Arabs have a long history of treating black Africans badly. It's been estimated that up to 18 million black Africans were enslaved by Arab traders between the years between 650 and 1900. In fact, it still takes place, especially in places like the Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Mauritania.
Now is the turn of Blacks in Libya, especially Nigerians, they are been killed everyday in droves by the so called Rebel fighters, Europe & America will never say anything, all they want is for oil to start flowing back to the shore, I pity my Nigerians brothers and sisters still in Libya. Libya is a quick route where most Nigerians take to Italy
See the video below for yourself: This is bad time to be a black man in Libya
This really goes to show that The Nigerian Government does not care about its people having quickly declared support for the Rebels killing Blacks in the name of Freedom.
Posted: at 31-08-2011 10:19 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
michealbustha at 31-08-2011 10:50 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Posted: at 31-08-2011 10:50 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
Arab don't like black african even without war let alone when there is war. What are you still doing in Libya? Where were they when the government was evacuating Nigerians? I guess they stayed back thinking it will open the route to Europe. Now they can enter europe and can't go back home. Some people take risk for nothing. Lock yourselves indoors and look for ways to go back to Nigeria.
Posted: at 31-08-2011 11:02 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
foukidrem at 31-08-2011 11:16 PM (13 years ago) (m)
libya is the short root to go to italy not for stay so i wonder what Nigerians who live there are doin and i don't believe there is work in libya, is not a ground for hustlin they are wicked people especially to blacks...
Posted: at 31-08-2011 11:16 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
sammy999 at 31-08-2011 11:41 PM (13 years ago) (m)
libya has a reputation of being hostile to nigerians. the stupid and greedy western media wont show you the atrocities committed by the rebel rather they focus on that of the pro-ghadaffi forces. i hope this rebel they are supporting now later turn and stab them in the back just like al-queada did it really sad that our nigerian brothers will risk their lives just to get to italy not regarding the fact that libya is a warzone. it has been rumored that ghadaffi pays his foreign mercenaries as much as 2500 dollars a day and these mercenaries are there to kill the rebels so therefore they should expect a similar treatment from the rebels when caught. the government made provisions to evacuate all nigerians in libya so anyone who remains there does so at his/her own risk.
Posted: at 31-08-2011 11:41 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
i dont know what nigeria goverment is all about, every time some one will come out and pomise us that when he become a president he will do this and that, but when they are there the will only behave like the others, shame on those that calld them selfs nigerian goverment, all of u are the same. god wil punish all of u one by one. look at how this arab are doing to nigeria that are going out to look for a bater life, a life the can not find in nigeria. i dont blem those that bring out there time to cast there vote on a goverment that another country is use to bater there own country.
Posted: at 1-09-2011 12:03 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
i dont know what nigeria goverment is all about, every time some one will come out and pomise us that when he become a president he will do this and that, but when they are there the will only behave like the others, shame on those that calld them selfs nigerian goverment, all of u are the same. God wil punish all of u one by one. look at how this arab are doing to nigerias that are going out to look for a bater life, a life they can not find in nigeria. i dont blem those that bring out there time to cast there vote on a goverment that another country is use to bater there own country.
Posted: at 1-09-2011 12:10 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
I think this is the best time to pray 4 our brothers over there,every one wants a better life...............we nigerians are very homely to forieners, i wonder why we are not paid back in our own coin................God have mercy
Posted: at 1-09-2011 12:36 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
I am not surprised to hear this but shocked by the extent of killings. They are murdering Africans in Libya right now especially Nigerians and that phyuk face Goodluck Jonathan was very quick to recognize these killers. Arabs never liked black Africans but Libyans are not Arabs. We saw when this fudge called revolution started how they picked on non-Libyans. Where is the President of Nigeria? Where are the so called leaders of Nigerian? I pray that African Union will not recognize NTC government. We all know they are agents of the west. Those of you that believe that the only way Africans can make it in life is by accepting the ways and aligning with Europeans will be so disappointed after watching this video. Why don't Africans have their own TV stations and international newspapers to cover the atrocities the Europeans and their allies are inflicting on Africans and use their medias to cover up. We all know now that western medias are spy agents of western governments and UN. Long live Gaddafi and I hope you can find your way back to finish off those eastern rebels and their imperialist masters in Europe and America. As for Obama, don't worry! Robert Mugabe is still in charge and where are Tony Blair and Gordon Brown? Gaddafi will still be around after your dry ass has long gone.
Posted: at 1-09-2011 12:40 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming