Eniola Badmus Sparks Mixed Reactions as She Shows Off The Interior of Her House (VID)

Date: 23-04-2024 8:25 pm (6 months ago) | Author: kacy lee
- at 23-04-2024 08:25 PM (6 months ago)

Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus has left many drooling as she shows off the interior of her house.

Taking to her Instagram page, Eniola shared photos of her sitting room, which is no doubt breathtaking.

The interior of her sitting room is white exquisite and looks so comfy.

Calling it her dwelling place, Eniola revealed that she was the one who designed the home with the help of HNK interiors.

“My Dwelling place….

Interior by @eniola_badmus

Furniture by @hnk_interiors @hnk_interiors”.

See some comments from her fans below,

Moyo Lawal wrote, “Soo fine

Funmi Awelewa wrote, “Ibu Owo Badosky

Glitters Touch Makeovers wrote, “I dey come next week Sha

One Kuwait Kuwait wrote, “So beautiful just like u ma’am!! I want to be ur roommate madam

One Lolade Okusanya wrote, “I’m bringing my box over big sis. Wanna pay you a small visit for 12 years before I go home

One Betty Butter wrote, “My dream house. Ma incase u need to change the tiers to a wooden floor, my brother is into interiors

One Sandy 0028000 wrote, “Do u want a roommate ma?? Such a beautiful place

One Dikoly 1010 wrote, “Na only you they stay?

One Jerry Ebune wrote, “I am the kind of man you need. I no go stress you at all

One Shewa of Lagos wrote, “Our dwelling palace. I’m coming to spend a week”.

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Posted: at 23-04-2024 08:25 PM (6 months ago) | Addicted Hero
- gogoman at 23-04-2024 08:31 PM (6 months ago)
Home girl living well  Cool Cool Cool
Posted: at 23-04-2024 08:31 PM (6 months ago) | Grande Master
- fineboy77 at 23-04-2024 09:08 PM (6 months ago)
Online (m)
 Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Posted: at 23-04-2024 09:08 PM (6 months ago) | Addicted Hero
- KDoinspire at 23-04-2024 09:30 PM (6 months ago)
Why is the living room looking so tacky?
Posted: at 23-04-2024 09:30 PM (6 months ago) | Gistmaniac


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