Teaching, them is the content of such interactive human relationship designed to promote behaviourable change since one of the major objectives of education is to produce good and useful citizens in the society. The important of teachers and teaching cannot be over emphasized. The importance of teaching lies in the fact that, it is a process where by the various educational programmes are translated into action at the classroom. This today through teaching, the teacher decides what kind of people or to be more specific, kind of person we shall be. Teaching as a processed will make a nation in as effort at social economic and political development; attain desire goals which depends on the efficiency and determination of teacher. It is important to known at this point who is a teacher.
In all societies of the world, it is a known fact that education starts in the house or rather from the home, children learn to speak and to do things by imitating their parents, relations, peers etc during early days this process of socialization was done by several people who had no formal training. However, as a society become complex, interogenous and specialized, the need for formal education or training arose. Children writer introduced to formal education under the care and tutelage of a specialized personnel whose training and duties are to inculcate in the young child value norms rules and all standard of the society is into exist this personnel. Is the teacher.
Understand the importance of teaching in the development of individuals it is pertinent to examine the place of the teacher. This study therefore is to examine the role of of teachers in the upbringing of students. In this study the factors responsible for the continuous participation of teachers in the task of teaching will all be looked into. This study therefore looks at problems-what are the roles of teachers in the upbringing of students: consequently the following research questions are set for answering in this study.
What are the possible roles of government in the teacher education scheme?
To what extent have private school actually affected teaching and learning process in teacher education.
What are actually the contribution of both private and public school in the teaching and learning process?
EDITOR'S SOURCE: Research Ideas For Final Year Students
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