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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Jobless Man Jumps Into Lagoon (Page 7) |
on: 20-01-2011 04:35 AM
| The man needs to be seen by a psychologist or psychiatrist. He has mental issues because he is a danger to himself and may be a danger to the public as well.
The government is not responsible for providing jobs to its citizens. The government is responsible for making conditions conducive to employment, business, and job creation.
Nigerians are natural entrepreneurs. The government of Nigeria could do well by creating community loans for people so they can set up their own business and able to pay taxes, etc.
Putting him in prison is not the solution. He needs mental health attention instead.
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Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: CHRIST EMBASSY: Worshippers Pay N1,000 To Enter Oyakhilome’s Church |
on: 8-01-2011 06:52 PM
| There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings. An example of an offering that should never be allowed is that of Judas Iscariot after betraying Christ Jesus came back to return the money. Even the betrayers with him knew enough that blood money cannot enter the alter of God. There were 25,000 people that came for the New Years Eve Service for Christ Embassy. One thousand niara was collected from each participant. You have zero idea what their spiritual positions are and you collected that money. You also collected offering without ensuring that the contributors were worthy to put money towards God's work. There are good offerings and there are worthless offerings. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Are the Nigerian IGBO people from the jewish descendants |
on: 27-04-2010 05:54 AM
| IBO man still de collect visa and will never stop collecting ,it's a good example of of Jewish people they are scattered round the world as slaves, Refejuse , captives , prisoners hungry, and even masacared but at the end they conquered,, Ibo man can come from Israel because from the beggining of creation there have never been a black creature so blacks originated from white, and my point is that the Ibo man life style and movement is that of the Jews , it started from Abram to Isaac and Jacob captured the habit and it becomes their style, in Africa Ibo man is still the highest traveler. you can find them every part of the world .
We are quite sure the Igbo man is living in the moon right now.  | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Collective Laziness Under “PRAYER” |
on: 11-02-2010 10:45 PM
| I know devil works in different ways, probably he sent de writer of this article to decieve christians...we reject u in jesus name PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED.....and God answered them without trying to escape on their own, Daniel prayed without trying to explain his actions b4 the king.....but God answered him.........we will continue to pray and God will answer us, just like he answered our prayers and returned power to south.....Amen I think your writting is not very smart, Show me any advance nation that believe in God like our people do.I think "religion is the opium of the masses"karl max.Only in Nigeria you steal money and thank God for saving your ass. oUR POLITICIANS loot the nation,thank and praise God. Check our home movies, most end with TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I agree with most of the pals who think there is too much prayer in Nigeria. WAKE UP Nigerians and smell the air. we could do better without too much believe in supernatural. I can equally say that cultism and witches,too much indulgency in religious believe will disappear.
USA prays a lot. The politicians have morning breakfast prayers before they start their day. They always say "God bless America". Karl Max was an atheist. Communism does not believe in God. Nigerians needs to be very prayerful. Cultism and witchcraft is rampant as well which also makes the land sick. Majority of the politicians subscribe to the powers of darkness to get their power. As far as I am concerned this is an anti-Christ, anti-prayer thread. Prayer is not the reason why Nigeria is in shambles. Family breakdowns, witchcrafts, occultism, devil worshiping, etc. are part of the powers of darkness that is troubling our great nation. We should be concerned when parents condone their children stealing, selling drugs, etc. because the child is bringing in money for the family, what was wrong has now become right. We should be concerned when parents condone 419 practicers. I am not asking any parent to turn their children in to the law, I am asking parents to become parents again. I am asking parents to teach children that aspire to be leaders and politicians good morals and etiquettes and what it is to serve a nation. We need to strengthen the family. The family that prays together stays together. The nation that prays together stays together. God bless Nigeria. We should encourage more prayers but the right prayers for our people and for our great nation. Long Live Nigeria If the devil does not like tell satan to go to hell and sit on a tack while the fire is blasing. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Bishop Sacks Pastors, Closes Church For Non-Remittance Of ‘Seed Offering’ |
on: 29-01-2010 05:50 PM
| This is nigerian bishop for u. They like to run a church like a business. Instead praying for better time. If the spirit of GOD would live in that house, such thing would not be happen. Iam afraid of going to any black church now...
