Are we going to make it to the number one position someday??
Yes - 97 (66.4%)
No - 7 (4.8%)
Never - 7 (4.8%)
I don't care - 3 (2.1%)
Only with rebranding!! - 32 (21.9%)
Total Voters: 148

Top Varisties in Africa (Page 3)

Date: 06-10-2009 11:36 pm (15 years ago) | Author: Uzzyan Nenye
1 2 [3] 4 5 6 ... 8
- marychi18 at 12-10-2009 07:03 PM (15 years ago)
then you didnt check very well.pls go through the list again.if university of ghana is not listed among top universities in Africa, then Nigerian varsities wont even get close enough.girl
Posted: at 12-10-2009 07:03 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Uzzy at 13-10-2009 01:33 PM (15 years ago)
Mary what happens to the number 50 position in the first post....................look well gal!!! The best 20 was what i posted last and besides no Nigerian uni is on it!!!

Posted: at 13-10-2009 01:33 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- coolguys235 at 13-10-2009 03:51 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Uzzy on 10-10-2009 06:10 PM
The InternetLab Ranking of 30 Top African Universities
Rank    University   Country  World Rank
1    University of Cape Town    South Africa       398
2    Universiteit Stellenbosch    South Africa       566
3    Universiteit van Pretoria - University of Pretoria    South Africa     718
4    University of the Witwatersrand  South Africa      720
5    Rhodes University             South Africa      738
6    University of South Africa    South Africa       1,449
7    University of the Western Cape    South Africa       1,553
8    American University in Cairo    Egypt              1,826
9    Noordwes Universiteit - North West University    South Africa   1,857
10    University of KwaZulu-Natal    South Africa       2,214
11    University of Johannesburg    South Africa       2,323
12    University of the Free State    South Africa       2,369
13    Université de La Reunion                 2,387
14    Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University    South Africa 2,542
15    University of Dar Es Salam    Tanzania            2,819
16    University of Zimbabwe    Zimbabwe                     3,072
17    Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane    Morocco      3,174
18    Cape Technikon    South Africa                         3,414
19    University of Mauritius    Mauritius            3,682
20    University of Zululand          South Africa           3,724

I just got this noww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not still correct,................

Posted: at 13-10-2009 03:51 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Uzzy at 13-10-2009 05:42 PM (15 years ago)
i said post urs for Heaven's sake!!!

Posted: at 13-10-2009 05:42 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- coolguys235 at 13-10-2009 08:36 PM (15 years ago)
not posting for earth's sake!!!! 

its ur post do the right thing,,.... Grin Grin

Posted: at 13-10-2009 08:36 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- Uzzy at 15-10-2009 02:10 AM (15 years ago)
U eeee anyways no problem i will post it if i see any new development on the web!!!! So how ya doing today!?Huh? You just forgot abt mi.....................its not fair o!!!

Posted: at 15-10-2009 02:10 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- jerryade12 at 15-10-2009 09:52 AM (15 years ago)
where did you get that your list from....better do something about it
Posted: at 15-10-2009 09:52 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- willo4eva at 15-10-2009 11:56 AM (15 years ago)
yeah UNIBEN 4 life

