''Master even the dogs can eat and manage the crumbles''Some crumbles are just too good for the zombies...Wonder why a prodigal child eat pigs crumbles, simple,people perish for lack of knowledge, what knowledge?, fear of the unknown (God)... Posted: at 2-12-2010 05:04 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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chik001 at 9-12-2010 10:14 PM (14 years ago) (m) Christ never failed to distinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is can’t believe. Unbelief is won’t believe. Doubt is honesty. Unbelief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light. Unbelief is content with darkness. Henry Drummond Posted: at 9-12-2010 10:14 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Blkcisg at 12-12-2010 04:58 AM (14 years ago) (m) Christianity existed before the Bible. Most of the New Testement writings were not written down until hundreds of years after the crucifixion of Christ. The Bible, in it's multitude of forms, versions, translations, don't even contain the same books. Certain Christian groups look at the Bible, while inspired by God, interpreted and crudely presented by man. while Christianity and Islam for that matter, may be fake, I don't think your argument proves it. Also, what is the benefit of having a free mind, will it make people happier, richer, abio? While you may in fact be correct, how does this revelation help people or mankind? I was traveling in China and I ran into a former Christian missionary. I asked him why former. He told me that he had travelled teaching the "word of Christ for decades". During his travels he would give candy to the children he would meet. Everywhere he went he would give each child a single piece of candy. In every country with avgeneral knowledge of Christianity or Islam the children would immediately eat the candy. While in the country in China where the children had no contact with Christianity or Islam the children would taste the candy and then wrap it again and put it in their pockets. He asked the translator to ask them if they were trying to make the candy last, they replied, no, they needed to take it home and share with the children that were not able to come. He left Christianity behind because this was the first time he had seen a spontaneous Christian Act, but it had no connection to Christianity. The Children reused by Christians and Muslims looked out for themselevs alone, while the heathens did. I think you have identified some fundamental flaws. I agree with you, that is my opinion, I don't know how to provide irrefutable truth to support this opinion. Ignorance isn't always bad, it just means we are not ripe yet. Posted: at 12-12-2010 04:58 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Truly christianity is really fake well proved at[url]worldreligiousforum.blogspot.com[url] Posted: at 12-12-2010 09:24 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Christianity existed before the Bible. Most of the New Testement writings were not written down until hundreds of years after the crucifixion of Christ. The Bible, in it's multitude of forms, versions, translations, don't even contain the same books. Certain Christian groups look at the Bible, while inspired by God, interpreted and crudely presented by man. while Christianity and Islam for that matter, may be fake, I don't think your argument proves it.
Also, what is the benefit of having a free mind, will it make people happier, richer, abio?
While you may in fact be correct, how does this revelation help people or mankind?
I was traveling in China and I ran into a former Christian missionary. I asked him why former. He told me that he had travelled teaching the "word of Christ for decades". During his travels he would give candy to the children he would meet. Everywhere he went he would give each child a single piece of candy. In every country with avgeneral knowledge of Christianity or Islam the children would immediately eat the candy. While in the country in China where the children had no contact with Christianity or Islam the children would taste the candy and then wrap it again and put it in their pockets. He asked the translator to ask them if they were trying to make the candy last, they replied, no, they needed to take it home and share with the children that were not able to come. He left Christianity behind because this was the first time he had seen a spontaneous Christian Act, but it had no connection to Christianity. The Children reused by Christians and Muslims looked out for themselevs alone, while the heathens did.
I think you have identified some fundamental flaws. I agree with you, that is my opinion, I don't know how to provide irrefutable truth to support this opinion.
Ignorance isn't always bad, it just means we are not ripe yet.
Candy made a preacher to stop preaching in China? What a fool! Posted: at 16-12-2010 04:03 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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I am educating you here and giving you information to check your blind faith as you and your other christians dont have a clue who you serve and are destroting our community.
I see not your GOD, I am here to tell you he/she/it does not exists. You have never seen your GOD. He/she/it is always in hiding and will never come out openly to the world. That tells me he/she/it is as fake as the christian religion that introduced him/she/it.....capish???
