Resting this topic is not a good idea...........not until wrongs have been made right!!
The people initially known as christians as per biblical indoctrination are called Jews. They seem to have a history supported by the bible and nothing else,
"There is no reputable anthropologist who will not agree that Jewish racialism is as much
poppycock as Aryan racialism... Anthropological science divides mankind into three
recognised races: Negro, Mongolian and Oriental, and Caucasian or white (although some
authorities refer to a fourth race - the australoids)... Members of the Jewish faith are found
in all three races and subdivisions."
The point is, however, that within the Jewish faith and other cultures, is a race, a
hidden race operating undercover, which carries the bloodlines of the reptilian full-
bloods and crossbreeds. These bloodlines appear, on the surface, to be part of these
faiths and cultures when, in fact, they are there to imprison and manipulate. So it is with
the Levites. It gets even more farcical, and indicative of what a smokescreen world we
live in, when you realise that most people who call themselves Jewish today have no
genetic connection whatsoever to the land they call Israel. Yet it is this very connection
that was used to justify the imposition of a 'Jewish' homeland on the Arab peoples of
Palestine! Again, as Jewish writers such as Arthur Koestler have exposed, all except a
small minority of people who created and populated the State of Israel, originate
genetically in southern Russia, not Israel. The hooked nose which is considered so
'Jewish' is a genetic trait of southern Russia and the Caucasus, not Israel. In 740 AD, a
people called the Khazars had a mass conversion to Judaism. Koestler writes:
"The Khazars came not from Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the
Caucasus. Genetically they are more related to the Hun, Uigar and the Magyar than the
seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges
from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax that history has ever perpetrated." There are two main sub divisions of those who call themselves Jewish, the
Sephardim and the Ashkenazim. The Sephardim are the descendants of those who
lived in Spain from antiquity until the 15th century when they were expelled. The
Ashkenazim are the ancestors of the Khazars. In the 1960s, the Sephardim were
estimated to number some half a million, but the Ashkenazim numbered about
eleven million. These eleven million have absolutely no historical connection with
Israel whatsoever, but they are the ones who invaded Palestine and created the State
of Israel with the justification that 'God' promised them that land in the Old
Testament. Who wrote the Old Testament? Their priests, the Levites! And who wrote
the New Testament which created Christianity? People controlled by the same force
which controlled the Levites, the Babylonian Brotherhood.
The New Testament OK, a little quiz. Who am I talking about? He was born to a virgin by immaculate conception through the intervention of a holy
spirit. This fulfilled an ancient prophecy. When he was born the ruling tyrant wanted to kill
him. His parents had to flee to safety. All male children under the age of two were slain by
the ruler as he sought to kill the child. Angels and shepherds were at his birth and he was
given gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. He was worshipped as the saviour of men and
led a moral and humble life. He performed miracles which included healing the sick, giving
sight to the blind, casting out devils and raising the dead. He was put to death on the cross
between two thieves. He descended to hell and rose from the dead to ascend back to
Sounds exactly like Jesus doesn't it? But it's not. That is how they described the Eastern
saviour god known as Virishna 1,200 years before Jesus is claimed to have been born. If you
want a saviour god who died so our sins could be forgiven, take your pick from the ancient
world because there are a stream of them, all originating with the Aryan and reptile-Aryan
race that came out of the Near East and the Caucasus Mountains. Here are just some of the
'Son of God' heroes who play the lead role in stories which mirror those attributed to Jesus
and almost all were worshipped long before Jesus was even heard of;
Khrishna of Hindostan; Buddha Sakia of India; Salivahana of Bermuda; Osiris and Horus
of Egypt; Odin of Scandinavia; Crite of Chaldea; Zoroaster of Persia; Baal and Taut of
Phoenicia; Indra of Tibet; Bali of Afghanistan; Jao of Nepal; Wittoba of Bilingonese;
Tammuz of Syria and Babylon; Attis of Phrygia; Xamolxis of Thrace; Zoar of the
Bonzes; Adad of Assyria; Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam; Alcides of Thebes;
Mikado of the Sintoos; Beddru of Japan; Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillahm, of the Druids;
Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls; Cadmus of Greece; Hil and Feta of Mandaites; Gentaut
and Quetzalcoatl of Mexico; Universal Monarch of the Sibyls; Ischy of Formosa; Divine
Teacher of Plato; Holy One of Xaca; Fohi and Tien of China; Adonis, son of virgin lo, of
Greece; Ixion and Quirinus of Rome; Prometheus of the Caucasus; and Mohammed or
Mahomet, of Arabia.All but a few of those 'sons of God' or 'prophets', and the mind-prison religions founded
in their names, come from the very lands occupied or influenced by peoples emerging from
the Near East and the Caucasus. The lands of the Aryans and reptile-Aryans. Other ‘sons of
God’ included Mithra or Mithras, the pre-Christian Roman-Persian god, and in Greece and
Asia Minor they had Dionysus and Bacchus. These were sons of God who died so our sins
could be forgiven, born of a virgin mother, and their birthdays were on... December 25th!
Mithra was crucified, but raised from the dead on March 25th - Easter! Mithran initiations
took place in caves adorned with the signs of Capricorn and Cancer, symbolic of the winter
and summer solstices, the high and low points of the Sun. Mithra was often portrayed as
a winged lion, a symbol for the Sun still used by the secret societies today. References
to the lion and the ‘grip of the lion’s paw’ in the Master Mason Degree of Freemasonry
originate with this same stream of mystery school symbolism. Initiates into the rites of
Mithra were called lions and were marked on their foreheads with the Egyptian cross.
