I can prove christianity is fake (Page 22)

Date: 16-09-2010 9:36 am (14 years ago) | Author: benti Adex
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- democrazy at 20-03-2011 04:45 AM (13 years ago)

I am not differentiating nothing. You are free to say the new is different from the old, and that Jesus is of the new testament.

Remember there is no christianity without the christ being written into history and dying. So there were no christians on earth before the death of Jesus..................You guys, well....its your life!!!

Just an advice to Ksurrina................At no time, did jesus say the laws of moses or the laws of the old testament does not apply in his time or in today's times................Not that I care, but if you dwelling on your chriastian thingy.........You may as well learn it correctly.
Posted: at 20-03-2011 04:45 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Originalsly at 21-03-2011 03:40 AM (13 years ago)
Genesis 1 vs 1-2 " In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void" ....first words in the Christian book...the Bible. What does without form mean? Isn't it without shape?...something with no form has no shape. What has no shape?....has to be a solid or gas. Gas has no shape....or form. Doesn't this mean that the earth was first in a gaseous state?...according to the Christian Book? This is basically the foundation of Christianity and if this is fake then it is fair to conclude all else is fake. What if it is not fake? You have no proof to show it is fake. I can lead you to scientific proof to validate these first words in the Bible. Go research the plates of the earth...the ones that cause the earthquakes etc....the foundation of the earth....find out the name of the gas that is trapped within the plates...(I'll name it at a later date). The relevant scientists all acknowledge the presence of this gas and only a few would say what they all know....the gas had to be there before the earth was formed and the earth had to be formed very quickly. If there is scientific evidence to validate the first words of the Bible what scientific evidence you have to prove its fake? We are still waiting.
Posted: at 21-03-2011 03:40 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- democrazy at 21-03-2011 06:15 PM (13 years ago)
You dont need to send me on any errand to go reference anything. If you had written that chapter/verse you quoted, the answer will have stared you right in the face.....................Your explanation and assumption can be straightened out................

The real passages read as follows...........

Genesis 1
The Beginning
 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Here you can see that you dont have to worry about ambiguity of form as per your statement in quotes below

"What does without form mean? Isn't it without shape?...something with no form has no shape. What has no shape?....has to be a solid or gas. Gas has no shape....or form. Doesn't this mean that the earth was first in a gaseous state?...according to the Christian Book?"

So is water GAS? or where did the waters come from? or what is holding the waters in place? 
Posted: at 21-03-2011 06:15 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Ifogra at 23-03-2011 04:17 PM (13 years ago)
D fear always entertianed by ohther people when Christianity enters a place, the miracles witnessed in Christianity, the violence against christians are proofs that christianity is not fake but the only true religion
Posted: at 23-03-2011 04:17 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ksurrina at 24-03-2011 02:36 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: democrazy on 20-03-2011 04:45 AM

I am not differentiating nothing. You are free to say the new is different from the old, and that Jesus is of the new testament.

Remember there is no christianity without the christ being written into history and dying. So there were no christians on earth before the death of Jesus..................You guys, well....its your life!!!

Just an advice to Ksurrina................At no time, did jesus say the laws of moses or the laws of the old testament does not apply in his time or in today's times................Not that I care, but if you dwelling on your chriastian thingy.........You may as well learn it correctly.

lol lol Go to Gal 3 & 4 and learn them quickly. Christ didn't form Christianity and neither did He told us to be a Christian. He said we are to be BORN AGAIN. John 3. When He said pick up your cross and follow me. Do you know what the Cross is? Sin so take up your Sin (burden) acknowledge it. Follow me mean DO WHAT I DONE to make it. It time persons see the Bible Spiritual and not WORLDLY with Sight. Sight never could comprehend before which lead the Children of Israel far away from their True and Loving God. So do you think that it will now lead them to the Mighty God Jesus Christ who dies and resurrected to let Satan know that He is not a God but a man.  lol Hugs and blessings

Posted: at 24-03-2011 02:36 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chik001 at 24-03-2011 05:41 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: democrazy on 21-03-2011 06:15 PM
You dont need to send me on any errand to go reference anything. If you had written that chapter/verse you quoted, the answer will have stared you right in the face.....................Your explanation and assumption can be straightened out................