Posted: at 15-10-2009 11:56 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- odiono at 15-10-2009 02:54 PM (15 years ago)
Why the questions about the criteria for rating the schools? Why not consult other relevant service provider other than NAIJALPALS N GOOGLE. Are you guys current about NIGERIA situations and yet do not know what is realy on? our educational system has colapsed over the years. how long now has the said schools in NIGERIA been at home now? where else in AFRICA has schools sufered as those in nigeria. imagined i graduated in one of the NIGERIA shools after eight good years for a course that should have been 4 only 4yrs not because i had a single carryover but because of the maladministration of our so called "ADMINISTRATORS". well i believe we shall make it 2 d top one day, WHEN? i do not know! but certainly not in this dispensation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: at 15-10-2009 02:54 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- odiono at 15-10-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago)
Why the questions about the criteria for rating the schools? Why not consult other relevant service provider other than NAIJALPALS N GOOGLE. Are you guys current about NIGERIA situations and yet do not know what is realy on? our educational system has colapsed over the years. how long now has the said schools in NIGERIA been at home now? where else in AFRICA has schools sufered as those in nigeria. imagined i graduated in one of the NIGERIA shools after eight good years for a course that should have been 4 only 4yrs not because i had a single carryover but because of the maladministration of our so called "ADMINISTRATORS". well i believe we shall make it 2 d top one day, WHEN? i do not know! but certainly not in this dispensation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: at 15-10-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- coolguys235 at 15-10-2009 04:10 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: odiono on 15-10-2009 03:04 PM
Why the questions about the criteria for rating the schools? Why not consult other relevant service provider other than NAIJALPALS N GOOGLE. Are you guys current about NIGERIA situations and yet do not know what is realy on? our educational system has colapsed over the years. how long now has the said schools in NIGERIA been at home now? where else in AFRICA has schools sufered as those in nigeria. imagined i graduated in one of the NIGERIA shools after eight good years for a course that should have been 4 only 4yrs not because i had a single carryover but because of the maladministration of our so called "ADMINISTRATORS". well i believe we shall make it 2 d top one day, WHEN? i do not know! but certainly not in this dispensation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

true talk my bro.....u said it all.........but this ur attached pics get as be oohhh

Posted: at 15-10-2009 04:10 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- coolguys235 at 15-10-2009 04:14 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Uzzy on 15-10-2009 02:10 AM
U eeee anyways no problem i will post it if i see any new development on the web!!!! So how ya doing today!?Huh? You just forgot abt mi.....................its not fair o!!!

am cool as usual ...... nahh didnt forget about u at all....but since u ave been insisting i forgot about u....i dont have choice but to see it dat way......stay cool too...

am just strolling ooohhhhhhhh Grin Grin Grin Grin

Posted: at 15-10-2009 04:14 PM (15 years ago) | Hero
- TGod at 16-10-2009 07:02 PM (15 years ago)
Na wa o! Are you see what i'm saw? Hmmm, politics+education+corruption=.... 7point agender, we are still waiting o! Nigeria vision 202020=....?

