Do girls really know that love does't cost a thing? (Page 3)

Date: 30-10-2008 7:47 pm (16 years ago) | Author: alliyankee iyangbe
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- digitalman at 5-11-2008 02:08 PM (16 years ago)
ok i'll take u to calvin klain show room to select some
Posted: at 5-11-2008 02:08 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- blackberryPearl at 5-11-2008 02:11 PM (16 years ago)
i would rather go alone
Posted: at 5-11-2008 02:11 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- digitalman at 5-11-2008 02:12 PM (16 years ago)
why alone na?
Posted: at 5-11-2008 02:12 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- blackberryPearl at 5-11-2008 02:15 PM (16 years ago)
is all good
Posted: at 5-11-2008 02:15 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- blackberryPearl at 6-11-2008 07:44 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: medacares on  5-11-2008 03:20 PM
mnnnnnnnnnn is that soooooooooo
y r u asking?
Posted: at 6-11-2008 07:44 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- digitalman at 6-11-2008 09:30 AM (16 years ago)
i dunno for him o
Posted: at 6-11-2008 09:30 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- judithbabe at 6-11-2008 11:51 AM (16 years ago)
 Shocked pls mak una no dey say lik dat money no b everytin
4 my side no b all givl dat my own guy can b my eyes witness
Posted: at 6-11-2008 11:51 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- blackberryPearl at 7-11-2008 03:22 AM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 7-11-2008 03:22 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- digitalman at 7-11-2008 05:27 AM (16 years ago)
i wonder
Posted: at 7-11-2008 05:27 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- peacetee at 7-11-2008 05:18 PM (16 years ago)

really  Huh?

Cos last time I was in Macy's I had to pay 4 a perfume called love  Tongue Maybe I shlda told d assistant 'love dont cost a thing'  Undecided

But I feel where u comin 4rm  Cool

Posted: at 7-11-2008 05:18 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osituga at 7-11-2008 10:56 PM (16 years ago)
Posted: at 7-11-2008 10:56 PM (16 years ago) | Hero
- RealityDancer at 8-11-2008 12:39 AM (16 years ago)
Its ur fault...the girls you know are gold diggers! Me myself, I dig for platinum so the way I will extract, you would think I am the one doing you a favour! LOL! No, im just playing. It truly is the kind of girls you know...maybe you should change ur personality to attract the right kind of girls! = )
Posted: at 8-11-2008 12:39 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- osituga at 8-11-2008 04:57 AM (16 years ago)
@ are a Gold Digger??
Posted: at 8-11-2008 04:57 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- blackberryPearl at 9-11-2008 04:33 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: peacetee on  7-11-2008 05:18 PM

really  Huh?

Cos last time I was in Macy's I had to pay 4 a perfume called love  Tongue Maybe I shlda told d assistant 'love dont cost a thing'  Undecided

But I feel where u comin 4rm  Cool
then y the comment?
Posted: at 9-11-2008 04:33 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- presdom2000 at 9-11-2008 06:02 AM (16 years ago)
Even those that dont av anytin to gyv,claim to be extracted
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:02 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- blackberryPearl at 9-11-2008 06:03 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: presdom2000 on  9-11-2008 06:02 AM
Even those that dont av anytin to gyv,claim to be extracted
what r u talking about?
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:03 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- presdom2000 at 9-11-2008 06:04 AM (16 years ago)
wat part of that dont u undstand
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:04 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- blackberryPearl at 9-11-2008 06:11 AM (16 years ago)
we r talking about how love doesn't cost a thing
and ur talking about something else
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:11 AM (16 years ago) | Hero
- presdom2000 at 9-11-2008 06:13 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: alliyankee on 30-10-2008 07:47 PM
I wonder the way and manner girls are so concerned about BUY...BUY...BUY...CARE...CARE... AND SPEND... SPEND.
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:13 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- presdom2000 at 9-11-2008 06:14 AM (16 years ago)
do u undastand knw.'ID'
Posted: at 9-11-2008 06:14 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
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