"All Catholics will go to hell,they are led by an Anti-Christ pope"-Chris Okotie (Page 7)

Date: 02-12-2013 7:44 am (11 years ago) | Author: john stone
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- emmanuel070 at 3-12-2013 02:27 PM (11 years ago)
is all your family that will go to hell,,,dont judge,so you will not be judge... is your leader you..all human are differen and all human judgement are waiting for them including you sir pastor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!nice one @henryemekaob (668)
Posted: at 3-12-2013 02:27 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- ajanni at 3-12-2013 02:28 PM (11 years ago)
case of a pot calling kettle black
Posted: at 3-12-2013 02:28 PM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- emmanuel070 at 3-12-2013 02:31 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Nkem-Elvis on  2-12-2013 10:41 AM
Posted: at 3-12-2013 02:31 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- gbojac at 3-12-2013 02:33 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: nobleladyG on  3-12-2013 11:35 AM
These ppl saying all negative things about Catholics ve 4gotten all d efforts those Catholics put just to convert d world from idolatry. U that think that u know it all,ve u 4 once sit down and ask urself if not 4 these missionaries wat wld u ve been. Its true no one knows d exact date of Christ birth but it was fixed on 25Dec d day many celebrate their god just to stop d convert from going back to celebrate idols
GOD Has never left us astray, without guidance. God always foretell the future & give us the name of our leader (in the past we called them prophets). John the baptist announced Jesus-Christ, Jesus-Christ came and left us with his disciples until His return. Where do you fit the catholic church in this plan, where is it mentioned we are under the guidance of the catholic church, why Jesus-Christ and his disciples did not mention the pope. There's no difference between D'banj and your Pope, one call himself koko master the other call himself the holy father,,,that's pride  
Posted: at 3-12-2013 02:33 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- gbojac at 3-12-2013 03:10 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: papadip on  3-12-2013 01:52 AM
Very well said...sir...
May God bless you and whoever use the knowledge bestowed on him by the Almighty God to find the light, to find Him his Creator.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 03:10 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- gbojac at 3-12-2013 03:26 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: king2424 on  3-12-2013 05:32 AM
I'm not here to talk in favour of the Pastor but, please tell me what the Catholic church is doing for your black derrière,,, also who brought slavery and slow down the development of the whole continent (Africa),,,can you name at least one war your so called anointed pope stopped on this planet,,,,, Is there at least just one miracle your anointed pope performed that make you believe he is anointed,,,, how many free Catholic schools there is in Nigeria & on this planet ,,,, How many human being your Catholic church feed on this planet earth,,,, My people are dying for lack of understanding,,, Yet you give this your pope tithe every Sunday,,,,do the Math, how much your church get every Sunday, it's millions of Dollars we are talking about here, they get money well well,,,, And you think your catholic church is not a business,,, is it so? please tell us why they sell tickets to visit the vatican... if you think I'm lying check this link for Vatican ticket http://www.getyourguide.co.uk/vatican-museum-l2738/?partner_id=1DD5E&cmp=ga&gclid=CICs6cr8kbsCFWjmwgod9nEAEg  some of them are £450, do you really think God is in such things, do you really think you will get healing if you visit the Vatican....you do not know GOD and you are playing with Him...Y' ALL  A BUNCH OF FOOLS AND YOU WILL SURELY WAKE UP WHEN IT'S TOO LATE....

