Will u allow your wife to in touch with her married or single ex-boyfriend? (Page 5)

Date: 21-01-2012 3:36 pm (12 years ago) | Author: vikkyimoh
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- zaza08 at 23-01-2012 12:22 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Neglito on 22-01-2012 11:28 AM
Old firewood can easily catch fire, if u know what I mean
Sure u are right bor..
Posted: at 23-01-2012 12:22 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Joycefiga at 23-01-2012 12:25 PM (12 years ago)
let me be truthful i will not cause old talk will alway come out and they may want to Rcornet to there sele
Posted: at 23-01-2012 12:25 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- jofi at 23-01-2012 01:04 PM (12 years ago)
@ecto,if you're really ready to get married pray about it if u still care about her I will advice you seek a good pastors advice,after all she never got married to the man but just a mistake of carrying his baby.good counseling is best advised for this issue.only if she's truly worth the stress you know her better than I do.
Posted: at 23-01-2012 01:04 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Lekan22 at 23-01-2012 01:11 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 23-01-2012 01:11 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- kp45 at 23-01-2012 02:32 PM (12 years ago)
Online (m)
Whona try
Posted: at 23-01-2012 02:32 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kizz_pomme at 23-01-2012 04:25 PM (12 years ago)
Honestly,i will not allow .Even if i packed in a street and noticed that my wife ex-boyfriend is living in that street,i will pack out from there.
Posted: at 23-01-2012 04:25 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- prince_iyke95 at 23-01-2012 05:11 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 23-01-2012 05:11 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- charlym at 23-01-2012 06:30 PM (12 years ago)
Guys let's stop this pretence and face the truth. for me I will never allow my wife to try such nonsence.
Posted: at 23-01-2012 06:30 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- onchedu at 23-01-2012 06:55 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: Swtezvikky on 21-01-2012 03:36 PM
Most women are fond of doing  things  secretly with thier ex after marriage. Like chatting on BBM and facebook etc without d knowlegde of thier spouse. Am asking my naijapals dudes,will u allow this to happen right before ur face?  

It's wrong; but who wan stupid, make dem stupid.
Posted: at 23-01-2012 06:55 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- FlyMamacita at 23-01-2012 07:58 PM (12 years ago)
I know many see it as understanding between yourselves, but i cant let it happen.
My husband can have as many lady friends as he like so why the ex? Let the past be the past.
Posted: at 23-01-2012 07:58 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- jossymark at 24-01-2012 01:17 PM (12 years ago)
The truth hut like hell but i don't have choice so is either i call a spade a spade marred is married so stay married till death do apart. forget the ex.
Posted: at 24-01-2012 01:17 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- mariam4u at 24-01-2012 03:19 PM (12 years ago)
My greetings to you,

 I hope you receive my message with a good destiny. My name is Mariam and I'm really interested in getting along with you for a sincere relationship. Please, I await your positive response to my email and I will send you my details with a photo and I'll tell you more about myself, please send me a mail once received this message.Thank you here is my email ( [email protected] )

 Miss Miriam.
Posted: at 24-01-2012 03:19 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- adams933 at 24-01-2012 03:23 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 24-01-2012 03:23 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- richku2 at 24-01-2012 07:34 PM (12 years ago)
nope i can't have that,sorry am that jealous.
Posted: at 24-01-2012 07:34 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- sundayezebest at 24-01-2012 08:30 PM (12 years ago)
ok na i will think about it
Posted: at 24-01-2012 08:30 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- FlyMamacita at 24-01-2012 08:52 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 24-01-2012 08:52 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Prinzce at 25-01-2012 11:58 PM (12 years ago)
Quote from: oliyide on 22-01-2012 10:37 PM
Hello again bro. I can see you are a man given to equal right opportunity and am not in any way against that. Let's talk a little bit about the Europe you just gave as an example. Do you know how easily families break down. Does not matter whether you live in Europe or not. It is all over the news and that is because of what they call civilization and let every man do what pleases him or her. You may choose to ignore the bible as the word of God or don't believe in God. I believe the word of God and yes the bible makes it clear that wives should submit to the husband but it also commands the man to love his wife as his own body. How can a man love a woman as is own body and see her as a slave. it is not possible.

