A Ghanaian pastor, Nana Appiah of Glorious Wave church was reportedly caught sleeping with another man’s girlfriend last week Sunday in Accra. GHPage.com uploaded the video on it Instagram page, where it was reported that Pastor Nana Appiah tried to sleep with a young girl but he ran out of luck when the elder sister of the girl showed up unexpectedly. According to report, Pastor Appiah struck the lady on the face. So she started screaming and the area boys came in “and when they realised he was a pastor they started beating him”. Appiah who is popularly known as Biblical was also said to have once tried having sex with the young girl way back in kumasi. Appiah is also said to be a junior pastor to Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi who heads the Glorious Wave church.
GHPage.com wrote:
Pastor Nana Appiah Aka Biblical of Glorious Wave church headed by Prophet Emmanuel Badu Kobi caught sleeping with someone’s girlfriend last week Sunday.
The girl he was about sleeping with according to reports was so young. The big sister came to meet them and Appiah struck the lady on the face. So she started screaming and the boys heard and entered to beat him. Appiah – it continued- has once tried having sex with the girl Way back in kumasi. So he followed up in Accra too. Fortunately or Unfortunately fo him – he got the chance today but just when he was about to fire today the sis came from kumasi.
So the sis was angry at what she saw and Appiah decided to strike her with something. She screamed and the area boys came in. And when they realised he was a pastor they started beating him.
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