Jim Baker, a white man, and a white church did more horrible things by stealing over $150 million from his church. Jimmy Jones, a white man, killed over 900 black people that went to his church. I am afraid of going to any white church now ... I have never heard about Jim Baker nor Jimmy Jones. Who and where r they? And when this things happened ? If that true, u sure have reasons beeing afriad of going to white churches. Apart from the bad news i read here about nig men of GOD, i have my own reasons beeing afraid...... stay blessed God bless Nigeria. Jim Jones Bakker Swaggert name just a few of the bad white churches. Thanks for the information. Why they all bearing the name "jim"  lol Well, in all cultures r badies and goodies. I met jeopardy at nigerian church..... That s why i am scared and tired of black churches at times. You are welcome. Who is Jeopardy? My nightmares all come from white churches. If I look through the window and I see it is controlled by white people, I am turning around and running as fast as I can. Going to white churches to me is like going to vampire/satanic temples. Worse than 9/11 to me. | | |
Forum / Politics / Re: Nigeria threatens to sever ties with America |
on: 18-01-2010 05:00 AM
| Such is the bewildering actions of the US gonverment. I agree: since Libya HAS complied with the US's demands, it SHOULD be removed. However, I have a feeling that it has more to do with the ties the coutry has--MAY have, I should say--to events like the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole and other suspected events that the US's CIA and other agencies, which cannot tell their head from their A**. I may be wrong, but, at least, that is how things look on this side of the screen. Just because I am in America and am an American citizen, it does not mean that I agree with all of their policies. Far from it--not getting on THAT soap box. Sufice to say that America can be and has been VERY HYPOCRITICAL in its policy. I also know, being and American Citizen, that things even remotely related to terrorism against us is something that most of the Bible Belt (and the loudest voices in the matter) States is not willing to let go of or forget. Just as the African Americans are not willing to let go the atrocious acts of slavery in the 19th century and incist that present day American somehow OWE them something for it. Just as present day Americans have had nothing to do with slavery for well over 140 years, somehow we of the African community still see it as we must have some sort of reparations. I was not a slave. My father was not a slave--nor was his grandfather. The same goes for the white people of today--they did not own slaves, etc. And it is this lack of logical thinking that seems to guide many in all nations to hold on to the acts of a few and hold an entire country responsible for. I do, however, have a firm belief that when a country's citizen(s) blatantly attack nother country, whether in an act or terrorism or whatever, the country that person came from SHOULD do whatever it can to SHOW the rest of the world, not just the target country, that it is sincere in putting an END to such acts by its citizens. And the responsibility should stop at the individual and ultimately the government once it has been dealt with. And it should be shown to the victim country that the aggressor's country is taking the appropriate steps to make sure this does not happen again. The lack of action on Nigeria's part in past events--such as the 419 scams, etc--are a HUGE part of what has galvanized the rest of the world with the negative view of this country. It is the inaction of the government--unless the consequences would directly hamper its agenda--in past events that makes global opinion so negative. I would LOVE to see Nigeria take its place as a world power. However, I do not see this happening in its current state. Nigerians need to band together collectively and MAKE the corrupt government accountable for its actions AND inactions. Until the Government is made to be held accountable, I do not think the rest of the world will take it seriously. And threats like this to sever ties with America..I have to ask: were there REALLY any ties to speak of? Having dealt with the FBI in my own issues with Nigerian citizens, I would have to say there ARE no ties to speak of. Now, I am willing to admit that this view may be do to my interaction with the Government agency, but, from what I have read in the news and forums, I am inclined to believe what I read in many independant sources from USA today to BBC news to Neue Grazer in Austria. Now, if this view is misguided from these and many other sources, I welcome your counter of sources for me to read. @Roger I think you should chime in as to why Libya's name has not been removed from the list since they have complied with all the USA and international demands?
Regardless of whether you have been a slave or have not been a slave does not matter. American blacks built America and they should be compensated for it. It is not in the past. These slaves came from Nigeria and Nigeria must be compensated for the theft and enslavement of its citizens. If Nigerians are taking from Americans, we are taking what is rightfully ours because our brothers and sisters sweated and died for it. America has never apologised for enslaving Nigerians. Jews are still being compensated by Germany for the Holocaust. Africa must be paid for slavery. Black Americans and Blacks living in the Caribbean must be paid for their enslavement otherwise everybody move out of the way because we own America. | | |