God is a Spirit. Those that worship Him worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Because you have not seen Him does not mean I have not seen Him. Posted: at 16-12-2010 04:04 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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@chik001, you said "You tell a lie or filled with ignorance when you say you don't see God"
am I the liar or is it you?
Have you ever seen the GOD you speak about?
Are you so far gone in your delusion that you can no longer tell what is true from false? or what is real from imaginations?
Let me ask you a question.
Is it true that on the LAST DAY, GOD is COMING to judge the living and the dead? Where is he coming from? is he here now?
Please try answer my question else you are the liar, and it is plain as day!!!
The beast is here and that is what is guiding you demoncrazed Posted: at 16-12-2010 04:06 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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keniezgold at 17-12-2010 10:56 AM (14 years ago) (m) every body is responsible to his own opinion u may be right in ur own perception but don't be subjective. before u can identify a truth u must have got a lie.which have u got? as 4 me i feel indeferent Posted: at 17-12-2010 10:56 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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democrazy at 18-12-2010 12:07 AM (14 years ago) (m) @Blkcisg Thanks for your post............... In life, things you do of your own free will are always priceless. Religions like christianity think they are forcing people to do right and good, but am sure its plain to see, that the christians used violence and genocide to further their agenda, the Islamists too did same. Now look how many nations the chinese have forcefully or violently conquered? Yet these christians will call them evil. pastors, Murderers, child molesters and abusers, get away with their crimes bacause they hide behind christianity.......rightly so. They are covered by the doctrine of Jesus that states you are no longer responsible for your crimes or sins. It categorically says you can sin all your life and repent at the final hour.............such a bad doctrine if its from "the creator". BUT what I did on this forum, was to show that the contents of the bible was not original but copied from the Egyptian culture and writing. This made the bible not original. What is not original is fake, and what is fake is unrealistic. Posted: at 18-12-2010 12:07 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Thanks for your post...............
In life, things you do of your own free will are always priceless. Religions like christianity think they are forcing people to do right and good, but am sure its plain to see, that the christians used violence and genocide to further their agenda, the Islamists too did same. Now look how many nations the chinese have forcefully or violently conquered? Yet these christians will call them evil.
pastors, Murderers, child molesters and abusers, get away with their crimes bacause they hide behind christianity.......rightly so.
They are covered by the doctrine of Jesus that states you are no longer responsible for your crimes or sins. It categorically says you can sin all your life and repent at the final hour.............such a bad doctrine if its from "the creator".
BUT what I did on this forum, was to show that the contents of the bible was not original but copied from the Egyptian culture and writing. This made the bible not original. What is not original is fake, and what is fake is unrealistic.
Your view of Christianity and sin is all wrong, but you will not believe because you have already decided that the way you think is the right way. Not because we are saved by grace does not mean that we continue to sin. There is no way that Jesus Christ told us to continue to sin. He actually told us to sin no more. Posted: at 18-12-2010 05:53 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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democrazy at 18-12-2010 08:25 PM (14 years ago) (m) @talkandsave my lineage is Naija, it should be safe to know that i was brought up a christian as well, and most of my family members are. I have not on my own free will or elusion decided to turn against christianity. No. Like every human i know, i was also searching for "WHO I AM" and my only guide or initial knowledge was GOD as introduced in the bible. The Gideon society since 1906 have been distributing 56 million copies of bible to the African nation yearly. there is no way, each African should not have a bible in hand as it was one of the, if not only, free book that the conolial masters offered us. It is my experience, knowledge, and wisdom, that makes me say christianity is FAKE. there is no alterior motive, am a spiritual being willing to suffer the concequences of what i believe in, fearlessly. I dont believe in forgiveness of sin, I believe in Atonement which involves the culprit appeacing directly, his/her victim. Telling lies is also a grave SIN in my realm. One thing I can ask you though if you think am wrong is this.............. Everyone, or almost everyone knows that worshipping on SUN DAY is a PAGAN thing attributed to RA, or ATUM RA. Also in the bible it is said that one of GOD's laws is to not work but rest and worship on the sabbat day. Why do all christians choose to knowingly disobey this law and perform a Pagan worship whilst critisizing the whole world for not believeing in JESUS and GOD's LAWS.? Posted: at 18-12-2010 08:25 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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giftmurphy at 22-12-2010 09:06 PM (14 years ago) (f) christianity is fake or people practise fake christianity? Posted: at 22-12-2010 09:06 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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my lineage is Naija, it should be safe to know that i was brought up a christian as well, and most of my family members are. I have not on my own free will or elusion decided to turn against christianity. No. Like every human i know, i was also searching for "WHO I AM" and my only guide or initial knowledge was GOD as introduced in the bible. The Gideon society since 1906 have been distributing 56 million copies of bible to the African nation yearly. there is no way, each African should not have a bible in hand as it was one of the, if not only, free book that the conolial masters offered us.
