud not think of Comin down to South East.......If So.........NiGERIA go BREAK oooo.........I FEAR 4 NIGERIA MA COUNTRY

May be you have to understand that nametalkam is always telling the fools to jump, and these fools  always asked him HOW HIGH?

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:23 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- naturalqueen at 17-12-2012 09:24 AM (12 years ago)
May whoever responsible for his death receive heaven's judgement......
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:24 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:27 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Mobbysmartins on 17-12-2012 02:41 AM
Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan,Ebele Goodluck Jonathan.How many times have I called you.7 times.Let him that have ears hear.Please heed the words of your brothers,heed the words of the people that loves you.I am seriously smelling the General Aguiyi Ironsi scenario unfolding now in Nigeria.All these killing of Christian Governors for muslim deputy Governors to take over is just an experiment to see how Nigerians will react,it is called TESTING THE WATERS,the ultimate goal is to kill you so that your muslim vice president will take over.......Hmmm that will not happen this year,they have done the experiment and they believe in themselves that it is viable,they will kill you in late 2014,not 2015,2015 will be too obvious for them,will be too obvious for everybody to understand that they killed you because of the presidential race,they will kill you in late 2014,not by assassination.....that will also be too obvious,they will kill you just like they killed the Kaduna State Governor,in an arranged accident probably in one of your private jets,or they will just poison you,they have enough people in Aso Rock to poison you slowly,may be they are even doing that to you now without your knowledge.Please be wise,take a critical look at those around you.Please look at those closest to you and ask God for direction.Remember your vice was in Kaduna handing over his daughter to the husband on the day you were in Bayelsa to bury your younger brother,he could have shifted the wedding day to honour the death of a president's brother being that he is your vice,but he choose to do that on the same day your brother was being buried,that was a clear message which I do not know if you see it as that.But then,even if they have convinced themselves they can kill you without consequences,and even if you allow them to kill you,let us see what will remain of our country when they do that.There is a limit to everything.Lets see how far they can go,and lets see what will remain of Nigeria when we react.Bless.

I cannot imagine what kind of STUPIDITY is this. I even wonder what type of brain some people have. Who among Muslims send Danbaba Suntai to take and self-piloted the helicopter in the first place? And who among the Muslims can plan and execute the death of Yakowa in Delta state. Why should all these be the cause of blame like this? STUPID FOOLS.

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:27 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- stikerxxx at 17-12-2012 09:28 AM (12 years ago)
Na so life be? Huh?
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:28 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ajanni at 17-12-2012 09:28 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: cadanre on 17-12-2012 09:17 AM
My brother do not try to calm them down. IDAN KARE NA YIN HAUSHI, KAR KA DAMU DA HAUSHIN DA YAKE YI. Let them say what is in their minds.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:28 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:29 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: emmans647 on 17-12-2012 01:18 AM
He is a fool indeed,Nigeria is too huge for him to rule .

I doubt it. He is wicked who pretended to be weak.

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:29 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 17-12-2012 09:31 AM (12 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:31 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:34 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: bright1love on 16-12-2012 08:38 PM

Then if Hitler style is to be adopted in eliminating these morons, I am sorry to say that it must start from far east. Because Hitler eliminated Jews and igbos claimed to originated from there. Then the cleaning of eastern part of Nigeria is necessary before coming down to north. And WE ARE PREPARED FOR GOOD AND FOR WORSE. Time!!!!!!!!

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:34 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- JulietPaul at 17-12-2012 09:34 AM (12 years ago)
It remain Abia State Governor
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:34 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:35 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: naturalqueen on 17-12-2012 09:24 AM
May whoever responsible for his death receive heaven's judgement......


Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:35 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- ajanni at 17-12-2012 09:37 AM (12 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:37 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:37 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: ogebig on 16-12-2012 09:02 PM
sorry, for this u dont deserve to be a muslim, withouth muslim this world would have be a better place,cant u see what they re causing all over the world? (syria, egypt, iran, iraq, pakistan, afghanistan yemen,somalia, sudan, northern Nigeria and mali), even the little once in france yet u people see Mohamed as  peaceful prophet, Mehn F.U.C.K all northern muslim, what they have there is cows and goats muslims.

Oho! You funny oooooo! I only laugh at you. BIG FOOL!

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:37 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- cadanre at 17-12-2012 09:40 AM (12 years ago)
I REST MY CASE unless if someone forced me to re-open it.

Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:40 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- Wealthmide at 17-12-2012 09:43 AM (12 years ago)
i don't know where Nigeria is heading to.
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:43 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Wealthmide at 17-12-2012 09:43 AM (12 years ago)
i don't know where Nigeria is heading to.
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:43 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- micc at 17-12-2012 09:46 AM (12 years ago)
I hear
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:46 AM (12 years ago) | Hero
- lentini22 at 17-12-2012 09:55 AM (12 years ago)
Ajani wetin you do this people ?abi na you kill am for real ni
Posted: at 17-12-2012 09:55 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- aaliyah at 17-12-2012 10:07 AM (12 years ago)
Whether they(Muslims) like it or not, Christ will prevail.
Posted: at 17-12-2012 10:07 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
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