kebella at 20-10-2011 05:41 PM (13 years ago) (f) REST IN TORTURE QADDAFI..WELCOME TO HELL MURDER WE VE BOOKED A SPECIAL PLACE FOR YOU. hehhe atrum dey vex
my name is kebella ........yu already no that ...heheh...if yu wanna smell what kebella is cooking........bring it up!! Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:41 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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kebella at 20-10-2011 05:44 PM (13 years ago) (f) He started like a hero and ended like a common criminal
he died lik a common criminal :'(
my name is kebella ........yu already no that ...heheh...if yu wanna smell what kebella is cooking........bring it up!! Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:44 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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LEONE at 20-10-2011 05:45 PM (13 years ago) (m) It is only death that can satisfy humans,after acquiring all then looses his soul. Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:45 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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olao0412 at 20-10-2011 05:46 PM (13 years ago) (f) hmmmhmmm!! America is always the bad guy. Well at least when they captured/killed you know who ,they did not ridicule his dead body this way. Really! do they have to drag his dead body as such, and overkill his already dead body. Dont know why we disrespect each other like this, and expect foreign countries to respect us. Which ever way that's someones father, grandfather and so on. Let God be the judge!! Africa its time to build not destroy!! Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:46 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Ann4Best at 20-10-2011 05:47 PM (13 years ago) (f) at last! Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:47 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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If it is true may his soul rest in hell fire Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:54 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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I hope say na him saaa.. Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:55 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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kelvinty at 20-10-2011 05:56 PM (13 years ago) (m) presidency is not fo ever but he wanted to rule fo ever,som people here are sayin he is a hero,i beg most of nigerians hunger nor de let them think clear again Posted: at 20-10-2011 05:56 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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interpo77 at 20-10-2011 06:04 PM (13 years ago) (m) i tot he pulled headed burst,he died no heroe, how can moammar gadgfi went and dulge under a sewage hormigon platform he died exactly as coward, just like toy Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:04 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Neophil at 20-10-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago) (m) He who kill by sword will surely die by sword...rotten in hell Blood sucking demon ... Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:07 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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kebella at 20-10-2011 06:09 PM (13 years ago) (f) For all i care Gaddafi is beta than any of this our so called bloody politicians, he has never done or cheated Libya before and all he was trying to conduct was to stop corruption in Libya such as the bad eggs like terrorist and rebels. Now lets talk about our own leaders, Gaddafi has done so much for God to grant him a peaceful home where ever he is now....but who am i to judge, people like obansanjo and other bad politicians are evil men, they don't even have the power to stand NATO or USA Army but Baba Gaddafi did....... Non Sense Nigerian Government....Thief, Ole, barawo onyesi 
my name is kebella ........yu already no that ...heheh...if yu wanna smell what kebella is cooking........bring it up!! Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:09 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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Mj10 at 20-10-2011 06:19 PM (13 years ago) (m) Death at the funeral. R.I.P. Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:19 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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ashimole at 20-10-2011 06:25 PM (13 years ago) (m) ok, just paasing... Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:25 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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kebella at 20-10-2011 06:25 PM (13 years ago) (f) ok
my name is kebella ........yu already no that ...heheh...if yu wanna smell what kebella is cooking........bring it up!! Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:25 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero | |
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He fought galantly like a soldier, no retreat no surrender.............RIP Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:31 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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colenzo at 20-10-2011 06:45 PM (13 years ago) (m) the west and their dictatorship another situation of Iraq next will be oil for food I have a question?when will it be ,when the african leaders will stand on their ground to say enough is enough ,when there is War in a country the westerners are the beneficiaries when will this change?
Support me... If you don't understand me don't write about me Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:45 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Africans be wise & do not be manipulated by the brainwash system of the western world. They are sucked in debt & the only way to mastermind us is to use us against each other, destroyed our country in war & profit of our natural resources. Fine, Gaddafi stayed more than expected, but should this be the only way to end it up? After all Napoleon & others ruled for so many years without been questioned. To destroy is easy, but to rebuild is another one. Be careful of the western world for a second slave trade is coming!
Take a look on their faces when you own a car or a house? Is a kind of, HOW COME? Because they always feel, they are better than you are & you do not have the right to own such luxuries. Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:47 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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He fought galantly like a soldier, no retreat no surrender.............RIP
And at the end of the day NO VICTORY OOO.....  Listen, let us learn from these people who were born to be great leaders in the earth. There lives AND deaths are a lesson to us all! Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:48 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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timcee52 at 20-10-2011 06:56 PM (13 years ago) (m) as them don kill am, and him don die now....after them burying wetin go happen next? Abeg USA/NATO we no want IRAQ kain tin hia 'o' Posted: at 20-10-2011 06:56 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie | |
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prosperos at 20-10-2011 07:07 PM (13 years ago) (m) why would they kill him he is innocent lols Posted: at 20-10-2011 07:07 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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