I will advice you to shut your mouth and stop saying what you don't know, i wonder which planet you are from, you are showing a link that has nothing to do with the worship of God, if you dont understand the meaning of museum you keep quite, how do you want them to pay people who work there? how do you expect them to take care of the place? how do you expect them to maintain that place? sometimes we dont think before we talk, i have been to Vatican 2 times even Isreal 3 times but that has nothning to do with judging a fellow church, if you dont want to be a christian stay on your own and worship nothing, the catholic don't beg people to come worship with them. And who told you the Catholics are not helping the world, infact i dont have time to answer you because you are not a catholic, about 30% of the world population survives through the help of catholic if you don't know, i had my free education through the help of catholic, i spent 4 yours at the catholic university of California free and so do millions of people around the world. Dont judge so you wont be judged, i bet you, your so called Chris Devil Satan Okotie is looking for members and he knows that catholic got the biggest population when it comes to Christianity but my dear he has failed because he will win no soul from catholic
We all know the catholic church do not employ anyone to clean their premises, it's the church members who take care of the cleaning duties free of any remuneration in the hope that GOD will remember them and their work for the catholic church, it's also the children of the church members that carry out the work of holding candles and helping the priest in his paid duties every Sunday. You are not fooling anyone but yourself. The security of the Vatican is carried out by the Swiss guard free of any remuneration, they are soldiers of the Swiss army and they do it for the honour as the believe it's a prestigious work. You cannot fool us here, I suggest you also SHUT your MOUTH if you do not have time to answer me because I'm not a catholic.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 03:26 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- gbojac at 3-12-2013 03:28 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: OLYFEM on  3-12-2013 02:35 AM
Though, Okotie is not among the very few men I respect because of his antecedents, his pedigree and claims, there is however a little fact in the 'self -acclaim-pastor' negative opinion of the Catholic Church.
Or, how could you explain a congregation praying through / to "Holy Mary". When it is written that prayer through JESUS CHRIST to God Almighty is the only ACKNOWLEDGED process to reach God.
How could you explain the use of Rosary for prayer as it symbolise praying with oracle instruments.
How could you explain bowing down to worship the status of Christ and "Holy Mary" when it is written that 'thou shall not bow down for/to any image either fashioned with heavenly symbols, the earth, or under the earth.
How can you explain why most Catholic Church dont encourage their  Congregation to come to church with their Bible.
How can you explain the 'holy water' in Catholic Church premises.
to mention is endless.
but let us ask ourselves, his the doctrine of Christ second coming, Salvation, Holiness and Righteousness being preached in Churches (including Catholic and the Ignorant fool's assembly ie. Okotie) ? The Answer is NO!!!!
Churches has become business Empire!!!  General Overseers are now the Billionaires at the expense of the Tithe Payers just as the Government Official are Millionaires at the expense of Tax Payers.
Riches, Wealth, Financial Breakthrough, Prosperity, etc is now the language of the men of God, yet we call this period an END TIME. Preaching Holiness,Righteousness and Salvation is the importance of a godly Assembly at END TIME. Not preaching payment of Tithes, Riches, Wealth, Financial Breakthrough, Prosperity, etc.
DON'T BOW DOWN FOR IMAGES, God forbids it!!!!
Posted: at 3-12-2013 03:28 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chybyk at 3-12-2013 03:48 PM (11 years ago)
Has Chris okotie's mentall illness come to this? It's quite a pity, the family should do something before he runs outr naked.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 03:48 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- kennynaija at 3-12-2013 03:51 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Adeoba10 on  2-12-2013 01:26 PM
Fools, confused religion, different books, different doctrine, worshp man of dog. Is either Okotie is right and Catholic r wrong Or Okotie is wrng n Catholic r ryt. Let's wait til d judgement day. Alhamdulilah, i dnt belong to confused religion, where Jehovah witnx can't worshp at redeem church, wia deeper lyf can't attend cele services. Confused religion. Y wil u b judging ur fellow xtian if u r sure of ur religion. Again, Beauty peagant 4 church? My 4low xtian fwnd shld plz tink of diz.

Alhamdulilah Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Tongue Tongue Tongue Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 3-12-2013 03:51 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sonplies at 3-12-2013 04:46 PM (11 years ago)
For those of u that noz pst chris okotie. Pls help me tell him that dead men doz not talk and dat he shuld stop talkn. Let him go and read his bible : 1 corinthians 11:24. before talkn babasheee
Posted: at 3-12-2013 04:46 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- sonplies at 3-12-2013 04:50 PM (11 years ago)
For those of u that noz pst chris okotie. Pls help me tell him that dead men doz not talk and dat he shuld stop talkn. Let him go and read his bible : 1 corinthians 11:24. before talkn babasheee
Posted: at 3-12-2013 04:50 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Senegal at 3-12-2013 05:21 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: Jasitop on  3-12-2013 01:28 PM
* Catholic Church do not discourage the use of bible, rather they encourage it. But the use of bulletin (set biblical passages for the day) has overshadowed peoples' disposition in taking Bible to Catholic church. The idea of bulletin was driven by  ancient economic state of most catholics. Back then, not everyone could afford to buy bible
* Holy Mary is a not a God in Catholic theology, rather it is conceptualised as a pathway to Divine heart of Jesus Christ. The reason underlying such conceptualisation was drawn from "wedding at Cana", when Mary pleaded with Jesus for miracles ( water to wine).

