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Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27
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There we go again.....wether I believe it or not.........I thought the idea was to explain and not mandate. ReplySame way you look around and see this things is the same way my eyes look around and see them. How did you arrive at the conclusion that their must be a "HE" at the centre of all these when it is clear as daylight THAT LIFE AROUND IS CREATED BY FEMININE ENERGY. Yet you are no opened for discussion, but will say I am wrong.
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Also, I need you to realise there is nothing like ancient christians. A Christian is one that has christ in it...........was there an ancient Jesus Christ? Reply
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bros one thing i dnt like is to argu about Bibble about bc only he who is in spirit willl understand much Replylike i said if u read with holy spirit in u will understand more thanks Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27
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what is a holy I can read and understand the way you do? ReplyAlso, remember I did not force you unto this came as a GOD send!!! ![]()
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the piont is this u first said dont believe in GOD so it will be dificult for u to understand what holyspirit is all about Replywith what i saw here u have gone far with this thought but like i said and still say again and again christianity is real muslin is real GOD is real JESUS Is God b4 u can get to understand me u have to believe this is GOD then we can go futher Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." Luke 18:27
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You are playing the same game the european colonial masters played when introducing christianity. Unfortunately, am not one to go head on to belief in something I know is wrong. Thanks anyway for you contribution. Wont like you to offend GOD now with discussing this issue of if he is real or not. Thanks again. Reply
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@DEMO Reply..John 4:24 “…God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship Him in spirit and in truth…” ...dont allow the above quote scare you... As I said earlier…I was born a Christian in Naija…witnessed religious hypocrisy…military corruption and 419… Being a Christian was not enough for me… Firstly…I became an atheist…read…meditated…inquired…explored and experienced also…which finally gave me the second birth… Anyway…For the benefit of those who doesn’t know… The universe as we know…consists of the spiritual world and the physical world…both worlds are real and substantial…whether we like it or not… The spiritual world as we know…cannot be perceived through our five physical senses. However we can perceive it through our five spiritual senses. Those of us who have had spiritual experiences can testify that the spiritual world appears as real as the world in which we live. These two worlds …permit me to say…together form the cosmos. The nature of the spiritual is intangible and causal…can be likened to that of the mind The physical is tangible, resultant…can be likened to that of the human body The spiritual dictates…the physical follows...just as the mind dictates the action of the body… The physical take after the spiritual and moves according to its commands in such a way as to sustain life and pursue the spirituals purposes.
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Christian is never the word christian means ''Christ like''.if u are a christian u will Love Jesus Christ and He said those that Love him are those that obey his commandment. And to obey him means u're not just a xtian but a practising who does the word of God(John 14:22-24). ReplyNow the word of God never started from roman or any other place but from Jerusalem then to where the world end(Acts 1: ![]()
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its only a fool who will say that there is no GOD ReplyI'LL BE R B
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gbam! Reply
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Are you selling rat killer here or what? Abeg am not buying? so am just passing, Reply![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: frayobkk on 23-04-2011 04:08 PM @democrazy i want to know what uis ur reall problem about what is ur are saying bc like i may understand does it mean that u dont believe in GOD at all? The guy is demostrating his type of craziness. So why are you disturbing your self?