The real passages read as follows...........

Genesis 1
The Beginning
 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Here you can see that you dont have to worry about ambiguity of form as per your statement in quotes below

"What does without form mean? Isn't it without shape?...something with no form has no shape. What has no shape?....has to be a solid or gas. Gas has no shape....or form. Doesn't this mean that the earth was first in a gaseous state?...according to the Christian Book?"

So is water GAS? or where did the waters come from? or what is holding the waters in place? 

...you again...you never cease to amaze me...
lets say this is a trick question...
...five years ago...I taught my primary three pupils the water circle...that water exist in three states, solid, liquid and gas...
although I did not teach them about the atmosphere, gravity and the functions of the moon in regards to oceans...and waves

...common...you know the gist...

The early man was giving info according to their understanding...This is a different dispensation...
The modern man...em...which yours truly is fortunate to be part of...knows that God in his infinite power and strength created and put in place natural laws (primary and secondary)
...everything there is...are kept in their state based on their or a law...
Posted: at 24-03-2011 05:41 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- harold634 at 4-04-2011 09:56 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: democrazy on 16-09-2010 09:36 AM
I have noticed that most of the time christians find it hard proving the existence of their God or originality of their religion to others who really question it. So, I have set this topic up for them to come and enjoy being in the rear seat of a fast moving train. Lessing your burden, I with all other interested parties will show you that Christianity is fake. I also know that islam is fake too, but i dont mind the help of the Muslims, for now, to show also why they know christianity is fake. You may think am against the christians. Trully I am against lies. If I am wrong, then i will be punished. If i am right, they you will have learnt truth. My only personal gain here is to know that i have contributed to freeing my peoples from bondage of the mind. let's rock!!
Posted: at 4-04-2011 09:56 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 5-04-2011 04:20 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: chik001 on 24-03-2011 05:41 PM
Quote from: democrazy on 21-03-2011 06:15 PM
You dont need to send me on any errand to go reference anything. If you had written that chapter/verse you quoted, the answer will have stared you right in the face.....................Your explanation and assumption can be straightened out................

The real passages read as follows...........

Genesis 1
The Beginning
 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

Here you can see that you dont have to worry about ambiguity of form as per your statement in quotes below

"What does without form mean? Isn't it without shape?...something with no form has no shape. What has no shape?....has to be a solid or gas. Gas has no shape....or form. Doesn't this mean that the earth was first in a gaseous state?...according to the Christian Book?"

So is water GAS? or where did the waters come from? or what is holding the waters in place? 

...you again...you never cease to amaze me...
lets say this is a trick question...
...five years ago...I taught my primary three pupils the water circle...that water exist in three states, solid, liquid and gas...
although I did not teach them about the atmosphere, gravity and the functions of the moon in regards to oceans...and waves

...common...you know the gist...

The early man was giving info according to their understanding...This is a different dispensation...
The modern man...em...which yours truly is fortunate to be part of...knows that God in his infinite power and strength created and put in place natural laws (primary and secondary)
...everything there is...are kept in their state based on their or a law...
I see you have problem accepting factual statements. Are you saying the bible did not mean water but gas? or there is an explanation for the waters in the beginning?

Would like your educative answer and remember am not a primary school kid. Neither do I belief in the caveman story you are telling. Lets go to your source of information and fill in the GAP where we need to understand that if something or someone comes to an area and floats about the place, he or it must have come from somewhere that is not local to the vicinity where he is reported to have been. If you can understand my statement it will be a good point to start with explaining how the waters came about.
Posted: at 5-04-2011 04:20 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chik001 at 6-04-2011 05:14 PM (13 years ago)

...Fact to you depends on what you make of it…I on the other hand …I go beyond your views, opinion or supposedly fact…
Your question is no difference from the question on the principle of cause and effect…
If we begin to trace this series of effects back in time…where do you think it will end?
According to the so called “cosmological arguments”… There are two possibilities:

a.   either we finally reach the first event in the series…or…the first cause at the beginning of all things…or
b.   there is no first event in the series and the past stretches back into endlessness…

…every avatar knows that the b. argument is not possible…that the past has no end…but rather must have a beginning. The argument took centuries and still on…and will still be on only heavens know how long…
then the ultimate suggestion was that if the universe has a beginning then there must be something outside it that brought it into existence….this being…a supreme intelligence…would either live outside it or in it…this creator who was reasonable enough to place the earth at a very strategic point in what they called the milky way… is God.
So…God created the earth and everything in it…how he did it is a matter of opinions…research and topic for debate…
Posted: at 6-04-2011 05:14 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mchinwendu at 16-04-2011 05:26 PM (13 years ago)
Many followers of Jesus died for standing on the truth that they held.  If it were not true, by now we would know so.  Many have tried to disprove Christianity but have failed in all attempts.  As it is to this age and will remain.  No man can ever account or explain away the transformed lives of those who accept and follow Jesus Christ.

There is a quote from history, by Emporor Nero.  He persecuted many Christians but many, even Romans, still gave their lives to God through Jesus Christ.  As Christians entered the arena to die, Nero said, "They're singing!"  For a lie, who would go to their deaths singing?  Who wouldn't confess?  But never, to this day is there an account of ever such taking place.  Why?

The proof you think you have is an illusion.  Many have knowledge but still do not know and many have eyes but still can not see.

It is my prayer that if you have not, that you read the Bible (KJV before the copyrighting rubbish began), starting with the new testment book of St. John.  Any researcher of facts must also know what the researched believes.  God's word is life!  It would be better to discuss then
Posted: at 16-04-2011 05:26 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- yackson at 17-04-2011 11:43 PM (13 years ago)
u guyz mu#st ve #to b rili# careful
Posted: at 17-04-2011 11:43 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- democrazy at 22-04-2011 08:39 AM (13 years ago)

Many Africans died in the hands of the christian crusader! does that make what they died for the only truth? Do you actually know how many Africans died in the hands of the Jesus people or how many died on the John Hawkings ship called "JESUS CHRIST"? 300 million african lives where lost so GOD can come to Africa.............Has there been a proof to date that the GOD or Jesus christ exists? NO!! Can you get Justice for having being enslaved and lied to? NO!!! Can an Isreali Jew get justice if people say the holocaust never happened? YES!!

How more blind in the heart can you all be? 
Posted: at 22-04-2011 08:39 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chik001 at 22-04-2011 09:33 PM (13 years ago)
...so you are still struggling to disprove the existence of God using conditional arguments...

Nna meen...

...ok...in what form do you want the existence of God to be proven to yous...

1. Science
2. Personal experience
3. Philosophy(ontological...The First Cause....The design...or Moral...
4. Historical

where do we start...? if you still want to continue with the problem of evil...I still have some rubbish to post...
Posted: at 22-04-2011 09:33 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 23-04-2011 10:45 AM (13 years ago)

You are such a joker!!! Smiley

You are not one for an educated discussion as you normally go off tangent. If you are willling to stay put, we can touch on your directions as in

1. Science
2. Personal experience
3. Philosophy(ontological...The First Cause....The design...or Moral...
4. Historical

Firstly I will like to point out to you that in general context "GOD has always existed" So hopefully you wont mind if I say that Africans where practising the things contained in both the bible and quran during their civilization...............I can go on to prove this if you want, but ....what am trying to point out here is that Africans never said they where practising a religion, it was a combination of philosophy and Metaphysics or Alchemy. Philosophy in the sense that they use stories, pictograms, and allegories to dipict activities, events, and entities that are contained in this universe. The africans have good knowledge of everything in the universe, and all those that your eyes can see when you look up at night.

I mentioned this so we dont get confused later on when discussing your point 3.

So, lets break this down in anticipation of your input..............

1) Science

The important difference between science and religion is that religion comes with ABSOLUTE statements, that neither can be proved or disproved, and science evolves from relative truths and statements, that can be testified and proven false (which means: science has to develop, in order to replace (partly) untrue theories, and replace them with better ones).
Science does not claim it has absolute knowledge on anything. Religion claims it has. It will therefore be very difficult to prove a religious concept scientifically unless if it is true. GOD is a religious concept.