Besides that I'd like you to understand that I am not restricting this issue of not communicating with an ex to just the woman. The same goes for the man. I still repeat 99% of ex's friendship after marriage will one day lead to something else (fanning back the flame). I am not even saying don't talk to them or say hello when a situation calls for it. But man .. chatting, BBMing, hanging out and other related stuff will surely lead to something at some point except we don't want to be sincere with ourselves. They both know the button to turn on. If you want a healthy marriage then you need to cut off and keep communication to minimal. The western world has brought so much decay to what we know as holy matrimony. It has been reduced to what you now call contract.

Europe has the highest rate of divorce no doubt. And like you rightly said, it has to do with high level of civilization. The Europeans are however the happieast on the planet. Life expectancy (women) in Germany for instance is presently 80yrs and in Nigeria 47yrs.

You know, between 2009 and 2011, some group of doctorate degree researchers from Germany conducted a research on family democraphy and changes in Nigeria and Ghana. The result reveals no surprise than what we see on ground.
1. There are more families (partners) that have only symbolic meaning left, where parners have no emotional, romantic, love, or economic bond, than "normal" families
2. More than 2/3 of Nigerian womem live in slavery in their supposedly partnershaft. They have little or no right in all areas of their own life. For instance, it is the man and the man alone that decides how many children the woman produces and when. Many are living in forced marriages where they end up as sex slaves and baby making machines. They are beeing beating on a regular basis and and and. Don`t think about the very small emancipated female populace.
3. These women exist without life (to love and be loved, to take decisions on matters that concern them, ect). And the society and religion deny them the right to be free (divorce). They understand it to be their roll and duty in the society and so they tolerate it, afterall, they are afraid of the society; what people will say and do, how they will be treated. Again, remarriage and marrying a divorced woman is still seen as an abomination. These women are left with very less difficult option other than remaining slaves.

Talking about obeying the Bible, it`s only the women that do by remaining married even when it is hotter than fire, by giving their men unrestricted access to sex even when they are not in love or in the mood for sex, by producing as many children as the man and his family want etc. What we observe is that Bible is not for the men as far as family/relationship is concerned.

Tell me, is it not better to have a divorce and live than remain married and exist without life? Is it not better to have a divorce and live 95 years healthy and happy life than to remain married and live 60 years of hell fire?

What we will fight for is to get granded, quality education and enlightenment (male and female). We need to liberate and empower our women. We need to redefine family and relationship in Africa. We need to fight for a normal socialization process among and between sexes from childhood. We need to bridge the gap between boys and girls. We need to encourage sex education...By so doing, we reduce the risk of seein exes as oppotunity to satisfy our sex hunger. We need to be more civilized than we are today and I mean a general civilization.

Posted: at 25-01-2012 11:58 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- gloxxy98 at 26-01-2012 11:46 AM (12 years ago)
its all abot understanding and wat they are discussing
Posted: at 26-01-2012 11:46 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- norapaul at 26-01-2012 05:49 PM (12 years ago)
am a young couple, is not other easy to do that because u may still have feelings for the ex-friend',so is good for u to avoid it totally.but in other way round man cheat on their woman. my quesation is don't they see those girl before come to u. is too bad and is men that is coursing all this cheat in marriage. some women that can't stand it will go after their ex-friend.but is not wise.
Posted: at 26-01-2012 05:49 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- maxwelk78 at 30-01-2012 07:32 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: iyke63 on 22-01-2012 11:57 AM
@ truenaija2
  i think u re a big fool.no b one honeypot ur mama get wey she come born u.phyuk u phyuk ur that thin
Posted: at 30-01-2012 07:32 AM (12 years ago) | Newbie
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