* Catholic do not worship Idol. Images in the Catholic theology is an attempt to reified historical events. Don't forget that bible is an image, representing word of GOD. So those images in the Catholic Churches is just a pictorial representation of deeds and passions of Christ. If not for them, it will be really difficult to perceive what Jesus Christ looked like.

* Catholics do not bow down to images as a way of worship, rather they do as a way of reverence and respect. This is similar to  respect and reverence we pay our elders and kings. Just as the Yorubas prostrate or kneel before an elder and a king, so too are Igbos and Hausas.

It is sad that you don't know the history Holy water. Holy water has been in use before the advent of Christianity. Jewish law, Oriental theology, Greeks theologians endorsed  the use of holy water before the catholics. Some say that use of holy water dates to the first century, and even some sources relate its early usage to apostle Matthew (A jew).

Lastly, I guess you're correct on the commercialisation of Christianity. It is a pity but it is expected. Judas started it  irrespective of his direct relationship with Christ Himself. However, our relationship is with God not man.

I don't know when Jesus Christ is coming. If you do, good for you.

I 'm very impressed with the way you outlined your answers to him without resorting to name calling or insults the way most people do in this forum. I think Pastor Chris is just an attention seeker. May God continue to enrich you spiritually.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 05:21 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Senegal at 3-12-2013 05:24 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: gbojac on  3-12-2013 03:26 PM
We all know the catholic church do not employ anyone to clean their premises, it's the church members who take care of the cleaning duties free of any remuneration in the hope that GOD will remember them and their work for the catholic church, it's also the children of the church members that carry out the work of holding candles and helping the priest in his paid duties every Sunday. You are not fooling anyone but yourself. The security of the Vatican is carried out by the Swiss guard free of any remuneration, they are soldiers of the Swiss army and they do it for the honour as the believe it's a prestigious work. You cannot fool us here, I suggest you also SHUT your MOUTH if you do not have time to answer me because I'm not a catholic.

Quit trolling!
Posted: at 3-12-2013 05:24 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Treasure2 at 3-12-2013 05:49 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: zoe61 on  2-12-2013 09:12 PM
is selection of beauty pageant in the church also in the bible
Ask him again   Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 3-12-2013 05:49 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- Treasure2 at 3-12-2013 05:56 PM (11 years ago)
Quote from: charli2e on  3-12-2013 08:56 AM
Dis guy(okotie) is out of his mind! he needs to be checked on b4 he gets out of hand.
Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 3-12-2013 05:56 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- NZZEH at 3-12-2013 06:27 PM (11 years ago)
why should people call this confused individual a pastor?  no man of God will judge people that will go to hell, he is been led by the indian hemp he smoked during his gangstarism music..... phyuking wanker
Posted: at 3-12-2013 06:27 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- Treasure2 at 3-12-2013 06:37 PM (11 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 3-12-2013 06:37 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- otagermo at 3-12-2013 06:51 PM (11 years ago)
i will like to hear first from this man b4 i will know what to say....people can do anything to put shit on their enemies face......

but my man,,,,if na waiting you talk true true......na ihm be say you be nothing but, a weak pu.ss.y.....na ihm be say you be, onu nsi.....nkita.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 06:51 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ezeebere at 3-12-2013 07:09 PM (11 years ago)
To say that you are in hell already is to say the least because your own mouth has condemned you.
Posted: at 3-12-2013 07:09 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- sheffy1981 at 3-12-2013 08:33 PM (11 years ago)
Liar u just jealous cos of d population & influence of d catholic church,who d hell are u Okotie to judge???
Posted: at 3-12-2013 08:33 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
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