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lubbish! Replymy name is kebella ![]() ![]()
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its her freakin bizzzzzz,she only interprete her roles,but come to think of it,must she always be the one to take such roles?well,its her life. ReplyTHE BEST WAY TO REVENGE IS TO FORGIVE..........FORGIVE THE TEARS OF A HURTFUL PAST.
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Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 10:31 AM Quote from: yukicares4u on 28-12-2010 01:15 AM i think she shud be left alone...its her choice...career...and life....she kws wat's best for her....what do u palz think? stop being stupid. someone want to destroy our image, corrupt our children and society, u said she should be left alone. i have always watch ur comment here, is like u are cheap like her and co hot. in this world or society we live, we have a collective responsibly to make it a better place for us and our children. how will u feel when ur brothers and sisters watch ur nudity all cose u are acting firm? how will u feel watching a movie with ur family , kids involve and all these nudity came up? what if they watch it in ur absence and that firm corrupt their mind and behavior? if you have to live ur life the way u want, then go into solitude and do what u want there where no one will see u or judge u, so long as u are part and parcel or our society, u will always be judge, corrected and live a life that is worth. stop supporting evil, if the world is changing, cant it change for better, must it go to worst? people like u always talking abt the world is changing, 21st century? so what, cant it be for good and better. wh*re like u are the one changing the world!!! Be careful dnt push dirty words outta my mouth!
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Quote from: yukicares4u on 25-05-2011 02:25 PM Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 10:31 AM Quote from: yukicares4u on 28-12-2010 01:15 AM i think she shud be left alone...its her choice...career...and life....she kws wat's best for her....what do u palz think? stop being stupid. someone want to destroy our image, corrupt our children and society, u said she should be left alone. i have always watch ur comment here, is like u are cheap like her and co hot. in this world or society we live, we have a collective responsibly to make it a better place for us and our children. how will u feel when ur brothers and sisters watch ur nudity all cose u are acting firm? how will u feel watching a movie with ur family , kids involve and all these nudity came up? what if they watch it in ur absence and that firm corrupt their mind and behavior? if you have to live ur life the way u want, then go into solitude and do what u want there where no one will see u or judge u, so long as u are part and parcel or our society, u will always be judge, corrected and live a life that is worth. stop supporting evil, if the world is changing, cant it change for better, must it go to worst? people like u always talking abt the world is changing, 21st century? so what, cant it be for good and better. wh*re like u are the one changing the world!!! Be careful dnt push dirty words outta my mouth! sorry, i was just piss off with ur attitude towards the moral decay in our society. is bad enough that she acted those stuff, your supporting her is worst and turn off. i can watch any movies with mercy johnson in it, or tonto or some of those lose actors. see like i said, how will u feel watching a movie with ur sister and daughter ,son or mother, and those porn shows up? u will be embarrass, see queen okoye, see chioma chukwuka, they are popular yet decent. do u know the reason for increase in rape and divorce in our society, or do u want our society to be like that of america? where a man has right to marry a man. God!! yes we have our lives to live, bt always remember that ur life has a role to play in other peoples live. no matter wat, u will alway be judge with what u say, do, dress etc. weather u like it or not. do u know that if i see tonto personally dieing or needing help, i will walk pass? these i will not do to queen or chioma. even though i have not meet any of them in person. if am in position to appoint a director in the movies industry, do u think i will look her way? so my dear, weather u like it or not, people around you are watching you, judging you, looking up to, depending you, access you etc. if there's anything we should learn from these stupid americans, it should not be their negative way of life. i can go on and on, but stop supporting evil, it will make u one
