With the disturbing news of men dying or dropping dead while on top of one woman or another, why is it that we hardly hear of women dying under a man? Is it that a man has to work hard to please a woman while she lay there counting the stars and loving it? Does it mean women never really exact enough energy despite the motion, the little cries and nothingness? Is it all fake and man is a sucker for it? Is man so fragile behind that hard outer crust? Or is it his hard way of life? What drives a man to go the way he came and not the woman? Pals please advise.
Posted: at 12-03-2011 05:31 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
estilizo at 12-03-2011 12:52 PM (13 years ago) (f)
WTF is this?
Posted: at 12-03-2011 12:52 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
dirtykid at 12-03-2011 02:34 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Love making is one of the High intensity activity, if you don't have good Vo2 Max. Please don't go there to play around.. Most women seems to have better heart condition than men. Men take note !!
DirtyKid is a Happy Kid !!.....FATHER !! I've cast my bread on the waters long time ago. Now it's time 4u to return it, well buttered !!
Posted: at 12-03-2011 02:34 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
tarakhanali at 13-03-2011 01:00 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Women pass through cleansing cycle while men do not but bottle everything up. Until recently when women started becoming breadwinners men had to bear the brunt of it. Hence the disproportionate rate of high blood pressure among men compared to women. Finally, to be able to perform, man must be in good health otherwise he is playing with fire
Posted: at 13-03-2011 01:00 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
tarakhanali at 13-03-2011 01:10 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Quote from: dirtykid on 12-03-2011 02:34 PM
Love making is one of the High intensity activity, if you don't have good Vo2 Max. Please don't go there to play around.. Most women seems to have better heart condition than men. Men take note !!
There is some truth in what you said.
Posted: at 13-03-2011 01:10 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
Rosemerry at 13-03-2011 01:42 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Quote from: D4rk-Cuti3 on 13-03-2011 01:08 AM
brb..actually bcuz women are the receiver!!!
Although they are by and large receivers, some can give as much as they receive. By their very nature with their honey-pot, women are receivers and man must pump his chest harder if he is to satisfy her. Thus, the weak and the unhealthy drop stone dead. RIP.
Posted: at 13-03-2011 01:42 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
smithengal at 13-03-2011 03:18 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Quote from: tarakhanali on 13-03-2011 01:00 AM
Women pass through cleansing cycle while men do not but bottle everything up. Until recently when women started becoming breadwinners men had to bear the brunt of it. Hence the disproportionate rate of high blood pressure among men compared to women. Finally, to be able to perform, man must be in good health otherwise he is playing with fire
Very correct, Tara.
Posted: at 13-03-2011 03:18 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
dukkieson at 14-03-2011 03:47 AM (13 years ago) (m)
It is amazing that a patently unfit person will want to have sex to his own doom! Even a weak and unfit woman can withstand sex, why? What is the secret formula?
Posted: at 14-03-2011 03:47 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming