haba khadijah. that's not correct. you don't have to call d dog a bad name only to hang it! JW's are doctors, police officers, scientists, business-admins... name it. except soldiers.
in simple terms, JW's adhere strictly to every biblical injunction. same for blood. They believe the Bible's command @ (Acts 15:28, 29) that Christians must "abstain from blood" anyone can contest this believe in whatever form. perhaps only one who's well rooted in medicine/surgery will give candid unbiased view about the issues concerned.
Posted: at 15-10-2008 09:57 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
lonelyzeal at 15-10-2008 02:37 PM (16 years ago) (m)
khadijah, it is a big lie that Jehovah's witnesses don't believe in hospital.they only don't believe in transfusing and donating blood which is against there belief and biblical injunction of respect for life and blood.come to think of it, all the implications and complications of blood transfusion,despite it being screened, people still get infected with Hiv and all other blood related illness.how safe is safe blood?use you head.
Posted: at 15-10-2008 02:37 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
lonelyzeal at 15-10-2008 02:48 PM (16 years ago) (m)
khadijah, it is a big lie that Jehovah's witnesses don't believe in hospital.They make use of every medical facility so long as it does not conflict with the principles laid down in the bible.that will mean committing suicide if you don't go to hospital and that is one crime that is not associated with the witnesses. They believe the Bible's command @ (Acts 15:28, 29) that Christians must "abstain from blood".come to think of all the complications of blood transfusion.people still get infected with infections through blood transfusion. so the question here is, "how safe is safe blood?"
Posted: at 15-10-2008 02:48 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
saffronsharon at 15-10-2008 04:05 PM (16 years ago) (m)
d answer is just explained in this bible portion(Acts 15:28, 29) that Christians must "abstain from blood". 4 their xtian faith which is strictly based on d bible,no body is compelled 2 adhere,rather d reverencial fear of GOD is wat will keep u from tinking otherwise. Jehovahs witnesses are down to earth a nice religion to belong. your spiritual life will be biult.and dat is 4all those who value spiritual tins. tanks am out.......................SAFFRON
Posted: at 15-10-2008 04:05 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
desmondmorgan at 16-10-2008 10:00 AM (16 years ago) (m)
hi everyone.when it comes to the question on Jehovah's witnesses and blood transfusion i think sharon and lonlyzeal has summed it all.They Jehovah's witnesses adhere to Bibles injunction,and the Bible as u all has been made to know warns us to abstain from Blood,be-cos its for our own benefits.how?1st and formost we don't want to disobey GOD,and 2nd it protects us from the deadly diseases that results from Blood transfusion.goodday
Posted: at 16-10-2008 10:00 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
joychinyere at 16-10-2008 04:50 PM (16 years ago) (f)
Quote from: Dejavu on 15-10-2008 09:57 AM
haba khadijah. that's not correct. you don't have to call d dog a bad name only to hang it! JW's are doctors, police officers, scientists, business-admins... name it. except soldiers.
in simple terms, JW's aays wedhere strictly to every biblical injunction. same for blood. They believe the Bible's command @ (Acts 15:28, 29) that Christians must "abstain from blood" anyone can contest this believe in whatever form. perhaps only one who's well rooted in medicine/surgery will give candid unbiased view about the issues concerned.
hey girl jehova witnesses are people whose minds have been trained and we adhere strictly to bible instuctions and principles and d bible in acts 15 vs 28 and 29 says we should abstain from blood,and whichever way u take blood into your system you are disobeying jehovas laws.so blood transfusion is agaisnt jehovas laws.one good thing is that jehovas laws for us are for our good and they are not burdensome the law on blood transfusion has exeited even in the time of the israelites long before HIV and other related diseases .keeping jehovas laws on blood keeps us clean even if we losse our life now we are sure of the life in paradise which is an everlasting life.thanks thou am off from work
Posted: at 16-10-2008 04:50 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
d answer is just explained in this bible portion(Acts 15:28, 29) that Christians must "abstain from blood". 4 their xtian faith which is strictly based on d bible,no body is compelled 2 adhere,rather d reverencial fear of GOD is wat will keep u from tinking otherwise. Jehovahs witnesses are down to earth a nice religion to belong. your spiritual life will be biult.and dat is 4all those who value spiritual tins. tanks am out.......................SAFFRON i think saffron said it all. .so this topic is over with.
Hi haters!! There will neva be another Kemp-if u search u will neva find.
Posted: at 17-10-2008 04:56 PM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Indeed Jehovah's Witnesses follow the bible and the bible said that we should abstain from blood. About blood saving lives when there's blood lost, I think dat is rubbish. Especially with all the complications that is involved in blood transfusion like has already been pointed out.
Remember, God is not a man that he should lie. Neither is his ways our ways. Thus, if he says don't do it; trust me its always best to listen to him. And that is wot Jehovah's Witnesses are doing.
Posted: at 17-10-2008 08:22 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
COOLTJAY at 18-10-2008 02:57 AM (16 years ago) (m)
Any one dat is saying dat JW's belief is not reasonable shud come out and gv instances of a case where s'one died Bcos he or she refused blood transfusion,..instead abt 3o% of pple wit HIV and some other deadly diseases would tell u dey contacted it from Blood transfusion, so i think Jehovah's law is perfect, is just dat we due to human imperfection seems not to understand dat. obeying Jehovah's command is d best way of life..so fellows abstain frm blood transfusion, it wud save ur life frm untimely death, even though u die in process of blood shortage, dere is hope of Resurrection for u to live forever...
Posted: at 18-10-2008 02:57 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
We should use our given brain to solve this, if Noble Bible z, we should abstain from blood, I think it's not all blood, the bible trying to tell us to go deeply in medicine to know conterminated from good one, they Jehovah misquote the bible by saying this.
Posted: at 18-10-2008 11:31 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
I think before u post a reply, try and get a better understandin by followin up the history of the discussion before u start jabbin. Without javin such knowledge, u r lost completely. Can u imagine ur response!!!! I'm so so disappointed... how misleadin.
Posted: at 19-10-2008 09:26 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
I'm not for rubbish, u just reading bible without any single understand, the topic is very important to me, i dont need to respond acording to wat all saying, "eniti koni ki fun eniyan" u can't give if u dont have, u people have nothing, i repeat nothing, so u r expecting to go astray like u, I read and well digested wat the topic is saying, u people misquote Bible due to ignorance, know God b4 u will start worshiping Him.
Posted: at 28-10-2008 08:29 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
The jehovah witnesses are misinformed about all their doctrines. They don't support blood transfusion and its very wrong. They need special help from God.
Posted: at 4-11-2008 03:06 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie