joyjumper at 18-01-2011 01:15 AM (14 years ago) (m) The metaphor means this: if a person spends all of his/her time in darkness that person's eyes adjust to the absence of light. If he/she is suddenly illuminated by bright light that person is blinded and he/she wants to retreat back into the darkness that the person was accustomed too. It's the same with knowledge, we have been conditioned in our society to accept lies as truth, and we most people finally hear truth he or she usually dismisses it and the person speaking that truth. My question is, What is the differences between reality and truth?, Is history an account of human experiences via An eye witness or An account of some supernatural divine intervention stories made to be believed by recitation,memorization and repetition?..
you are free to believe what you wish to believe. Others are free to believe what they want to believe. At the end, we will find out who is right.
Posted: at 18-01-2011 01:15 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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democrazy at 18-01-2011 05:59 PM (14 years ago) (m) @DEMO Before you criticize the Bible...make sure you read the preceding verses and ones as to get the full story. The problem with critics is that the take a verse and criticize...This is not a court case.
Now lets read from King James Bible Genesis 2:1-8 just to clarify your confusion or rather criticism:
1. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
4.These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
6. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
7. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
8. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
9. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Now ask your question...
@chik001, I think youy are the one that needs to re-read the bible. I did explain it as written in ink inside the bible. God told who ever was writing Genesis 1 that on the 3rd day, he created the trees and vegetation on earth.....Here is the quote from genesis 1 verse 11 11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so." I dont know how else you want to interprete this statement where God himself is the spiritual author of the bible and he says he created plants and trees three days before he created man. Somehow in Genesis 2, whilst he was still spiritually talking to the writer, he got the order of creation confused. In verse 5 as stated there were no vegetation on earth before he created man. Verse 11 of genesis 1 says there was vegetation before man was created as this was done on the 3rd day. BUT In genesis 2, it further goes to explain that there was no vegetation as MAN, who will till the ground and grow the plants was not yet created. It was after Man's creation that GOD created EDEN and all the vegetation. Am I wrong? Please have a second read and I have re-asked my question in "Why was GOD not sure which came 1st, vegetation on earth or MAN?" Posted: at 18-01-2011 05:59 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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democrazy at 18-01-2011 06:02 PM (14 years ago) (m) The bible even recorded the devil himself quoting the word of God in an attempt to achieve his goals while tempting Jesus. what is the difference here? I wonder why believer will no allow this and pray for God to rescue their soul if possible. i just pity heir soul
The bible "recorded" the devil abi? So who recorded the bible? All these naive/myopic people who can't see beyond their nostrils sef! Harakiri What really shocks me is that most Africans do not have any other form of reasoning or knowledge except that read in the bible and explained to them by Christianity. How can I view it that a wicked group of people went to kill all the people in Autralia, killed all the people in America, Killed 300million Africans and enslaved the whole nation. YET, they are so loving to give these Africans the true religion and the knowledge of who created them..................HOW? Posted: at 18-01-2011 06:02 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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democrazy at 18-01-2011 06:11 PM (14 years ago) (m) Aight I got something for you to think on. You are using logic, reason, and science to disprove Christianity correct? I think we can both agree on that. I think we can also agree that logic and science come from reason, so the way people disprove Christianity is ultimately through reason.
So, what exactly is reason? Webster says reason is "the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways." So reason is being able to think well and figure things out. So for reason to be able to make one thing false, and another true, it must be ALWAYS correct. In other words you cannot question reason, because reason is how we question other things. Reason is transcendent, or it governs all other things. I think we can also both agree on that.
So, where does reason come from? Well according to those who don't believe in a God, it comes from ourselves, it comes from man. Therefore, if we were to create a new way to reason tomorrow, it would have just as much authority as the reason we are using today. But wait a second, we just said that reason, in order to use it, must be transcendent, it must ALWAYS be correct, which means only one type of reason can truly be right if we are going to use it to question all other things. So if we WERE to create a new reason tomorrow, it would HAVE to be wrong, if today's reason is right. But that can't be either, because both come from man, therefore they both are equally legitimate.
In other words, if reason truly was created by man, then it has NO authority to critique other things. To do so it must be transcendent, and to be transcendent it must have not been created by man. Cause if it was created by man, we could change it tomorrow and have no way of saying that today's reason is better or more legitimate than the one we create tomorrow.
Therefore, in order you use reason, a transcendental principle, which we agreed on, you HAVE to believe in some god. Because humans cannot have created reason if it is able to govern all other things. So a transcendental being must have created it in order for it to be a transcendental principle.
I'll admit that most Christians are horrible at defending God, but there are some of us who can. Just some food for thought, tell me what you think.
