matinchuks at 14-02-2010 04:30 PM (14 years ago) (m) well my sis thats wat we see in life; but i would want to ask u? are u in love? if you are are u experincing any kind of cheat from your guy? if yes , then i advice try to find out wat he has in his mind by trying to love him the more ; if he isnt respondin let me know i may help Posted: at 14-02-2010 04:30 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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prencess at 14-02-2010 04:38 PM (14 years ago) (f) a girl tuk an oath wit a guy bcos d guy disvirgin her n d girl bcame scared wen d guy ask her ow would she feel if he caught him on bed wit anoda girl, so she decided 2 nut in down, wat do think prences n my fellow naija
u see that's one of the reasons am avoiding any relationship cus guys believe sex is one the things they said that hold a re/ship which am not ready to do since he have already disvirgined u he has gotten what he want, taking an oath will not make him not to run away if he want to, so what u should to is to be careful, love him, and dont cheat on him but if u found out that he dont love u and his intention is to chop and go, well forget him, u have already sold ur birth right. Posted: at 14-02-2010 04:38 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Starlette at 14-02-2010 05:25 PM (14 years ago) (f) u see that's one of the reasons am avoiding any relationship cus guys believe sex is one the things they said that hold a re/ship which am not ready to do since he have already disvirgined u he has gotten what he want, taking an oath will not make him not to run away if he want to, so what u should to is to be careful, love him, and dont cheat on him but if u found out that he dont love u and his intention is to chop and go, well forget him, u have already sold ur birth right.
hw can she 4get him after she has sworn 2 b faithful til death. Don't u no oath taking has its own implications
De shining star Posted: at 14-02-2010 05:25 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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noble74 at 14-02-2010 05:26 PM (14 years ago) (m) why swear an oath if your spouse already have trust in you? unless your relationship is not built on a solid ground. Posted: at 14-02-2010 05:26 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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sahga at 14-02-2010 06:34 PM (14 years ago) (m) insane Posted: at 14-02-2010 06:34 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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haywhybaba at 14-02-2010 06:38 PM (14 years ago) (m) its bad to make a love oath cos you dont know the future.[anything can happen] Posted: at 14-02-2010 06:38 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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prencess at 14-02-2010 07:13 PM (14 years ago) (f) u see that's one of the reasons am avoiding any relationship cus guys believe sex is one the things they said that hold a re/ship which am not ready to do since he have already disvirgined u he has gotten what he want, taking an oath will not make him not to run away if he want to, so what u should to is to be careful, love him, and dont cheat on him but if u found out that he dont love u and his intention is to chop and go, well forget him, u have already sold ur birth right.
hw can she 4get him after she has sworn 2 b faithful til death. Don't u no oath taking has its own implications but at the first place u shouldn't have had an oath knowing very well that it's not good both in the sight of God etc any way if u want to brake it u can still do so, but wait a bit is it a blood oath? Posted: at 14-02-2010 07:13 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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colenzo at 14-02-2010 07:39 PM (14 years ago) (m) why should u take oath for love are u crazy or stupid
Support me... If you don't understand me don't write about me Posted: at 14-02-2010 07:39 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Starlette at 14-02-2010 08:14 PM (14 years ago) (f) u see that's one of the reasons am avoiding any relationship cus guys believe sex is one the things they said that hold a re/ship which am not ready to do since he have already disvirgined u he has gotten what he want, taking an oath will not make him not to run away if he want to, so what u should to is to be careful, love him, and dont cheat on him but if u found out that he dont love u and his intention is to chop and go, well forget him, u have already sold ur birth right.
hw can she 4get him after she has sworn 2 b faithful til death. Don't u no oath taking has its own implications but at the first place u shouldn't have had an oath knowing very well that it's not good both in the sight of God etc any way if u want to brake it u can still do so, but wait a bit is it a blood oath? yes! it was a blood oath
De shining star Posted: at 14-02-2010 08:14 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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enogieru at 14-02-2010 08:36 PM (14 years ago) (m) Blood oath? dats insanity! love is liberal and nt wat u predict. true love stays and endure no matter d situations.if contrary,let it go ur right spouse will deffinately come. No use taking an oath appart from the marriege vow. Posted: at 14-02-2010 08:36 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Duggy at 14-02-2010 10:13 PM (14 years ago) (f) No, it was a Quaker oat! ! lmao. Posted: at 14-02-2010 10:13 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Owode at 14-02-2010 10:47 PM (14 years ago) (m) Hello dont fool ur self taking oath or not is not the matter, have done it b4 but at the end we did not married each other because her parent what u need is sincerity,be wise and mostly be prayerfull even if u take oath how do u know you are taking it with right orden man for u, couse is only God that giveth and know the rigth personl. Posted: at 14-02-2010 10:47 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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dirtykid at 14-02-2010 11:07 PM (14 years ago) (m) No, it was a Quaker oat! ! lmao.
Ewwwww !!!
DirtyKid is a Happy Kid !!.....FATHER !! I've cast my bread on the waters long time ago. Now it's time 4u to return it, well buttered !! Posted: at 14-02-2010 11:07 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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oyato at 15-02-2010 12:52 AM (14 years ago) (m) pls dont engage yourself with total madness.honestly it foolish idea. Posted: at 15-02-2010 12:52 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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laday93 at 15-02-2010 01:03 AM (14 years ago) (f) thats archaic i don`t believe pple still do that. thats pure undiluted foolishness.... Posted: at 15-02-2010 01:03 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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RocketShip at 15-02-2010 04:08 AM (14 years ago) (m) there's no oath in true love because when there's true love everything feels so right. When there is love there should be trust. I'm guessing it's not so in this relationship. Posted: at 15-02-2010 04:08 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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edusailor at 15-02-2010 07:07 AM (14 years ago) (m) If there is real love,then no need 4 oath taking. Posted: at 15-02-2010 07:07 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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edomo2007 at 15-02-2010 08:26 AM (14 years ago) (m) VERY FOOLISH WHAT FOR?IF YOU SO LOVE SOMEONE THE TRUST SHOULD BE THERE.tHE RESULTS OF SUCH IS ALWAYS BAD. Posted: at 15-02-2010 08:26 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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myragonza at 15-02-2010 08:52 AM (14 years ago) (f) Can u go as far as swearing an oath al in d name of luv? My fellow naija, i need genuie answer.
Posted: at 15-02-2010 08:52 AM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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