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Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 03:51 PM Quote from: yukicares4u on 25-05-2011 02:25 PM Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 10:31 AM Quote from: yukicares4u on 28-12-2010 01:15 AM i think she shud be left alone...its her choice...career...and life....she kws wat's best for her....what do u palz think? stop being stupid. someone want to destroy our image, corrupt our children and society, u said she should be left alone. i have always watch ur comment here, is like u are cheap like her and co hot. in this world or society we live, we have a collective responsibly to make it a better place for us and our children. how will u feel when ur brothers and sisters watch ur nudity all cose u are acting firm? how will u feel watching a movie with ur family , kids involve and all these nudity came up? what if they watch it in ur absence and that firm corrupt their mind and behavior? if you have to live ur life the way u want, then go into solitude and do what u want there where no one will see u or judge u, so long as u are part and parcel or our society, u will always be judge, corrected and live a life that is worth. stop supporting evil, if the world is changing, cant it change for better, must it go to worst? people like u always talking abt the world is changing, 21st century? so what, cant it be for good and better. wh*re like u are the one changing the world!!! Be careful dnt push dirty words outta my mouth! sorry, i was just piss off with ur attitude towards the moral decay in our society. is bad enough that she acted those stuff, your supporting her is worst and turn off. i can watch any movies with mercy johnson in it, or tonto or some of those lose actors. see like i said, how will u feel watching a movie with ur sister and daughter ,son or mother, and those porn shows up? u will be embarrass, see queen okoye, see chioma chukwuka, they are popular yet decent. do u know the reason for increase in rape and divorce in our society, or do u want our society to be like that of america? where a man has right to marry a man. God!! yes we have our lives to live, bt always remember that ur life has a role to play in other peoples live. no matter wat, u will alway be judge with what u say, do, dress etc. weather u like it or not. do u know that if i see tonto personally dieing or needing help, i will walk pass? these i will not do to queen or chioma. even though i have not meet any of them in person. if am in position to appoint a director in the movies industry, do u think i will look her way? so my dear, weather u like it or not, people around you are watching you, judging you, looking up to, depending you, access you etc. if there's anything we should learn from these stupid americans, it should not be their negative way of life. i can go on and on, but stop supporting evil, it will make u one Talking abt Queen...pls b4 u talk next time abt her...go watch mirror of life to see the way she was banging a man...then u can come back n chastise Tonto and the lots of her... Stop watching X-rated movies with u sister and mother if u cant stand the heat.
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Quote from: yukicares4u on 25-05-2011 07:19 PM Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 03:51 PM Quote from: yukicares4u on 25-05-2011 02:25 PM Quote from: stanbutto on 25-05-2011 10:31 AM Quote from: yukicares4u on 28-12-2010 01:15 AM i think she shud be left alone...its her choice...career...and life....she kws wat's best for her....what do u palz think? stop being stupid. someone want to destroy our image, corrupt our children and society, u said she should be left alone. i have always watch ur comment here, is like u are cheap like her and co hot. in this world or society we live, we have a collective responsibly to make it a better place for us and our children. how will u feel when ur brothers and sisters watch ur nudity all cose u are acting firm? how will u feel watching a movie with ur family , kids involve and all these nudity came up? what if they watch it in ur absence and that firm corrupt their mind and behavior? if you have to live ur life the way u want, then go into solitude and do what u want there where no one will see u or judge u, so long as u are part and parcel or our society, u will always be judge, corrected and live a life that is worth. stop supporting evil, if the world is changing, cant it change for better, must it go to worst? people like u always talking abt the world is changing, 21st century? so what, cant it be for good and better. wh*re like u are the one changing the world!!! Be careful dnt push dirty words outta my mouth! sorry, i was just piss off with ur attitude towards the moral decay in our society. is bad enough that she acted those stuff, your supporting her is worst and turn off. i can watch any movies with mercy johnson in it, or tonto or some of those lose actors. see like i said, how will u feel watching a movie with ur sister and daughter ,son or mother, and those porn shows up? u will be embarrass, see queen okoye, see chioma chukwuka, they are popular yet decent. do u know the reason for increase in rape and divorce in our society, or do u want our society to be like that of america? where a man has right to marry a man. God!! yes we have our lives to live, bt always remember that ur life has a role to play in other peoples live. no matter wat, u will alway be judge with what u say, do, dress etc. weather u like it or not. do u know that if i see tonto personally dieing or needing help, i will walk pass? these i will not do to queen or chioma. even though i have not meet any of them in person. if am in position to appoint a director in the movies industry, do u think i will look her way? so my dear, weather u like it or not, people around you are watching you, judging you, looking up to, depending you, access you etc. if there's anything we