@PhillipChaffee Does a Cow reason, does a dog reason, does a human reason?.......yes!!! How, They all have brains, and can see or perceive things as well as have feelings. If you say reasoning comes from GOD, you may be right, but I employ you to see that other non-Godly things reason too. Now my point is this.................... You and I have never seen GOD, But we have experience of life. You and I have never seen Jesus. You have never seen the spirit world nor a spirit of anyone be it yourself. Why do you want me to use my reasoning to believe what no one has never seen before, and a knowledge that was introduced by hatred and genocide? How can a reasonable human, know that many different humans have inhabited this planet for yonks, yet GOD only came to the Isrealites to convey his message to the world? was he scared of the black people, that he never showed himself to them? Has any other person that you know, or have heard of seen GOD? So my pal, what is reasoning in the sense of religion? Is it not just a foloow follow to the grave as nothing will ever be known? Phew!!! let me stop here!!! Posted: at 18-01-2011 06:11 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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chik001 at 18-01-2011 07:27 PM (14 years ago) (m) @DEMO That verse was only summarizing how and what happened before and after the creation of Man...the verse is just used for emphasis... ..Oh are really disappointing me now...!!! I thought you are...anyway...I hope you are not using an atheist translated Bible or Islamic Critical Bible translation... The Creation story starts from Genesis Chapts 1 - 30 (King James Bible). ...You know what...? lets lets go to another topic you found confusing or contradictory... Posted: at 18-01-2011 07:27 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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King James version the autorize version..Who is king James?. King James was a Scotish king, He unite england and scotland as one monarch..He is a well known 33 degree occultist..King james killed his own wife and raped his own children.(sodomite and pedophilian).King James is a well known homosegxwals, is beloved lover is William shakespear.. King James organized and sponsor the war that lead to the fall and the execution of the moors ( Africans) in turkey,italy,france, belgium and spain..In six months 16 million Africans (moors) were executed in an inhuman method.. King James was among the European kings that enslaved and killed the Africans and every other aboriginal people on the planet..This is just a few of king James atrocity, yet the holy spirit instructed such a man to interpret the bible to the whole world..What of the other copies of the bible, in existence before king james autorized version, maybe God did not like those, yet he God also instructed Martin Luther the german who was before King James to write his own bible and start his own protestant church.. Anyway Paul was no different from King James, who is paul, a roman,greeko and israeli citizen, hmm!!, why did holy ghost choose a paul instead of peter a true israeli?.Maybe the gentiles wrote the bible heheheheh!!!!!!,.I think paul is no different from king james, if indeed he did live.. Posted: at 19-01-2011 12:03 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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chik001 at 19-01-2011 12:38 PM (14 years ago) (m) King James version the autorize version..Who is king James?.
King James was a Scotish king, He unite england and scotland as one monarch..He is a well known 33 degree occultist..King james killed his own wife and raped his own children.(sodomite and pedophilian).King James is a well known homosegxwals, is beloved lover is William shakespear.. King James organized and sponsor the war that lead to the fall and the execution of the moors ( Africans) in turkey,italy,france, belgium and spain..In six months 16 million Africans (moors) were executed in an inhuman method..
King James was among the European kings that enslaved and killed the Africans and every other aboriginal people on the planet..This is just a few of king James atrocity, yet the holy spirit instructed such a man to interpret the bible to the whole world..What of the other copies of the bible, in existence before king james autorized version, maybe God did not like those, yet he God also instructed Martin Luther the german who was before King James to write his own bible and start his own protestant church..
Anyway Paul was no different from King James, who is paul, a roman,greeko and israeli citizen, hmm!!, why did holy ghost choose a paul instead of peter a true israeli?.Maybe the gentiles wrote the bible heheheheh!!!!!!,.I think paul is no different from king james, if indeed he did live..
...and who are you... you neither invented the Internet, Fax Machine...nor the Color TV...naught...  The book you read...the clothes you wore...the mattress you sleep on ...even your tooth paste is from the descendant of these... Posted: at 19-01-2011 12:38 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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''..and who are you... you neither invented the Internet, Fax Machine...nor the Color TV...naught... Grin The book you read...the clothes you wore...the mattress you sleep on ...even your tooth paste is from the descendant of these...'' @chik001.. No i do not invent anything, but is it not a profitable knowledge to all, if you can make your own research and ask the rightful question, example why don't you ask, were did all this inventors got their knowledge from, is it from God?, if then, why are African's not opportune to same privileges as you claim, why?, is God discriminative, i can't wonder less, if he God ,that claim to be love, can destroy millions of people for a few thousand favourable.. My question is, those descendant you mention, are they God chosen or simple, they are enjoying their parent atrocity and they continue to protect their parent looth with GOD name and their bomb, what do you think?.. Posted: at 19-01-2011 02:25 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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@chi001, Let us go to European history. According to them,From 700ad to late 16 centuries, only 1 percent of the European are literate..How many yrs. is that?..Between this yrs. the African built 16 universities and hygienic health facilities all over europe..As of early 1000ad, European use to sell their mothers, wives and children to the Africans as slaves in exchange for cloths and food, i can continue but will stop.. Lets count, from 1600 to 2011 is 411 yrs..How do europe rise suddenly and quickly knowledge wise within this shot period, how?, is that too God blessing?.. Posted: at 19-01-2011 02:45 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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chik001 at 19-01-2011 06:31 PM (14 years ago) (m) @chi001, Let us go to European history. According to them,From 700ad to late 16 centuries, only 1 percent of the European are literate..How many yrs. is that?..Between this yrs. the African built 16 universities and hygienic health facilities all over europe..As of early 1000ad, European use to sell their mothers, wives and children to the Africans as slaves in exchange for cloths and food, i can continue but will stop..