Forum / Politics / Re: Nigeria threatens to sever ties with America |
on: 18-01-2010 03:51 AM
| Very eloquent. You are to be commended. I see and understand your point. However, I think we shall agree to disagree on the point of Libya. But, nonetheless, Nigeria, as have all nations of the world, some culpability in all these goings on. While I do not agree with the US's attempt to impose their view of freedom on the rest of the world, I do agree with their decision to add Nigeria to the terrorist watch list. Nigeria has a history of doing nothing to correct the wrongs that come of its own. And therefore, the rest of the world and America must act accordingly to protect itself from what has been shown to me an aggressive and dangerous country of lawlessness. Big words. Surprised you could string together an intelligable English sentence. You are to be commended for such a feat. While I agree that the 419 scams and this idiot of a n*gger Mutalleb represent only a msall fraction of Nigeria, the rest--including the government, if you could call it a government--have done nothing to rememdy this poor image of Nigeria. Therefore, since none of the citizens nor the "government" is willing to do anything, then I feel that the addition of Nigeria to the terrorist list is well warranted. Until the Nigerian "government" is willing to work with international governments to rectify the wrongs that is citizens have commited, as well as own up to the wrongs it has commited itself, then Nigeria will be relegated to the status of a 419 NATION. Holy SH*T! A Nigerian who has open eyes and ears! Well spoken, my friend. The US is acting a bit boorishly with regard to the situation, but I do understand why they are acting so quickly and a bit brashly. It is a lot like the September 11 attack that galvanized the nation as one to not only protect itself, but also the other free nations of the world. When something like this bombing attempt comes from a country that is well known for the trouble it has caused and the drain it places on the world system due to corruption of its government as well as its government's complicity in what so many of its citizens do to the rest of the world, one who is of sound mind can understand why such a quick and harsh reaction on the part of the Americans has been done. How would Nigeria respond had the situations been reversed: US bomber tried to do the same thing to a Nigerian bound flight? Nigeria needs to do some serious face saving due to this unfortunate event. The rest of the world sees Nigeria as nothing but a scam that drains the resources of the rest of the world for their own selfish gains and do not care about the consequences for those they harm. Not all Nigerians are scammers or soulless people--far from it. However, the acts and consequences of those Nigerians who are--and the government that is part and partial to this--shows the rest of the world that ALL of Nigeria is this way. Why? Because this is ALL of the contact that the common man has with this country--as well as most other countries. If Nigeria wants to help clean this mess up--not just this one event--and help repair its world image, much must be done by the ordinary citizens to clean this up. How can an ordinary citizen clean up the mess of an image that is Nigeria? First: band together as a unified nation and force the government to stop the corruption rather than acting like a bunch of small, squabbling tribes who cannot tell the difference from a consonant and vowel to a hole in the head. Second: as one people, unified and together, ferret out the scammers who have wronged so many around the world and make them culpable for the acts they have committed: hold them accountable for their actions. Now, this is not just the individual scammer, but the whole of Nigerian government from the lowest of local branches all the way up to the President himself. Third: pay back what has been stolen from around the world. I know this is easier said than done, but an attempt should be made at restitution. Fourth: SHOW the world in a consistent, public manner that Nigeria has turned a corner and is taking the steps to right the wrongs and is willing to be a part of the world and act as a responsible and mature nation. Without taking these steps, how can anyone in Nigeria expect the rest of the world to look past its deceitful history? Nigerian government officials are not handling this delicate issue with the maturity it demands.Of course,it is not on the pages of newspapers that the issue will be ressolved,and government should not ecsalate an already dicey situation.What is needed is high stake behind-the-scene diplomacy,and not this rather bellicose jerky reaction by the Senate. We cannot change the fact that Umaru Adbul Mutallab is a full-blooded Nigerian,good or bad.We should rather intensify our efforts towards arresting what is really a scary dimension to the internationalisation of terrorism The mass of jobless youths in Nigerian would rather blow up government establishmnents than maim and kill citizens of western countries,notably USA,who have been very accommodating of us. But still,our very own Mutallab tried blowing up that plane.Period. He must have learnt well from the unrepentant tribe of politicians(or looticians) that have hijacked the Nigerian Plane,and are flying it towards a healong collision with sorrow,tears and blood.