should learn from these stupid americans, it should not be their negative way of life. i can go on and on, but stop supporting evil, it will make u one Talking abt Queen...pls b4 u talk next time abt her...go watch mirror of life to see the way she was banging a man...then u can come back n chastise Tonto and the lots of her... Stop watching X-rated movies with u sister and mother if u cant stand the heat. WHAT DO you consider judgment? that a fellow is been corrected for doing the wrong thing? or did i sentence her to 60 years in prison? or did i give her death sentence? or was my judgment to her was life in prison? nobody is judging her but correcting her. and if correction is judgment, then we must be judge at all time, so that we dont go astray. judge me or correct me where am wrong, i will retrace my step. but if u leave me alone to do wat i like, then i could kill u all in the name of living my life they way i want. when they bible say dont judge, dont mean u should correct people, weather their action affect u directly or indirectly. like i said, since i have notice her kind of movie, i dont buy or rent any movie i see her face in it. nobody watch movie bearing in mind that is it fiction, at least not when u are watching it. u just dont know they power of movie and information in our society. if everyone is to be left alone to do wat the like, then this world will be uninhabitable.
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hmmmmm Replymy name is kebella ![]() ![]()
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m speechless Reply
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Are the people calling calling for boycott of Tonto Dike's movies serious? You cannot ban her. She has not done anything wrong. If you do not like her movies, do not buy them or watch them. I detect some jealousy from those trying to ruin her. dan fulani
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Quote from: colenzo on 3-01-2011 11:08 AM bad belle True. And jealousy too. They wish they were in her shoes. She is famous & beautiful. Don't hate her because she is a star. dan fulani
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i think tonto is an amazing acress. i mean the girl puts all the emotions in what she does. This is her tallent and this is what she does for a leavin. i have been watchin african movies for a long time and, i have seen some terrible actors and beleive me when i say, Tonto dike is far from a bad actress. And for those who say she is better as a prostitute think about what your saying, obviously she made that particular scene look real. I mean she is just amazing and here is nothing else to add Reply
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see this is the problem with most african women. always ready to judge. just because she plays a part in a movies doesnt make her a wh*re, common get your mind out the gutter and stop acting ignorant. I know several amercan actors who does sex scene and they are respectable women. For example halley berry one of thee most classy woman the hollywood industry had ever seen. And the funny thing about it is some of those women judging her, are certainly not virgins. i know for sure that they had several sex partners, so should anyone call them wh*res for that. that i dont think. So who ever is calling tonto a wh*re is most deffinatly in the same string with her, which mean is a wh*re too. thee only difference is she is getting paid alot to give you thee illusion that she is having segxwal intercoars. That is my opinion. tonto is amaxing and she is stuning . i wish her much more success. YOU GO GIRL. Reply
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Who cares! i never judged her...like i said in my first comment its totally her life....that article isnt mine 4 the records.... u can find the source there! Reply![]() ![]() ![]()
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Wow, someone's a hater. She's a great actress If you don't think so, then don't watch her movies. It's not difficult. ReplyBe yourself.
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story......busy body them Reply
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I wonder what is going on this days in Nollywood industry, see Muna Obiekwe he looks like a gay am sure he is one. Reply
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i dont see reasons for all this arguement between you too, truely Tonto is a kind of person that go for what she like she dont for her self, neither for those watching, i no we are not in the right position to judge her, but what she is doing in Nollywood is quite bad, all this nudity is not welcome, lets act responsible please. Reply
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who are you to tell someone to ban tonton? Replydo you know what is mean by asting? i think if you dont have any thing say just close that thing am tired hear nonsense from haters of this young girl. why can you tell producers to stop mama G since she always maltreating step children and encouraging girls love money than marriage,that a good role? my mum always cry when shes watching mama G movies i have to let her know what is acting and reality. so please aware that this girl is just acting
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