BUT science still has the capacity to prove if the concept of GOD is true!!!
To do this, we will need the help of the original African scientific concept of merging metaphysical science with philosophical science...............Why Is it necessary to do this?

Same reason I setup this topic "if something is neither provable nor disprovable, then it is useless."
It can only have value to people who prefer to be ignorant, and don't want to get into complicated knowledge, and prefer to believe in something that is disprovable.

Posted: at 23-04-2011 10:45 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- chik001 at 23-04-2011 12:48 PM (13 years ago)

Forgive me for being a joker…I was born a Christian…then I went off to UNI…during philosophy 101…I got programmed to think “intellectually and educationally”…then I became an atheist and read Darwin and Nietzsche…and other atheist values…Then...the deeper I got the more I found out that its all jumping from pillar to post…

You’ve ended the topic before it actually began…

I sure know that the reason yous post such topic is just to wow guys with your so called “intellectual”jargon…
…not me dude…I have gone through that road some decades ago…as said…its all jumping from pillar to post…

That’s by the way…

...the spiritual controls the physical…whether you like it or not…true religion operates in the spiritual and science operates in the physical…
...everthing there is…manifested first in the spiritual before it became physical…
…so religion delves in the spiritual which is limitless and comes out with absolute statements of what is or to be…
Science in the other hand…with its limited capabilities and man-made opinion…bears the testimony of the absolute statements of religion…
But…as limited as science is…there is a still scientific proof of God existence…

Meanwhile…I will stop here and watch Man U vs Everton (am a Chelsea fan...hoping the outcome to be in our favor)
Posted: at 23-04-2011 12:48 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 23-04-2011 02:56 PM (13 years ago)

This is what I meant when I say you go off tangent......like you are not ready to follow up on you statement to find truth using those four headings.

We both do not have same experience, and mine is very different from yours. The problem here is, your learning is of only a physical nature, you made no mention of what you know through your spirituality. OR is your spirituality the fact that you belief in GOD? Does that make you spiritual? being a christian?

I have to work hard for my knowledge. It takes a lot of reading, meditating, inquiring, exploring, experience, etc not just physical, but your ability to project out of yourself and project your mind into situations that you will find yourself in future. I know I have to work so hard to aquire a little knowledge that guides me in my quest. For you, it is easy, GOD knows all, with him comes wisdom and all knowledge. You belief in him and he has his spirit in you. Meaning you dont have to work hard for your knowledge Like I have to...........................So, I should accept that you know more than I do...........Like the scholar i am, please can you explain what you mean by

"...the spiritual controls the physical…whether you like it or not…true religion operates in the spiritual and science operates in the physical…"

This sounds like a FACT you KNOW..............just want to learn!!!
Posted: at 23-04-2011 02:56 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- frayobkk at 23-04-2011 04:08 PM (13 years ago)
@democrazy i want to know what uis ur reall problem about what is ur are saying bc like i may understand does it mean that u dont believe in GOD at all?

Posted: at 23-04-2011 04:08 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 23-04-2011 04:27 PM (13 years ago)

I dont believe in GOD. This word or Creator referred to as GOD is in the christian bible. I dont believe the christian bible is true, real, or is seen in its true light.

I can show you why I dont believe in these. Also I can certainly tell you that no one, that I have met in my lifetime has any proof of the existence. Furthermore, I can safely tell/and show you that the bible was copied from ancient african texts and their waay no reference to GOD in the original texts.
Posted: at 23-04-2011 04:27 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- frayobkk at 23-04-2011 04:35 PM (13 years ago)
ok Democrazy lets start it this way as u didnt believe  in GOD if i may ask u
how then did world was made how come the existance of human and every living thing ,
how come the good and the bad

Posted: at 23-04-2011 04:35 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 23-04-2011 04:40 PM (13 years ago)
If I say i dont know, will you also answer truthfully?

So I ask you too...............How was the world made?
Posted: at 23-04-2011 04:40 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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