Jehovah witnesses and blood transfusion (Page 2)

Date: 13-10-2008 11:56 pm (16 years ago) | Author: King Samuel O Dguy
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- Jannee at 18-11-2008 09:50 PM (16 years ago)
I respect everyones religion doctrines and as well as life...............................

So if your own sister was having blood shortage and needed ur blood ..............wont you give
Posted: at 18-11-2008 09:50 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- daysolar at 6-12-2008 03:38 AM (16 years ago)
Quote from: dguy on 13-10-2008 11:56 PM
Is it true the real Jehova witnesses do not approve getting blood from donors? -- is so why?
It is TRUE. According to their Holy Scriptures say it's bad.
Posted: at 6-12-2008 03:38 AM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- democrazy at 11-12-2008 02:08 AM (16 years ago)
Charles Taze Russell started the jehovah witness. he was an ever will be a freemason. same freemason watch tower is what their symbol and bible is based on. There are several Masonic churches, like seventh day advents, church of mormur, scientology, even your catholic churches and a host of other anglican andmethodist churches. If you doubt what i say, thenwhy has your image of Jesus alway got the SUN on hi head, like the worshippers of the SUN. have you ever seen diagrams of pyramids or double cross in your churches or mosques, is there a sign of an all seeing eye. i mean the understanding that the anti-christ was that demon whose eyes was wounded in battle and so will have just 1 eye.
Posted: at 11-12-2008 02:08 AM (16 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- asakeade at 3-01-2009 05:18 PM (16 years ago)
if they can't accept blood transfusion it means that they are illiterates, lack of wisdom. or maybe they are following their religious procedure so u can't really blame them. Wink
Posted: at 3-01-2009 05:18 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- coretha at 3-01-2009 07:19 PM (16 years ago)
simply bcause its not proper
Posted: at 3-01-2009 07:19 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- tracey4turay at 3-01-2009 08:53 PM (16 years ago)
i am a jehovahs witness myself from belfast in northern ireland,i believe the bible and have had first hand experiance on how blood will affect a human being,it will make you iller than you were and as sick already you may not fight of the way your body reacts to this problem,i went to court to fight so my husband who was in a coma at the time didnt recieve it but the court didnt listen he got an infection and less that 1 and a half yrs later my husband was died so now all alone,
Posted: at 3-01-2009 08:53 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- coxdappa at 3-01-2009 11:37 PM (16 years ago)
Hello friends, since Jehovah is the source of life(Psalm 36:9),he alone determines how life should be because as a loving God all his laws in the Bible are for our own good and they are not burdensome(Isaiah 48:17-18;1 John 5:3)Thus from the beginning,he has stated that the life of every human is in his blood.Thus, in Genesis 9:3-4 the bible states:"Every moving animal that is alive may serve asfood for you.As in the case of green vegetable,i do give it all to you.Only with its soul-its blood-you must not eat".
Further more the importance of this law was brought to the fore again by Jehovah when he was giving the nation of Israel its law as could be read in Leviticus 17:11-16.
Again after the death of Christ when the issue of circumcission arose amongst the first century Christians and while putting the matter to rest,the issue of blood was also stated in Acts 15;28-29 thus:"The holy Spirit and we ourselves have favoured adding no further burden to you except these necessary things,to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication.if you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper,good health to you!"
Thus we can see that all thru human existence,Jehovah's law to abstain fro blood has never changed.Thus Jehovah's Witnesses value their life but not to the extent of disobeying Jehovah because disobeying Jehovah will only make us loose the life we are trying to save by taking in blood but our hope is also anchored on the fact that if we die due to the fact that we refuse blood trnsfusion in obeying Jehovah,our hope of ressurection is firm(Matthew 16:25)
Secondly, pls visit
Posted: at 3-01-2009 11:37 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Toks-E at 3-01-2009 11:40 PM (16 years ago)
Quote from: dguy on 13-10-2008 11:56 PM
Is it true the real Jehova witnesses do not approve getting blood from donors? -- is so why?

dunno.....but its just a sick and stupid idea

Posted: at 3-01-2009 11:40 PM (16 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Southome at 4-01-2009 03:39 AM (16 years ago)
How can u say Jehovah said we should search for a contaminated blood, and separate it from good one. During the time of Israelites, which lab will they use to do that?
Posted: at 4-01-2009 03:39 AM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- fez_566 at 5-01-2009 12:02 PM (16 years ago)
Aha, kadhijah you are a liar. some Jehovah witnesses are doctors. How come then that they will not believe in hospital? They make use of any medication prescribe by the doctors so far it is not go contrary to Gods commandment from the bible. They believe and put into use what they study from the bible. That command from the bible book of Act. 15;28-29 is what they uphold and that why they don't take or donate blood.
Posted: at 5-01-2009 12:02 PM (16 years ago) | Upcoming
- issaico4 at 5-01-2009 01:51 PM (16 years ago)
If any body why says it is a wrong idea then such one is saying that some of Gods law are not wise. Remember you can not and will never be as wise as the creator .
Posted: at 5-01-2009 01:51 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- faithosma at 5-01-2009 04:04 PM (16 years ago)
Jehovah's witnesses are just being realistic about what the bible say and i believe obeying Gods word is best for any human his laws are not burdensome so i see no reason y we should not obey God's word the bible. since it is for our own good. Huh?
Posted: at 5-01-2009 04:04 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- bomsleek at 5-01-2009 04:24 PM (16 years ago)
maybe they want 2 die early
Posted: at 5-01-2009 04:24 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- bonjour at 5-01-2009 05:32 PM (16 years ago)
Jehovah's Witnesses value life in a paradise new world more than life in the present system of things that is doomed for destruction.
Posted: at 5-01-2009 05:32 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- jerryonye at 5-01-2009 10:30 PM (16 years ago)
God commanded Noah to avoid Blood, God said that Blood is life, and the soul of every Aniaml or person is in their blood, and he is the giver of Life, God proved that Blood is sacred, and should be viewed as sacred, it si not for medication, the only blood that can our life is the Blood that Jesus poured out on the turture stake. Bible Clearly warned, Abstain from Blood.
Jehovah Loves us more than any doctor or any one.
Emeka, USA.
Hickory Hill Congregation.

Posted: at 5-01-2009 10:30 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- sexynigeriangal at 7-01-2009 03:50 PM (16 years ago)
That what they have been taught and that what they should belief. so lets leave them to their belief.
Posted: at 7-01-2009 03:50 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Victorwaves at 27-01-2009 03:01 PM (16 years ago)
Whichever one chooses to believe in, at every point in time, save a soul first if its in a critical condition b4 u start talking about wheter they beliv in it or not. Its a matter of LIFE and not d other way round.
Posted: at 27-01-2009 03:01 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- kayus73 at 28-01-2009 01:03 PM (16 years ago)
Jehovah witness are a group of confussed people. The ideal of blood transfusson is extorted from their own view.
Posted: at 28-01-2009 01:03 PM (16 years ago) | Newbie
- Plato76 at 20-02-2009 03:23 PM (15 years ago)
i read lonelyzeal talking about "how safe is safe blood?" is it also the question of safety or pure biblical info? i think biblical info is what we all make use of and if the bible says "abstain from blood" Acts 15:28,29 is it referring also to a medical procedure which would come to exist as blood transfusion? i dont see how "abstain from blood" could mean the same as do not accept blood transfusion when blood as we know it in both spiritual and scientific realms to carry life. that is why killing could also be expressed as taking life. i accept it as WRONG that JW's do not believe in hospital; that would be unreasonably thoughtless of anyone to say that. so i think talking about the safety of blood available for donation to dying patients especially on emergency is a topic different from Acts 15:28,29 and the passage is talking strictly about the consumption of blood as food rather than as a medical solution. thank you.
Posted: at 20-02-2009 03:23 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- Recoverd at 8-03-2009 04:23 PM (15 years ago)
Had a STRICT JW nebor last yr wh was criticaly ill n was admitd, doc says he nided lots of blood badly bt he n hs family oposd 2it. My pple, wen d man saw death face2face he screamd n cald d doc hm self requestin 4d blood. TODAY HS WHOLE AGAIN BT NOW A PENTECOSTAL. 
Posted: at 8-03-2009 04:23 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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