It is my experience, knowledge, and wisdom, that makes me say christianity is FAKE. there is no alterior motive, am a spiritual being willing to suffer the concequences of what i believe in, fearlessly. I dont believe in forgiveness of sin, I believe in Atonement which involves the culprit appeacing directly, his/her victim. Telling lies is also a grave SIN in my realm.
One thing I can ask you though if you think am wrong is this..............
Everyone, or almost everyone knows that worshipping on SUN DAY is a PAGAN thing attributed to RA, or ATUM RA. Also in the bible it is said that one of GOD's laws is to not work but rest and worship on the sabbat day.
Why do all christians choose to knowingly disobey this law and perform a Pagan worship whilst critisizing the whole world for not believeing in JESUS and GOD's LAWS.?
It is true that there are fixed days for pagans. It does not mean that when Christians worship God on Sunday that they are worshiping the pagan gods. Worshiping God any day of the week is alright by God. You can worship Him seven days a week if you choose to. Not because pagans and Christians may worship on the same day does not mean that they are worshiping the same God. Posted: at 23-12-2010 07:23 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Abrahamics at 23-12-2010 08:55 AM (14 years ago) (m) Wow,how can u say christianity is fake?How can u authenticate ur claim,that christianity is false.No wonder,that it is written,that 'my pple perish,for lack of knowledge'.Why are u killing urself,by blasphemying d Lord.Dont u know that,d creator of any thing,is not contained in his/her creation.May GOD forgive U. Posted: at 23-12-2010 08:55 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Wow,how can u say christianity is fake?How can u authenticate ur claim,that christianity is false.No wonder,that it is written,that 'my pple perish,for lack of knowledge'.Why are u killing urself,by blasphemying d Lord.Dont u know that,d creator of any thing,is not contained in his/her creation.May GOD forgive U.  Amen. Posted: at 23-12-2010 07:00 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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adedaniel at 23-12-2010 07:53 PM (14 years ago) (m) May God forgive u all , The bible said that the fool said in his heart that there is no God, this is some signs of the end of the world Posted: at 23-12-2010 07:53 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Posted: at 24-12-2010 03:26 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Truly christianity is really fake well proved at[url]worldreligiousforum.blogspot.com[url]
even old man like you that should be praying for your soul is here posting rubbish? i pity the kind of children you have. ppl like you have nothing to offer the world other than producing potential terrorists as children shame to you Posted: at 24-12-2010 03:11 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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cadanre at 25-12-2010 08:33 PM (14 years ago) (f) Truly christianity is really fake well proved at[url]worldreligiousforum.blogspot.com[url]
even old man like you that should be praying for your soul is here posting rubbish? i pity the kind of children you have. ppl like you have nothing to offer the world other than producing potential terrorists as children shame to you terrorists of criminals among which one may be a leader in the group (GANGSTAR)
IN ZAKA FADI, FADI GASKIYA, KOMAI TA JA MA A YI MAKA Posted: at 25-12-2010 08:33 PM (14 years ago) | Hero | |
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Truly christianity is really fake well proved at[url]worldreligiousforum.blogspot.com[url]
even old man like you that should be praying for your soul is here posting rubbish? i pity the kind of children you have. ppl like you have nothing to offer the world other than producing potential terrorists as children shame to you Posted: at 26-12-2010 04:25 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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