The USA and many other nations have corruption. The less corrupt nations are Sweden and New Zealand. The rest of the world including the USA are marked as corrupt. The USA has the yellow caution color while Nigeria has slightly passed yellow caution sign and moving towards light red. The Nigerians that committed 419 committed it with fraudsters from other nations that want to defraud Nigeria. If you receive an email that promises you millions if you send a few hundreds and you agree, you are greedy, stupid, corrupt, etc. Nigeria is not responsible for that type of compensation because these were people that meant to do harm to Nigeria in the first place. Nigeria does not have to do any face saving. 150 million Nigerians did not participate with Farouk Mutallab. The so called fruit of the boom boy was recruited from Britain and trained in Yemen. Because he has a Nigerian dad who actually warned the Americans about an impending attack does not make Nigeria responsible for the act of a few. Other nations have caught Nigerians that have misbehaved and jailed them in their nations, that does not mean that the entire Nation Nigeria is responsible for other people's actions. Many criminals and crimes are in the USA, and I have never heard where the USA has been blamed because of criminals and crimes in their country which is many. Nigerians need to definitely unite in order to make our country better and to improve the lives of Nigerian citizens both in Nigeria and abroad. Being put on the terrorist list is a badge of honour to me. Long Live Nigeria. Long Live 150 million people because we are innocent of the act of terrorism. I will not beg to be removed from that list. I will make friends with the other 13 nations and co-operate with them. North Korea is beginning to sound like a good ally with over 200 million soldiers and they are desperate for my sweet crude oil. America has fallen! God bless Nigeria. God bless Africa. God bless Nigerian leaders. No need to be surprised at Nigerians being able to string together the letters in the alphabet. Try to find out more about us. You will be more pleasantly surprised. Nigerians and the Nigerian government are not responsible for the Internet scams. The USA does not hold itself responsible for the numerous internet scams that occur in the USA. It is only recently that President Obama appointed an Internet Czar in 2009. It is through such co-operation with that Czar that the whole world may get relief from Internet scam that includes children traffickers as well which is rampant in the USA. Anybody that comes to defraud Nigeria and they become defrauded by a Nigerian have themselves to blame. I am not interested in being taken off the terrorist list and I will tell you the reason why. Libya has been on the terror list for many years. They were promised that they will be removed from the terror list if they gave up their weapons of mass destruction, paid the fines levied on them, paid all the legal court rulings. Libya did all that. To date, they are still on the terror list. Being put on the terror list is a way to control a nation. The more you dance to the tune of the nations that put you on that terror list, the more in bondage your nation becomes. There is no incentive to want to come off the terrorist list. There is actually great joy to be among the other 13 nations. If this is how they all got into that list, then we are all comrades. Now feel free to exercise your freedom with the alphabets. We agree to disagree. Nigerian government is heavily involved in cracking down on corruptions. A lot of Nigerians that are deported due to crimes they commit in other countries are put in prison in Nigeria when they return for giving Nigeria a bad name internationally. Nigerian citizens refuse to take responsibility for a few actions of a few because many countries that have criminals do not take personal responsibility for criminals that come out of their countries. American citizens should take responsibility for Timothy McVeigh, the five Americans caught in Pakistan trying to join Al Qaeda. The five Americans caught trying to spy on Iran, etc. American citizens should take responsibilities for Madoff, Mark Richie, etc. How come this is not blamed on individual Americans or even the American government? Judgement must be equal. Nigerians cannot be expected to bear unfair burdens while other countries are allowed to go scott free. Nigerians are no longer slaves. The time that Americans came to Nigeria and kidnapped our citizens and used them as slaves is gone. We need to be compensated because America had the audacity to come to Nigeria and steal the best of our best and never compensated the black Americans they used as slaves and never compensated Nigeria for stealing its citizens. Which crime is greater? I think you should chime in as to why Libya's name has not been put on the list. | | |
Forum / Politics / Re: Nigeria threatens to sever ties with America |
on: 11-01-2010 12:10 PM
| The United States is correct in the Action taken to distance and to protect its people from those who may be trying to do them harm. Any negative move from Nigeria would only confirm and support US legitimate action in its efforts to protect its people . Do you expect for US to do nothing when a Nigerian traveled to seek assistance and collaborative efforts to attack and bomb another country’s airline?.
If the names of every country's citizen that had been involved in terrorist acts are justifiably listed, then American Terrorist watchlist will look like this US citizen 90% UK citizen 08% Rest of the world 1.999999% Nigerian 0.000001% Terrorism is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as "(threats of) violent action for political purposes". If borrowed from school of taught, you will confirm that American left infrastructural distruction, lootery, damaged economy and chaos in countries they set agenda. Putting Nigeria's name in terrorist watch list is the beginning of already construed evil intention against Nigeria. As there been any disclosure of a terrorist ring in Nigeria? None documented. As there been disclosure of terrorist network ring in US and UK? Yes, many. If US intend to retrainned their military personnel they should flex their muscle in China or North Korean. But that is another story. Well analyzed | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Can this be true feelings? can love be this fast? |
on: 28-09-2009 01:26 AM
|  I MADE A CONFESSION YESTERDAY ON THE TOPIC THAT SAYS{ ITS VERY DIFFICULT FOR ME TO FIND A GIRLFRIEND.} JUST TO DAY ,I GOT I GIRLFRIEND ON NAIJAPALS AND SHE CLAMS SHE LOVE ME AND CAN DO ANY THING 4 ME,IN AS MUCH AS PROMISING TO MAKE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN ON EARTH .  AM CONFUSE , ???CAN THIS BE TRUE FEELINGS?? CAN LOVE BE THIS FAST?  Please do not kick a gift horse in the mouth. You are probably afraid of intimacy that is why you are always running and cannot see that the girl loves. I bet you I know the girl that loves you. She gave you so many signs that she liked you from the forum but you could not read the signals. Snooze you lose. Good luck to you if you are able to wake up and smell the coffee. Love the girl back for crying out loud. I believe her love to be genuine. Remain blessed. | | | |