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Quote from: democrazy on 17-09-2010 04:33 PM @josiahlawson i will answer your questions if that's what youre after...... 1. can you die for what you believe now? ------------ humans die everyday for nothing. What do you think? 2. If Yes why do you hide your face from people?....................have you asked to see me and i refused? or has anyone told you am in hiding? 3. Prove your points from your source only and not on other document you call fake, because if its fake why use them? --- to tell a fake, you need to compare it to something true. 4. How Old are you to know about something that happened about 2000 years ago? Please prove how you were born first before the later..................Am sure you will agree tthat i need not prove to you that i was born of my mother. Where you not born of you mother? Since i've answered your question. Please take your seat and stop your pointless blackmail. If you are not happy, pray to God. He will give you happiness. mr demo the free thinker, why dont you believe in what you feel is right and let others do same, you guys wont b burried in d same grave after all and even if it so happens then you must have been caught up in an accident or so, but still everyone will rise on the judgment day as an individual to answer for himself alone...... my question to you is, lets assume you are right, lets give you the benefit of your doubt, but ill like to know that which you believe in........ And the question above asked you if you in person will die for what you believe in......... ![]() and in your answer to dis quest... 3. Prove your points from your source only and not on other document you call fake, because if its fake why use them? --- to tell a fake, you need to compare it to something true. which document or book of your own believe did you use in your comparison ........ i am a Muslim and from the teachings of our holy book i believe in the existence of (injil) that is the bible which was given to the prophet Moses and not written by him........ as you've mentioned.......... though nowadays there are various reviews and amendments to it................ it is only the Almighty Allah the All-knowing that has the knowledge of our beginning and our end
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Quote from: Romanos on 18-09-2010 09:02 PM Brother (I don't know your name but your moniker is "democrazy", this comment is for you), You have done a lot of study, you have displayed your knowledge for us, you have even shown us that you can include Greek and Arabic text and names in your demonstrations, though I am not sure that you can read and understand those languages. Myself, I can read Arabic with some understanding, so the Qur'an is open to me in the original. But more importantly, I can read and understand Greek fluently, and so the New Testament as well as the Greek version of the Old Testament are open to me in the original. (I also can read Hebrew and understand it relatively well, so the Tanakh and Talmud is somewhat open to me.) These are not my boasts, but I want to be fair with you, to know with whom you are dealing, though I am not here to debate. This is what you apparently want to do, so my comment will be short and without requiring a response. To help you along with your reasoning, I have this to say. Do not make assumptions or build your arguments on the English text of the Bible or the Qur'an, especially the Bible, because no translation perfectly expresses the meaning of the original. What are we to do then? Can't we argue from the translated texts? To this I would answer, No, we cannot, but the reason may be not what you might expect. It's not because the translations are not exact or various between the many versions, but because meaning is dependent on living reality, on actual existence, and does not really reside in the words of the Bible (I limit muself to the Bible, as the Qur'an to me is not scripture at all), in no matter which language. You have learning, intellectual ability, access to documentation. You have a reasoning mind, a perceptive mind, and you have found a field in which you have done a lot of digging with your mind, but you will never find what is living under all that weight of topsoil, clay and rocks. You may find a buried treasure there, if you are lucky, but only the dead are buried in that field, not the Living. I think you want to find the Living, because you want to justify your own life, you want to be convinced that you are alive, and for a reason, and you want others to be as fortunate as you are, in knowing the Truth. But you haven't found the Truth yet, brother, because you are still digging where only the dead are buried. Thoughts have no life in them, ideas have no life. They take on reality only when Life is breathed into them. Until that time, they are merely thoughts, merely words to be blabbed into the air, creating sounds that could have meaning if someone heard them, but even then, only the Living can hear. All our study, all our enquiry, all our investigation, all our reasoning with the results, all of it, all of it is still-life, like a painting of fruits in a bowl, or flowers in vase, or a plate with bread, knife and a jug of milk. But you cannot taste those fruits, nor smell those blossoms, you cannot break and eat that bread or drink that milk—it's only a painting, not the reality. This is where all our research, thinking and reasoning will get us: no further than creating a still-life, a mere image, not the Reality, not the Living, not the Truth. What else can I say? Brother, don't turn your life into death. Don't train your mind's eye on itself, but look outward, upward, receive your sight, and learn what or who the Truth is by living, by studying not words and ideas, but people, the world, life and death, faith and doubt, love and hate, man and woman, age and youth, wealth and poverty, health and sickness, and the list goes on in no particular order. But enter into this path as if there were no other, leave behind all opinions, even yours, abandon all defenses and the desire to win, let yourself be as fresh from the taint of death as a newborn baby, and then breathe in as for the first time the breath of Life, and in due time your eyes will really open, and not in books and words and ideas will you find the Truth, but in the face of the Living, the True and Faithful. What was all this banter about religions true and false? Did I dream about it long ago? Was I ever awake before, or only now? This is where you want to go, brother. Stop yourself in your tracks, raise your eyes up, and fly, don't walk. You were made with wings. Use them. romanos what is the Quran to you
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i like the application of maturity here towards answering the questions anyway Reply
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really? Reply
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@ Poster, Jesus Christ is Lord. So believe in Him........ ReplyWho Jah Blessed, No Man Cursed......
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