Lets count, from 1600 to 2011 is 411 yrs..How do europe rise suddenly and quickly knowledge wise within this shot period, how?, is that too God blessing?..
Ok...e don I understand your frustration...I am battling with the same too... but... even if King James is or was all you have mentioned...even if King James versioned or translated The Holy Bible...He is not solely in control of it's contents...He would have removed the issue of homosegxwalism and murder from the Bible...He is just a vessel God used...some one can tell you the truth and do otherwise...the truth still remains the truth... ...But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty... 1 Corinthians 1:27 Posted: at 19-01-2011 06:31 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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democrazy at 19-01-2011 07:02 PM (14 years ago) (m) @chik001 In short, you are saying GOD is the confuser here. I also know God himself according to the bible said he is the doer of both evil and good. Now my young man. I can see you are already butting out of that vegetation and man scenario cause you know its true. Yet, I will let you save face. But before I ask the next one, am starting to see a patern in you. One that tells me, that if I say to you I was born by my father and mother, you will say, it is not true, but that I was born by GOD. Again, if I take you to my mother and father and show you the video of my birth, yet you will still say, you dont totally agree, as it was GOD who made it happen. The difficulty in speaking to someone like you, is that if I ask you to give me the proof GOD did all these things, you will start to retreat and your tone will get defensive and agressive. Posted: at 19-01-2011 07:02 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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chik001 at 20-01-2011 01:48 AM (14 years ago) (m) @chik001 In short, you are saying GOD is the confuser here. I also know God himself according to the bible said he is the doer of both evil and good. Now my young man. I can see you are already butting out of that vegetation and man scenario cause you know its true. Yet, I will let you save face.
But before I ask the next one, am starting to see a patern in you. One that tells me, that if I say to you I was born by my father and mother, you will say, it is not true, but that I was born by GOD. Again, if I take you to my mother and father and show you the video of my birth, yet you will still say, you dont totally agree, as it was GOD who made it happen. The difficulty in speaking to someone like you, is that if I ask you to give me the proof GOD did all these things, you will start to retreat and your tone will get defensive and agressive.
..butting out of which and what...? are the person who need to save face because you quote verses you don't know. You failed to understand simple jumble and read verses of the Bible out of context to create confusion... guys are very interesting in your contents... ...let me quote you... " that if I say to you I was born by my father and mother, you will say, it is not true, but that I was born by GOD. Again, if I take you to my mother and father and show you the video of my birth, yet you will still say, you don't totally agree, as it was GOD who made it happen." ...same goes to amount of proof will be enough for yous as an unbeliever...(unless...ofcourse, the rebirth). If I prove God's existence with one thing you either jump into another or you become abusive...defensive and self righteous...This are the tactics yous use as an excuse to be right in your belief... saying all vex...I will be in London, Euston...on Thursday to Saturday me up ...make I buy you beer... ...ehh...ask your next question... Posted: at 20-01-2011 01:48 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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omatu at 20-01-2011 07:41 AM (14 years ago) (f) Aight I got something for you to think on. You are using logic, reason, and science to disprove Christianity correct? I think we can both agree on that. I think we can also agree that logic and science come from reason, so the way people disprove Christianity is ultimately through reason.
So, what exactly is reason? Webster says reason is "the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways." So reason is being able to think well and figure things out. So for reason to be able to make one thing false, and another true, it must be ALWAYS correct. In other words you cannot question reason, because reason is how we question other things. Reason is transcendent, or it governs all other things. I think we can also both agree on that.
So, where does reason come from? Well according to those who don't believe in a God, it comes from ourselves, it comes from man. Therefore, if we were to create a new way to reason tomorrow, it would have just as much authority as the reason we are using today. But wait a second, we just said that reason, in order to use it, must be transcendent, it must ALWAYS be correct, which means only one type of reason can truly be right if we are going to use it to question all other things. So if we WERE to create a new reason tomorrow, it would HAVE to be wrong, if today's reason is right. But that can't be either, because both come from man, therefore they both are equally legitimate.