Posted: at 16-10-2009 07:02 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Cydrick at 17-10-2009 01:03 AM (15 years ago)
yeaaa uni of ghana, dat got me thinking where's NAU jor
Posted: at 17-10-2009 01:03 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Uzzy at 19-10-2009 08:35 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 19-10-2009 08:35 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- simele at 22-10-2009 09:41 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Uzzy on  6-10-2009 11:36 PM
1    University of Cape Town          405    
2    University of Pretoria                   509    
3    Stellenbosch University                      555    
4    University of the Witwatersrand        693    
5    Rhodes University                   922    
6    University of Kwazulu Natal        1,076    
7    University of the Western Cape        1,102    
8    Cairo University                   1,219    
9    American University in Cairo         1,334    
10    Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University     1,446    
11    University of South Africa       1,476    
12    University of the Free State        1,844    
13    University of Johannesburg        2,037    
14    North West University                   2,484    
15    Ain Shams University                       2,785    
16    Strathmore University Nairobi         2,795    
17    Mansoura University                    2,943    
18    Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar    3,602       
19    Al Akhawayn University Ifrane       3,653    
20    Makerere University *                    3,811    
21    Université Cadi Ayyad                        3,956    
22    Addis Ababa University                      4,055    
23    Université Djillali Liabes                     4,116    
24    Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen     4,143    
25    University of Dar Es Salaam         4,229    
26    University of Namibia                       4,289    
27    Arab Academy for Science & Technology and Maritime Transport         4,347    
28    University of Khartoum                          4,371    
29    University of Nairobi                         4,467    
30    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology        4,479    
31    Cape Peninsula University of Technology    4,510    
32    University of Mauritius                         4,559    
33    École Mohammadia d'Ingénieurs                4,618    
34    University of Botswana                      4,633    
35    Mauritius Institute of Education        4,666    
36    University of Zimbabwe                       4,754    
37    Faculté des Sciences Rabat        4,759    
38    German University in Cairo        4,772    
39    Université Abdelmalek Essaadi *     4,866    
40    Helwan University                          4,872    
41    Polytechnic of Namibia                         4,939    
42    Durban University of Technology         5,032    
43    Université de Ouagadougou         5,135    
44    Assiut University                       5,281    
45    Zagazig University                          5,383    
46    Universidade Eduardo Mondlane         5,395    
47    Université de Batna                          5,548    
48    University of Fort Hare                        5,791    
49    Université Virtuelle de Tunis        5,806    
50    University of Ghana                            5,822    
51    University of Zambia                      5,875    
52    National University of Rwanda                5,888    
53    Université Mohammed Premier Oujda *     5,950    
54    Egerton University                         6,266    
55    Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II         6268    
56    Makerere University Faculty of Computing & Information Technology     6,301    
57    International University of Africa      6,482    
58    Kampala International University     6,510    
59    Sudan University of Science & Technology 6,556    
60    Tshwane University of Technology    6,563    
61    University of Benin                     6,602    
62    Université Mentouri de Constantine     6,766    
63    University of Garyounis                       6,781    
64    Alexandria University                          7,002    
65    Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene        7,008    
66    University of Zululand                        7,016    
67    Université Mohammed V Souissi        7,042    
68    University of Malawi                         7,062    
69    Monash University South Africa        7,069    
70    Université Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem        7,205    
71    Université Senghor d'Alexandrie        7,279    
72    Université Ibn Zohr Agadir         7,597    
73    Vaal University of Technology         7,655    
74    British University in Egypt        7,781    
75    Université Mohammed V Agdal         7,841    
76    Université d'Alger                        7,849    
77    University of Ilorin                      7,902    
78    Obafemi Awolowo University        7,942    
79    South Valley University                        8,010    
80    Faculté de Medécine & Pharmacie     8,024    
81    University of Ibadan                         8,034    
82    American University of Kinshasa          8,139    
83    Moi University    Flag of ke                8,284    
84    Institut National des Postes et Telecommunications Maroc       8,285    
85    Jimma University                          8,304    
86    Université de Bejaia                         8,376    
87    Minufiya University                        8,413    
88    College of Medicine University of Malawi    8,534    
89    University of Tanta                   8,539    
90    Central University of Technology        8,644    
91    Université M'Hamed Bougara de Boumerdes       8,727    
92    Sokoine University of Agriculture     8,761    
93    Université de Nouakchott        8,766    
94    Faculté des Sciences Dhar El Mahraz    8,855    
95    University of Lagos                       8,871    
96    Ecole National Supérieure de l'Informatique (ex-INI)       8,960    
97    Université Hassan II Mohammadia     8,964    
98    Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran Mohamed Boudiaf       9,004    
99    École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis       9,011    
100    Kenyatta University                        9,129    

lastest update

Posted: at 22-10-2009 09:41 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- odiono at 22-10-2009 04:41 PM (15 years ago)

         But i can't see university of Ghana,wat of dt.thought its one of the best...

           yeaaa uni of ghana, dat got me thinking where's NAU jor

It is a case of a single EYE MAN in the midst of the BLINDS who eventually becomes the KING in the KINGDOM. it is said to be "the best in west africa" has not meant that it is the best in the whole of AFRICA!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: at 22-10-2009 04:41 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- Uzzy at 22-10-2009 09:56 PM (15 years ago)
Hmmm what happens to number 50!!!

Posted: at 22-10-2009 09:56 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- trippleZ at 18-11-2009 02:06 AM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 18-11-2009 02:06 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- chegzy at 29-11-2009 09:48 PM (15 years ago)
we willget there
Posted: at 29-11-2009 09:48 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
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