The first degree initiates had a golden crown placed on their heads, representing their
spiritual self, and this crown, symbolising the rays of the sun, can be found on the
Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour. All these rituals went back thousands of years
to Babylon and the stories of Nimrod, Queen Semiramis, and Tammuz, their version of
Jesus. Mithra was said to be the son (Sun) of god who died to save humanity and give
them eternal life. One classic symbol of Mithra was as a lion with a snake curled around
his body, while he holds the keys to heaven. This is more Nimrod symbolism and the
origin of the story of St Peter, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, holding the keys to heaven.
Peter was the name of the High Priest in the Babylon mystery school. After an initiate
of the Mithran cult had completed the ritual, the members had a meal of bread and wine
in which they believed they were eating the flesh of Mithra and drinking his blood.
Mithra, like a long list of pre-Christian gods, was said to have been visited by wise men
at his birth who brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The same was said
by Plato of his teacher, Socrates, in ancient Greece. Christianity is a Pagan sun religion,
the worship of which is condemned by Christianity! It is also an astrology religion, the
'evil' of which is condemned by Christianity, not least by the Pope! Beam me up Scotty,
it's mad down here. The church hierarchy, of course, know all this. They just don't want
you to know. The mystery cult of Mithra spread from Persia to the Roman Empire and
at one point this doctrine could be found in almost every part of Europe. The present
site of the Vatican in Rome was a sacred place for the followers of Mithra, and his
image and symbols have been found cut into rocks and stone tablets throughout the
western provinces of the former Roman domain, including Germany, France and
Britain. Christianity and the Roman Church were based on the Persian-Roman Sun god
called Mithra (Nimrod), who has an earlier equivalent in India called Mitra. Tammuz or
Adonis (Lord), who was revered in Babylonia and Syria, was said to have been born at
midnight on December 24th. These were also 'sons' of God.
Horus was the the 'son' of God in Egypt. He was derived from the Babylonian
Tammuz and, in turn, provided another blueprint for the later Jesus. The
connections are devastating for the credibility of the Christian Church: Jesus was
the Light of the World. Horus was the Light of the World. Jesus said he was the
way, the truth and the life. Horus said he was the truth, the life. Jesus was born in
Bethlehem, the 'house of bread'. Horus was born in Annu, the 'place of bread'.
Jesus was the Good Shepherd. Horus was the Good Shepherd. Seven fishers board a
boat with Jesus. Seven people board a boat with Horus. Jesus was the lamb. Horus
was the lamb. Jesus is identified with a cross. Horus is identified with a cross. Jesus
was baptised at 30. Horus was baptised at 30. Jesus was the child of a virgin, Mary.
Horus was the child of a virgin, Isis. The birth of Jesus was marked by a star. The
birth of Horus was marked by a star. Jesus was the child teacher in the temple. Horus
was the child teacher in the temple. Jesus had 12 disciples. Horus had 12 followers.
Jesus was the Morning Star. Horus was the Morning Star. Jesus was the Christ. Horus
was the Krst. Jesus was tempted on a mountain by Satan. Horus was tempted on a
mountain by Set.
Jesus is said to be the 'judge of the dead'. He has some competition there. This was
also said of the earlier Nimrod, Khrishna, Buddha, Ormuzd, Osiris, Aeacus and others.
Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. So was Khrishna, Buddha, Laokiun,
Bacchus, Zeus and others. Jesus is claimed to have performed miracles such as
healing the sick and raising people from the dead. So did Khrishna, Buddha, Zoroaster,
Bochia, Horus, Osiris, Serapis, Marduk, Bacchus, Hermes and others. Jesus was born
of royal blood. So was Buddha, Rama, Fo-hi, Horus, Hercules, Bacchus, Perseus and
others. Jesus was born to a virgin. So was Khrishna, Buddha, Lao-kiun or tsze,
Confusius, Horus, Ra, Zoroaster, Prometheus, Perseus, Apollo, Mercury, Baldur,
Quetzalcoatl and far too many others to mention. Jesus will, we are told, be born
again. The sky is going to be rather crowded because Khrishna, Vishnu, Buddha,
Quetzalcoatl and others, will also be there. The 'star' at the birth of
Jesus is another multideity story and goes back at least to the
Babylonian tale of Nimrod who, in a dream, saw a brilliant star
rising above the horizon. The soothsayers told him that this foretold
the birth of a child who would become a great prince.
It's all recycling. Jesus is a myth man.
The invented character of Jesus was a Sun god, symbolic of
God's 'Sun'... The Light of the World. This very phrase, Light of the
World, was used by the Aryan-Phoenicians to symbolise the 'one
true god' thousands of years before the alleged birth of Abraham, the
quite wrongly named creator of the one-god concept. They also
symbolised the one true god, the Sun, with the 'one true cross. The
Christians portray Jesus with a halo around his head and that's
exactly how the Phoenicians depicted the rays of the Sun around the
head of their Sun god, Bel or Bil. This can be seen on a Phoenician
stone dating to about the 4th centurv BC.
Posted: at 2-09-2011 09:31 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac |