By the way
Who are we to judge God's creations ??
Did He give any of you the power to do so??
Are you all better then God in judging mankind ??
My point exactly Helga! Africa is the way it is NOT because of the white people..It is due to the STUPIDY that is passed on from generations to generations. Evidence is right there in your face...Sad that they younger generations still displays the signs of IMMORALITY! Then again, we are talking about Nigeria so.... my Blood pressure remains OK!
These are the SAME people that calls out GOD's NAME every bloody day.. They would rather prefer a hardened criminal rather than an innocent homosegxwal. You people MUST be real!!
IS THAT A WHITE LESBIAN CALLING AFRICANS Stupid JUST BECAUSE U DID NOT GET YOUR EXPECTED SYMPATHY FOR FELLOW LESBIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA . U GOT TO WATCH IT ! because thats acting Stupid .! Do you think you can Force sympathy for Homosegxwality on anyone just because you are brought up in Homosegxwal Community . ?
The African way of life is different if you have eyes to see ! In their simplicity Africans have and follow the natural Laws of Life not the unnatural experimental laws that twisted ones of your type engage in , Its true Africans indeed inherit most of this backward stuff from the whites and there is no denying the fact .
There is no mentioning of being sympathetic to the choices homosegxwals make, its not written in my statements at all.
And certainly im not calling anybody stupid either.
To say homosegxwals didnt exist before white people interfered into your society your wrong.
As i told you once and tell it to you again, You dream with your eyes wide open and see the things what arent there, but when you are awake the things what are there you dont see.
Homosegxwality no matter what race cant be forced upon a other person. So dont blame the white race for the segxwal behavior of your country man.
Not that long ago even in the white society homosegxwality was not tolerated and in Hitlers time they were gassed together with the Jews, but it was there hidden like im sure in your country Africa.
Grow up and wake up Spekay and have a real good look around you.
Im not in defense here for Homosegxwal behavior.
Im in defense here for getting the blame as a white person for every thing what you think is wrong in your society simply for the fact you dont want to take the blame onto your self.