In other words, if reason truly was created by man, then it has NO authority to critique other things. To do so it must be transcendent, and to be transcendent it must have not been created by man. Cause if it was created by man, we could change it tomorrow and have no way of saying that today's reason is better or more legitimate than the one we create tomorrow.
Therefore, in order you use reason, a transcendental principle, which we agreed on, you HAVE to believe in some god. Because humans cannot have created reason if it is able to govern all other things. So a transcendental being must have created it in order for it to be a transcendental principle.
I'll admit that most Christians are horrible at defending God, but there are some of us who can. Just some food for thought, tell me what you think.
@PhillipChaffee Does a Cow reason, does a dog reason, does a human reason?.......yes!!! How, They all have brains, and can see or perceive things as well as have feelings. If you say reasoning comes from GOD, you may be right, but I employ you to see that other non-Godly things reason too. Now my point is this.................... You and I have never seen GOD, But we have experience of life. You and I have never seen Jesus. You have never seen the spirit world nor a spirit of anyone be it yourself. Why do you want me to use my reasoning to believe what no one has never seen before, and a knowledge that was introduced by hatred and genocide? How can a reasonable human, know that many different humans have inhabited this planet for yonks, yet GOD only came to the Isrealites to convey his message to the world? was he scared of the black people, that he never showed himself to them? Has any other person that you know, or have heard of seen GOD? So my pal, what is reasoning in the sense of religion? Is it not just a foloow follow to the grave as nothing will ever be known? Phew!!! let me stop here!!! @demoncrazy - I repeat. I have seen God. Posted: at 20-01-2011 07:41 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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joeker at 2-02-2011 06:02 PM (14 years ago) (m) If u say christian is fake, thn d bible nd all its prophets re fake, but how come the prophecies of a fake bible written so lng are coming 2 past Posted: at 2-02-2011 06:02 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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@joeker, simple, bcus the bible was copied from ancient manuscript to create false, the gnostic manuscript, the book of the dead, the book of sofia, the kabalah and many more..Read for yourself and compare yourself.. Another reason is, those that wrote the bible are occultist, this people are guided with first hand information written in many ancient manuscript..They foretell future events in the bible, as a means of excuse to justify their wrong doing.. Posted: at 2-02-2011 10:06 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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joeker at 4-02-2011 12:29 AM (14 years ago) (m) If christianity is fake y do p fight the religion eg u tht said it is fake, if it was a cult, wht will there membr gain 4 jst luvng which Jesus has comanded, y dnt thy pick guns nd foRce ppl 2 join, its possibl, may b possesd ppl jst wnt 2 put d devil b4 God, d word blieve is nt meant 4 evrybody, rmembr many re calld few re chosen Posted: at 4-02-2011 12:29 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie | |
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omatu at 16-02-2011 08:22 AM (13 years ago) (f) @joeker,
simple, bcus the bible was copied from ancient manuscript to create false, the gnostic manuscript, the book of the dead, the book of sofia, the kabalah and many more..Read for yourself and compare yourself..
Another reason is, those that wrote the bible are occultist, this people are guided with first hand information written in many ancient manuscript..They foretell future events in the bible, as a means of excuse to justify their wrong doing..
Book of the dead, sofia, kabalah are not in the bible. Posted: at 16-02-2011 08:22 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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E-nice at 16-02-2011 12:51 PM (13 years ago) (m) If christianity is fake y do p fight the religion eg u tht said it is fake, if it was a cult, wht will there membr gain 4 jst luvng which Jesus has comanded, y dnt thy pick guns nd foRce ppl 2 join, its possibl, may b possesd ppl jst wnt 2 put d devil b4 God, d word blieve is nt meant 4 evrybody, rmembr many re calld few re chosen
if it is fake y try to prove it to us it would show for it self.ONLY ORIGINAL HAS FAKE. Posted: at 16-02-2011 12:51 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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omatu at 16-02-2011 04:42 PM (13 years ago) (f) Posted: at 16-02-2011 04:42 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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chik001 at 16-02-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago) (m) If christianity is fake y do p fight the religion eg u tht said it is fake, if it was a cult, wht will there membr gain 4 jst luvng which Jesus has comanded, y dnt thy pick guns nd foRce ppl 2 join, its possibl, may b possesd ppl jst wnt 2 put d devil b4 God, d word blieve is nt meant 4 evrybody, rmembr many re calld few re chosen
if it is fake y try to prove it to us it would show for it self.ONLY ORIGINAL HAS FAKE. ...anytime I see you...I go buy you beer... Posted: at 16-02-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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