Can u turn a wh*re into a house wife? (Page 5)

Date: 07-07-2008 6:35 am (16 years ago) | Author: afrorex emihe
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- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:03 AM (14 years ago)
yes..u're distracting me from reading  Tongue

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:03 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- harold634 at 7-02-2011 12:04 AM (14 years ago)
A wh*re does not mean only one who sleep around men for the benefit of money. any woman who has more than one lover at the same time is also a wh*re. i am going to add my contributions from two perspective. the bliblical view and the outward view. from the bliblica view i can have a wh*re as a wife if i wasn't married provided she has repent from her previous wh*re life which is going to be based on the fact that she has accepted christ as her lord and personal saviour. the BIBLE say if any man be in christ, he is new creature and old things has pass away behold all things are become new. based on this scripture, she has no past. from the outward view it is very difficult because during that process of being a wh*re, she must have experience so many ugly things about life. It becomes a problem to quit such act in the sense that some of them now get used to frequent seuxual urge and different kind of penis which is going to be very difficult for any man to cope with. as a young man like me who wants to live long and enjoy the goodies of this life, i wouldn't want any such woman to shorten my life. the irony of it all, it is only the GRACE OF GOD that can change anybody from worst to best.
Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:04 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:05 AM (14 years ago)
i dnt think so cos i can now see ddat u understand wat i y did u term it distraction@DIPLO

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:05 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:07 AM (14 years ago)
point..i'm sensing ur mood is not good... or my joke sucked..either way forget i said that  Smiley

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:07 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:10 AM (14 years ago)
srry ma bad......

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:10 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mallorca at 7-02-2011 12:13 AM (14 years ago)
 what is a wh*re?

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:13 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:13 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Pointzero on  7-02-2011 12:10 AM
srry ma bad......

its kool Cool

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:13 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:15 AM (14 years ago)
thats y u r a DK always call u Tongue Tongue Tongue

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:15 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:16 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: mallorca on  7-02-2011 12:13 AM
what is a wh*re?
hu u dey ask?

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:16 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:16 AM (14 years ago)
@ point lol.. i'm kool like that  Grin Cheesy

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:16 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:18 AM (14 years ago)
lol......................kool like a water

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:18 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mallorca at 7-02-2011 12:19 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Pointzero on  7-02-2011 12:16 AM
Quote from: mallorca on  7-02-2011 12:13 AM
what is a wh*re?
hu u dey ask?
Memo Dat Quod Mon Habet

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:19 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:19 AM (14 years ago)
@ point kool like dz diplomatik chic  Cheesy Grin

mallo welcome

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:19 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:20 AM (14 years ago)
its not Memo.its Nemo @MALLO

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:20 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ILOVEIT at 7-02-2011 12:20 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: dirtykid on  6-02-2011 11:48 PM
Quote from: ILOVEIT on  6-02-2011 08:33 PM
Quote from: dirtykid on  6-02-2011 03:25 PM
Yo rite there !! Truenaija2.

I asked one of my friend sometime ago, Are you the one that dis-virgin you gf ? He answered No.. when you both met ? couple of years back, he answered, like how long, one and half years ago and we have been together since then.. cool, i answered. What makes you think she is so innocent about Sex, because this my guy has a thing for virgins and decent girls issues... hahaha.

I asked him, probably she has been dating a boy since she's 17yrs at least and now she is 23yrs, Do you think, since those past years, she is so Innocent waiting for u ? Then i asked him, and what about you ?  Are you so Innocent as well ? because i know the number of girls, thats the ones i can remember he got layed already.

So why i brought this up is about people making noise about decent or God fearing, humble or whatever kinda girl they're dreaming, thinking that God will send them as package and deliver them at there front door. Such people should wakeup from long dreams and live a life of reality. Love that person whenever, where ever you will meet her, Make the Love grow and taste better to the way you want it.

I'm tired of reading about God fearing, religious, good or whatever kinda dream ladies Men dream. Love is making the Imperfect one to be perfect. do to others what you really want them to do to you !!
i have a simple question for you DK;will you marry a "RENOWNED"wh*re as a wife?be sincere with your answer & don't avoid my   question...b4 say something more.

Bro !! It takes allot for a man to see and observe before he can say to to a lady YES I DO !!

How could you ask me to answer your question before making my comments, is not proper, is it an auction tagged price issue here ? I think you have to hear about my own view and also generally how Marriage goes, which i'm very sure you knows about that very well.  Marriage is not something you walk up to lady you stump on the street and say be my wife now, and she will agree just that same moment. common bro, it takes two to tango, some of this wh*res are very ashamed to even allow a man see their face the next day not to talk of to agree and marry one.

Then to answer your question, If i will ever fell in Love with whatever RENOWNED OR ASHEWO, Professional Prostitute, wh*res, and i find those qualities i wanted in my lady, of Course , I will take her as a wife, as long as she will accept to marry me.

Let me tell you this now, Believe it or leave it, As long as you are not the one that dis-virgin whoever girl you meet today, tomorrow , or anytime and you really want to have her as your wife, there are things you will never know, unless both of you date for sometime and understand each other proper via communications, Make her see the honest in you and the real love you have for her,once a lady trust you,she will open up most secrets to you.because she confide in you and don't let her down, they always like it when you're the shoulder they will lean on and support her, give her hope for better future... once you slip off this track, U will never know of anything secret from her again. They're very smart and will always get away with it.
sorry my bad,on my question.i actually meant "b4 i can say something more"not you..."typo" is the cause.anyhow,i'm impressed with your honest answer & also share the view on that RED line.its doesn't necessary to be married with a lady b4 she could able to open up most of her top secret,coz i've been there b4.personally i can't take such person as a wife for a good reason.and i don't want to sound rude or cocky,so i keep it to myself.i strongly respect your views in general though! "different strokes for different folks".

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:20 AM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:21 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: diplomatik on  7-02-2011 12:19 AM
@ point kool like dz diplomatik chic  Cheesy Grin

mallo welcome
y una dey call una self chick.................una be chicken?

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:21 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- diplomatik at 7-02-2011 12:22 AM (14 years ago)
 Tongue Grin Grin Grin ok na..babe  Cool

is that iloveit  Cool 

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:22 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Pointzero at 7-02-2011 12:24 AM (14 years ago)
yes...............there he comes the DOC himself

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:24 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ILOVEIT at 7-02-2011 12:26 AM (14 years ago)
my sweetheart how are you doing & how was your B'DAY bash  Tongue @dp

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:26 AM (14 years ago) | Hero
- mallorca at 7-02-2011 12:28 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Pointzero on  7-02-2011 12:20 AM
its not Memo.its Nemo @MALLO
Correction taken....shebi i fit pass naw?

Posted: at 7-02-2011 12:28 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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