I really dont know what to do about her. (Page 3)

Date: 24-11-2008 4:34 pm (16 years ago) | Author: ZEUS
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- toto-luva at 15-09-2011 03:59 AM (13 years ago)
Abeg na which side d girl dey? Jst give me her contact info, if she no wöwö ooh, so dat i cn save u 4rm dis predicament.
Posted: at 15-09-2011 03:59 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- kinkyebony at 15-09-2011 04:08 AM (13 years ago)
U sed d trut ma guy. Many guys are willin 2 help him in dat problem Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue
Posted: at 15-09-2011 04:08 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- GOLDENMEDAH at 15-09-2011 08:07 AM (13 years ago)
If u lyk her as well, don't waste ur tym ,move on with her........
Posted: at 15-09-2011 08:07 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- onyeodinaka at 15-09-2011 08:32 AM (13 years ago)
ma guy u dey waste time u need to do it shp shp..
Posted: at 15-09-2011 08:32 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Zubby24 at 15-09-2011 08:43 AM (13 years ago)
Your Gf may be behind it but you don't know, she may pay her to tempt you in so many ways to figure out what you really think about her and her values to you, man i have been tempted so but i did not fall the victim cos i know it's a girls style of knowing your trust on her which some guys use to do as well so be strong my dear and cut her too much visitations this time, she will flee.
Posted: at 15-09-2011 08:43 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- QUEST1 at 15-09-2011 09:11 AM (13 years ago)
Integrity is the word. .....to those who are saying do it, do it!
Posted: at 15-09-2011 09:11 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- vantheo at 15-09-2011 09:44 AM (13 years ago)
Dont do it mehn!

Posted: at 15-09-2011 09:44 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- vantheo at 15-09-2011 09:46 AM (13 years ago)
Hey wait a minute! This post is 3 YEARS OLD! So you mean after three years it becomes a featured topic on naijapals. COCK! SMH!  Shocked

Posted: at 15-09-2011 09:46 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- Emmandazie at 15-09-2011 09:55 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Uby40 on 24-11-2008 04:34 PM
I gat this lady friend,we are quite age mates.and i must admit she's really attractive to behold. a fort-night ago we had a mature chat about sex issues,as they affect different relationships. we delebrated on a art of forplays, kissing and all that,like we always do in the past. days later, she came visting me in my office,like she does,and we were gisting until my close time.just  moments after i'd closed, and was just getting ready to shut down my system and head home, she walked up to me and whispered in my office that she wants to kiss me. i was flushed, because i never saw such an advance coming from her to me. i laughed off the idea, but she showed more seriousness to her desire by holding me to the wall. i started being embarrassed. she obviously knows my girlfriend,and how serious we are in our relationship. i succeeded in talking her off her motives,and closed for that day; but ever since then she's been making advances at me,anytime we run into ourselves in town or my work place.she hasnt stopped bringing up the issue.
i don't want to jeopadise my friendship with her, by being rude to her,because she been a wonderful friend to me (maybe my longest standing female pal since high school). i need someone's candid advice,because i really don't know how to go about it.
Old chunk, but however, you be mumu!
Why you pour petrol, strike matches and don't expect fire? Why you first engage in sex talk when you're not prepared to do it?

Na ya trouble, you find am, you support am!!!
Posted: at 15-09-2011 09:55 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Lekan22 at 15-09-2011 10:01 AM (13 years ago)
Let her know your mind.
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:01 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Greggiyke at 15-09-2011 10:12 AM (13 years ago)
I think u should be careful about ur decision, could be a plan she has with ur babe, ladies can be funny at times.
U're gonna loose ur love(babe).
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:12 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Ozoor at 15-09-2011 10:32 AM (13 years ago)
Their is a say that say u cannot used one stone to kill two birds, be carefull how u do away wit women they are very dangerious more especially in the case of relationship i advise u to deliberant on any action u want to take 2wise u will surely find truth on it.
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:32 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- jukkiebukwes at 15-09-2011 10:41 AM (13 years ago)
@ Poster, u truly hv some integrity, just do the right thing...put her in her place and mk her see reasons y it will never work.

for those of you advising rubbish, God have mercy!
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:41 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- purityjustice at 15-09-2011 10:52 AM (13 years ago)
i na me ehhhhhhhh, i go tear her...........
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:52 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Neophil at 15-09-2011 10:53 AM (13 years ago)
 Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:53 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- solight at 15-09-2011 10:59 AM (13 years ago)
my man give her what she need (with CD)and let her go 4real...........
Posted: at 15-09-2011 10:59 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- collinsE at 15-09-2011 11:03 AM (13 years ago)
see free food oboy lol Grin
Posted: at 15-09-2011 11:03 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- gloxxy98 at 15-09-2011 11:22 AM (13 years ago)
good that u have not fall for her
to stop this shit, tell her to stop visiting you especially in ur office
ur girl might work in, in the process, maybe wen she is trying to force hersef on you.

pls u have ur dignity to protect, dont do it
once done, she must certianly demand it always and it will be a problem that u will regret later.

resist the devil and he shall flee away from you.
Posted: at 15-09-2011 11:22 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- DHash at 15-09-2011 12:57 PM (13 years ago)
Your the cause of every thing!
Posted: at 15-09-2011 12:57 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- onyiis at 15-09-2011 01:33 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 15-09-2011 01:33 PM (13 years ago) | Hero
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